Naru's vision became quite a blur before finally adjusting and returning to it's perfect 20/20. It was the first time he did a long run psychometry and not faint while at it. Little peeks of the past don't take much of his psychic energy but a whole vision usually takes a toll on his body as much as using quarter of his PK, which is, in any case still not good. Of course Lin still stood close by waiting for Naru to break down and fall but raw energy mixed with a hint of rage is now burning in his veins, keeping him awake and very much alive. It pained him how he saw it all happen and was not able to do something about it.

"What happened? Did you see anything? What about Mai? What—" Ayako burst out the moment Naru emerged from his subconscious.

"Calm down Ayako, he still needs to rest for a bit. You know what happened back in our restaurant case right?" Bou-san chided.

Lin led Naru outside and everyone else soon followed.

"What did you see Naru?" Lin finally asked.

"The blood," Naru said between deep breaths,"It wasn't Mai's." A collective sigh of relief was heard.

"But she was taken away by a man named Kail. Lin, take Madoka and call Yasuhara, find everything you can about a group or cult or whatever it is that is named 'Noblesse'. I'm calling Luella and Martin, I'm pretty sure this doesn't only concern affairs within Japan. Noblesse doesn't sound Japanese does it?"

"Alright." Lin replied, "But be sure to rest your body for quite some time. Madoka?"

"Yes." She replied. "On it." And proceeded to call the said person.

"Yasu can take care of searching in the internet he can use my spare laptop in the office." Lin said.

When Yasuhara picked up, Madoka went straight into details and Yasu accepted the job.

"Of course," Yasuhara replied. "I also have all numbers except Lin-san's and Shibuya-san's."

Madoka proceeded to give the numbers and continued on with her instructions.

"Madoka and I will be searching on SPR's archive through the database." Lin added.

"We can stay on my flat, I'm sure my home computer could handle it." Madoka while now closing her phone and Lin nodded.

"What about us?" Bou-san interjected.

"Obviously, you're not that needed. Take Ayako to the hospital for mild stress treatment, she'll be needing her energy in the near future." Naru replied but that didn't sound right to him.

Bou-san reached for Naru's collar and yanked.

"You can't always do this to us! We've been through enough! You can't expect us to be sit still until you guys find something. Haven't you learned something while you were away?! Mai is important to us as much as it is to you!"

Lin touched Bou-san on his shoulder and shook his head and gave crooked smile to his ward.

"Houshou, we all know Naru's… sentence issues will never change. What he meant was you and Ayako needs to be in top shape in case we find something and will need to travel."

"That's true," Masako added. "Ayako doesn't really look like she can handle long travels at her state right now. I'll accompany you for the time being for I am also not needed in the fact finding part of this case."

With that Bou-san released his grip on Naru and ruffled his hair.

"You could've said it in a better way Naru-bou, sorry if I over reacted, you know.. stress piling up."

"You've never thought the day would come that you could ruffle Oliver Davis' hair and walk away with it did you? It's your lucky day." Then Naru walked to the van and left Bou-san gaping forcing chuckles from the other SPR members despite the problems they were facing.

"When did he learn how to joke?" Bou-san added.

"No idea, he just wanted to prove you wrong—he did learn something." Madoka said.

"I think its side effect of tea-deprivation." Lin interjected.

"More like Mai-deprivation." Masako added.

"Agreed. That was my guess too." Ayako said as a finale.

Everyone almost sighed at the mention of Mai. It only proved how she affected their lives, even the cold hearted narcissist's heart was melted, more so in theirs.

"That reminds me, was John informed on all of these?" Ayako suddenly remembered.

"Yes, I've been calling him." Masako said, blushing and Ayako couldn't help but smile warmly at her. If Mai wasn't missing right now, the toughest problem they'll face might be about Masako and the priest's relationship.

"Let's get going." They hear Naru say from the van. They proceeded to their own rides—the same set up as they did the first time. And they part their ways, hoping to do their part perfectly so that their beloved friend can be back unharmed.


This chapter is for the following people who looks forward to dec. 20.. XD

thearistocrat , Chrysanthia-Sunshine , icestar123, Treelow955, Rhiannonlee93, WhisperToTheWolves, .23 ..

Did anyone notice John wasn't on the first 7 chapters?! XD I just noticed.. haha XD