Okay, first of all, I KNOW I am a mean fucker, and I know you should all hate me. But I didn't feel comfortable at all with the last few chapters, so I deleted them. There, I said it. Hate me.

And I know I have been gone so long I deserve to be drowned in honey, which is not nice, by the way, considering I am allergic to the stuff. But I had an awful case of writers block. Honest.

I am so glad I am able to write again, you have no idea! Or maybe you have. Hm.
Well, here is a new Chapter 20. I hope you like it and that you don't hate me to much for removing the last chapters.

I do not own the Harry Potter series, I just borrow her characters and play around with them for a while, which I must admit, is pretty damn fun.

- Neko



She was floating on her back. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was beginning to speed up. The water she was floating in was warm and thick, and somehow it didn't feel like water at all.

No... this wasn't right.

Water wasn't supposed to feel like this, nor was it supposed to smell so deliciously tempting. She was fairly sure water wasn't supposed to make her tummy rumble either.


Her eyes flew open and she tried to sit up, but to no avail. She lifted her wet arm and with a muffled scream she saw it was covered in blood.

She was floating in blood.

She tried to scream, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a silent whimper.
She turned her head, only to squeeze her eyes shut and begging whatever gods that might be listening for the image she had seen not to be true.

Blaise, Draco, Theo and her Dad. All floating along with her. But not all of them.

Just their heads.

She could feel the tears running down her blood stained face.

She somehow knew how they had all ended up like that.

She just knew even if she begged she didn't.

Because she knew she had done it.

She had killed and maimed everyone she had ever loved.

"How could you do this to your friends, Ida?! Your father! They all loved you and you KILLED them. You don't deserve to even look at them anymore, you wretched little DEMON!"

She squeezed her eyes shut once more, trying to block out the sound of Sinclair's angry voice. He had called her a Demon, and not in a good way, like her daddy used to.
Her daddy was dead.

No, no, no!


"No! Noo! NO!" Ida screamed as she abruptly sat up in bed. She panted heavily and tears were running down her face. She used the sleeve of her pajamas to wipe sweat of her forehead. Sweat, she reminded herself, not blood.

"What on earth, girl! what's the meaning of... Ida? Ida! What happened?"

Sinclair's offended tone became one of concern once he saw his Ida in such distress. He slithered up to her and snuggled his head against her tear stained cheek.

"S... Sinclair..." Ida whispered with a sob.

"Yes, little human, I'm here." Sinclair said in what he hoped was a reassuring tone.

"D- Daddy, I want daddy..." Ida sobbed. The strange thing was that she didn't look at him, she stared with empty, red eyes into... well, nothing. That made Sinclair even more concerned.

"Okay, little one, I'll get your father, okay? Just stay right here..."

Sinclair looked at Ida once more, before slithering down on the cold floor and moving in lightning speed out the door and towards Sirius' bedroom.

Lucky for him, Sirius' had made a habit of sleeping with his door slightly open, so it wasn't a problem for Sinclair to get in.

Now... how was he going to wake the sleeping human who slept through earthquakes?
Sinclair slithered up in Sirius' bed and tried to block out the mans loud snoring. A man who could sleep though earthquakes and make his own just by snoring. If Sinclair had more time, he would have rolled his eyes.

But he didn't have time, he had to wake this man and get him to Ida, and soon. He wasn't sure what she would do if he wasn't quick enough.

So Sinclair grabbed Sirius but the sleeve of his shirt and dragged as hard as he could, he used muscles he didn't even know existed in a snakes body, and he was pretty sure his teeth were about to be ripped out of his mouth because he dragged so hard.
He didn't exactly know how he did it, but somehow he managed, with one very hard last drag, to send Sirius' crashing down from his bed.

Unfortunately he landed right on top of Sinclair.

He let out a loud hiss of pain.

Sirius was quick on his feet and he looked around the room, thinking the Ashwinders had pranked him again, no on messed with a Black and their beauty sleep!

But to his surprise, there was no one in the room, at least he thought so until he heard a loud hissing noise from the floor.

"Sinclair?" He mumbled confused.

The black cobra tugged on his pants leg and gestured the best he could for Sirius to follow him. And Sirius did.

He followed the snake though the hallway and all the way to Ida's door. That was when he started to get scared. Had something happened to his little girl? Sirius swallowed and tried to calm himself, but to no avail.

He opened the door to his daughters room only to find her staring blankly into the air.

"Ida?" He asked softly.

No response.

"Ida?" He tried again, his heart quickening it's pace.

"Little Demon, please look at me."

Ida turned her head slowly and looked at her father with those big, ocean blue eyes of hers. Then tears began filling her eyes again and she cracked.

She threw herself into her fathers arms and sobbed loudly. Sirius was so surprised he almost fell over, but he quickly recovered and held his daughter tight.

"Dear, dear, little Demon, it okay, Daddy's here. Daddy's here."

He stroked her back and spoke softly into her hair. Ida's sobs turned into small sniffs and finally she looked up at him, her eyes red from the tears.

"I- I was so... so scared daddy!" She said, her voice quivering.

"Shh, I know, sweetie, I know." Sirius said soothingly.

"Y- You were all... dead, I k- k- killed you!" Ida said and more tears ran down her face.
Sinclair, seeing his Ida in distress, climbed up on the bed and snuggled into her lap, trying his best to help her get over her night terror.

"It was just a dream, sweetie, you know that, right?" Sirius asked as he ran his fingers through her short hair.

She nodded into his robes and sniffed once more.

"D- Daddy?"


"Do you... do you think you could turn into Padfoot and sleep in here with me? J-just for tonight?" Ida asked as she looked up at smiled warmly at her.

"Now, Ida Lenore Black, what father would I be if I didn't?"


When Ida awoke the next morning, she looked down on the side of the bed, to see her father sleeping in his Padfoot form. That made her smile. It had been quite a terrible dream and it had left her shaky and afraid.

Eventually though, she had been able to fall asleep again.

She swung her legs on to the floor, carefully though, to not wake her dad or Sinclair. She smiled again, Sinclair had been so nice last night. She stroked his dark scales lovingly as she made her way down to the kitchen for something to eat.

As she arrived to the kitchen, she could see Theo sitting by the table, a bowl of cereal in front of him and a book in his hand, but the strange thing was that he was't alone, Uncle Moony was sitting with him, he too, with a book in hand.

Ida rolled her eyes at the image, thinking the two of them was much to alike for their own good. She didn't know Remus had slept over though, but she was happy he did. She was always happy to spend time with Uncle Moony.

Ida decided to make her presence known.

"I guys, up so early?" She said loudly, walking into the kitchen with a grin. Both Theo and Remus jumped by the unexpected sound. Ida chuckled.

"You know me, Bloodsnout, I'm always up this early." The commented as he gave her a small smile.

"Yes, and me. Early bird get's the worm." Remus smiled, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah... the bookworm." Ida mumbled and Remus almost snorted into his coffee.

"We, I understand, but why are you up so early, cub?"

"Are you kidding?" Ida said in mock shock, "Today we're all going to Hogwarts again! As Second years! We're not firsties anymore!"

"Ah, of course of course." Remus grinned. He had already talked to Theo about the same thing, and he was just as exited as Ida, though a little more discreet about it.

"So what do you look most forward to, then?" Remus asked them both with a warm smile.

"New subjects." Theo said.

"Pranking the daylight out of everyone." Ida said.

"Yes, and that." Theo added with a nod. He was an Ashwinder after all!

Remus laughed as he ruffled Ida's hair. "Go easy on them though."

Ida's eyes widened. "You're joking!"

"Of course I am, cub. Give 'em hell!"


So that was it. I expect I will be posting more frequently now. Or at least I hope so. Eh. Thanks for reading, you are amazing if you have stayed with me all this time. Hugs.