(AN: 1 galleon= £50)

'Hurry up Harry, or we will hit the rush.' Today was the first day that Sirius had got up before seven since he left school. He wanted to make the day as special as possible, but his godson wasn't making that very easy by not hurrying up.

'Ok Uncle Padfoot, I'm just coming!' harry shouted back down the stairs after his godfathers comment. Harry had just finished off making a tailored wizards robe for himself, with his staff shrunken and hidden in a pre-made pocket in the folds of his robes. The robes were sapphire blue with sea green trimming and gold embroidery on his left sleeve of a fire phoenix and silver embroidery on his right sleeve of an ice phoenix , but both of them were enchanted to be able to move around independently on their respective sides of the clothing.

As Sirius caught sight of Harry's robes he was dumb-struck, how could a six year old kid create something like that, even some of the finest tailors in London had trouble making such high quality garments.

'…You made that Harry?' Sirius asked faintly gesturing to Harry's robes. Harry looked down and blushed at his godfathers reaction to his robes, which the materials had cost him the remainder of the money that Sirius sent over.

Having never received a reaction such as this from anyone in his life Harry acted on instinct and highly embarrassed he dragged his godfather over to the grate saying;

'Can we go please Uncle Padfoot, as you said, it's best to beat the rush.' Harry repeated the words which his godfather had said earlier to affirm his point. Nodding in agreement Sirius pulled Harry into the fire (already set up as a floo) and walked out into the leaky cauldron.

Eyes drew towards them as the two regal looking figures emerged out of the grate that was linked to the Potter manor, probably fame seekers hoping to catch a glimpse of their child hero, but instead seeing Lord Black, a close friend of Lord Potter but whom had been absent for a good number of years emerge with a boy who looked around the hero's age except much more mature and with a regal setting. However the mystery is that they had never seen the boy before, although he looked similar to Lord Black, Lord Black had never announced havin an heir.

Harry walked forward through the crowd ignoring staring eyes and out through the back of the pub. Harry opened up the gateway with a swish of his hand, displaying his ease at wandless magic to the now gaping crowd, who could just see through the gap in the door which lead to the courtyard that housed the Diagon alley entrance. They walked forward still stiff backed and straight faced until the gateway closed behind them, at which point they broke out in hysterical laughter at the look on the faces of the majority of the people who were in the leaky cauldron, to the amusement of the people observing in Diagon alley. When their laughter had broken down to occational snickers Harry asked;

'Right then, can we go to Gringotts first Padfoot? You promised me that I could do the inheritance test, to see if I am entitled to anything, and of course to get money for shopping.' Breaking down to laughter again at the complete change in Harry; Sirius followed after the soon to be six year old (who almost always acted at least thrice his age.) with a grin knowing that Hogwarts was going to have it's work cut out this year and for the next seven years to come with Harry on the scene.

'Come on Sirius, hurry up!' Harry was literally bouncing with excitement of the prospect of going to Gringotts.

'Okay, Okay, I'm coming. Just watching out for the old knees you know.' Harry shock his head at his godfathers antics and physically dragged him at double speed to the bank.

As Harry drew towards the bank he felt a sensation drawing him towards the steps, something that he had felt once before with the runes on the paintings in the library. Those runes had told him everything that the runes had picked up over their lifetimes which ranged from languages to the inner thoughts of family members, namely the ones who occupied the frames. Harry dropped to the ground ignoreing stares from on lookers and his god father who's eyes seemed to ask, 'what are you doing?', although after about half a minute he sat down on the steps beside me to try and make it look to on lookers as if they were stopping there for a break.

Harry looked at the steps in awe at the information that the runes had picked up over the years seemingly lost spells and languages of speices never taught to outsiders such as that of the centaurs who had frequented the bank in the 13th century before wizards started segregating species. He was even taught abilities such as aura sight and beast speeking.

Sirius looked at his god son questioningly, still in awe at the information that the runes were giving him he just shook his head and gestured towards the doors of the bank

'Shall we go?' Sirius followed Harry into the bank, wondering what had happened to his godson; Sirius shock his head to attempt to rid himself of a bad feeling that came over him.

Harry's head was zinging from all the information about everything that had just been inserted into his brain, he now knew three hundred languages and everything about most magic's- excluding potions, none of which had been carried out within a hundred metre radius of the runes except the measuring out and the chemical reactions of potion ingrediants all of which had been carries out in the apothicary. With this new information Harry walked over to one of the more insignificant looking Goblins and bowed very low towards him the spoke in gobbledegook.

'*Good Morning chief of all goblins, I salute your place of stature.*' The goblins seemed shocked though at whether it was due to the fact that harry spoke their language or knew who he was, or both.

'*Good Morning to you young sorcerer.*' The goblins drawled looking at his staff. '*What is it that you wish from us this beautiful morning.*' Sirius had seen the Goblin that Harry was talking to recognising him he quickly ran over.

'*Ragnok!* My old friend how are you.' The Goblin laughed.

'Hello Puppy, you have grown up since I last saw you. Is this young lad your charge' Sirius explained to him Harry's situation in hushed English. Ragnok nodded looking warily at Harry before he lead them through door behind the tellers desks into a large back room.

'Here we go goblin friends, I will just send someone to withdraw the money from your bank Puppy. For you young sorcerer I have all the equipment needed just here for your inheritance test. Do you want it to include an abilities test as well?' Harry nodded, wandering what new skills he had picked up from the runes, he anticipated a large amount due to the fact that his head was still ringing from information he had yet to sort through, fortunately he had learned Gobbledegook previously from an ancestor's painting.

'*Yes please Ragnok.*' Ragnok nodded and pulled out a piece of parchment with runes engraved round the border .

'*Ok please can you drop three drops of blood on the parchment, then wait for the magic to unfold.*' Harry giggled at the last bit but did as he was told. The parchment upon revealing said

Harrison James Charles Potter

Mother: Lady Lily Potter

Father: Lord James Potter

Magical Lord- Emrys, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor.

Blood Lord- Peverell-father. Everal-mother

1st Heir- Potter, Black, Malfoy- illegitimate current lord.

Vaults- 1,3-17, 177, 653, 677-trust, 764-trust, 999-trust

Monetary Value-

Total(not including trust funds):estimated 7 523 620 189 845 galleons +heirlooms

Trust funds= 249 galleon's and 1knut per month



12 castle's-all in statis

14 houses-all with tenants

1 island- magically populated

14 dangerous beast enclosures –in Scottish highlands+ dangerous beasts(Dragons)-all rare species-in statis


¼ Hogwarts castle-school

Slytherin castle-in statis

13 houses-with tenants

¼ Gringotts –in use

Forbidden forest mansion-in statis

Seats in Wingmot- Merlin's seat(power to override the whole council)


¼ Hogwarts castle- school

Ravenclaw Castle- in statis

299 house's-with tenants

¼ Gringotts

Seats in Wingmot-founder's seat (all four can override the council)


¼ Hogwarts castle- school

Hufflepuff castle-museum

10 houses- with tenants

Seats in Wingmot-founder's seat (all four can override the council)


¼ Hogwarts castle- school

Gryffindor castle- in statis

1/8 Gringotts

Seats in Wingmot-founder's seat (all four can override the council)


Godric's hollow- in use

Three brother's cottage+ river pass

1/8 Gringotts

Wandmaker's emporium with rare materials (knockturn alley)

Seats in Wingmot- Brother's seat(one of three, each one can override the council independently)


Everal mansion

5 holiday houses- no tenants-in statis

Seats in Wingmot- 5

Magical Creatures-

Family Bonded-

2 ice phoenix's – mated-thought to be extinct=Emrys

2 fire phoenix's- mated- only three known=Emrys

2 shadow phoenix's-mated-thought to be extinct=Emrys

2 light phoenix's –mated –thought to be extinct=Emrys

2 earth phoenix's-mated-thought to be extinct=Emrys

2 air pheonix's-mated- thought to be extinct=Emrys

2 water phoenix's-mated- thought to be extinct=Emrys

1 Silver Panther kneazle- very rare (appears to look like a large black house cat the size of a panther with a silver stripe running from the tip of it's nose to the tipoff it's tail) - Magical symbol of Ravenclaw =Ravenclaw

1 Dragasus- (Pegasus/ Dragon cross)only one known. Magical symbol of Hufflepuff =Hufflepuff

1 Sapphire winged basilisk-very rare- only known domesticated ( looks like a small blue dragon that can grow to a maximum of three feet tall and cannot breath fire, but can petrify if angered, cured like a regular basilisk)- magical symbol of Slytherin=Slytherin

1 Gryffinhorn- (Unicorn/Gryffin cross)only one known. Magical symbol of Gryffindor=Gryffindor

14 legal dragons- variant species all thought to be extinct (7 mated pairs/ 7 species)=Emrys

Ownership of companies;

Leaky cauldron-20%


Daily prophet-75%

Madam Malkins-30%

Zonko's- 35%

Owl emporium- 15%

Magical Familiar's- 12%

Gringotts- 50%

Honeyduke's- 28%

Three broomsticks- 40%

Hog head- 32%

Quality Quiddich supplies-45%

Three brother's wands- 100% (knockturn alley)

Magical abilities

Transfiguration Master

Charms master

Duelling Master

Sword Master

Combat Master

Full Elemental Master

Runes Master

Herbology Master

Arthmicy Master

Dark/Grey/Light Arts Master

Defence Master

Wand master

Potions apprentice- apprenticed to himself

Partial Seer


Natural Linguist

Parcel magic/ tongue

Beast master

Charm speaker- can talk out of almost any situation

Natural Occlumens

Runes speaker- all though skills learnt through rune speaking are in bold.

Magical Core:

Muggle: 50


Average wizard:450


Magical Core:

Currently: 1200

Potential: 2200

Magical Blocks:

Death Block- Tom Marvolo Riddle

Harry paled at the sight of the parchment mainly at the monetary value of his vaults but also at the amount of abilities he had gained from the runes through "Rune speaking". Harry rolled up the parchment to prevent Sirius from seeing it but unfortunately Ragnok took pity on his old friend and announced;

'Well Lord Emrys-Slytherin-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff-Gryffindor-Pe verell-Everal, Primary heir to the houses Potter, Black and Malfoy' Ragnok paused whilst Sirius took in the information, growing pale at first before taking in the information and started laughing to himself. 'Some quite impressive title's you have got there, do you wish to receive the Lordship rings now or after you have completed your shopping?' Harry just stood there dazed at what he had just read. Harry had not been expecting anything that he didn't already know, but know he was the Lord of not one but seven Ancient and revered houses and knew he had the potential to be more powerful than anyone currently in Wingmot, especially when he had the power to override the whole council if he felt like it! Sirius was just dazed he had come here not expecting anything but now he could see just how powerful his godson was, however he laughed quietly to himself as he imagined Malfoy's face when he discovers that his heir is not his son but the son of James Potter.

'I am not quite sure Master Ragnok, what do you recommend, and what should I do about the familiar's? Are there any that can bond with me in the vaults or am I even compatible with any of the animals in my vaults?' Ragnok held up his hands in the universal signal for stop.

'We could perform a familiar compatibility test for you my lord but it does require 10 ml of blood.' Harry just nodded, attempting to ignore his giggling godfather, who he thought had gone into shock.

'Flatblade, fetch a familiar compatibility parchment, and a healer whilst your at it, I am afraid that our friend Lord Black has resorted to hysterical laughter over something.' Ragnok waited for the guard to leave before asking, 'Do you want to bond to the rest of the animals bonded to your titles? Although they cannot be your personal familiars as they have bonded to someone before, if you bond to them as a family member, they will be highly protective of you and come to you in your hour of need, and although it is only four animals, they are all unique and dangerous, and may assist you in a fight against your enimies.' Again Harry just nodded stil trying to process the information that was given to him. Nodding back ragnok pulled open a draw in the table standing between the sets of stylish chair's on which they were sitting, and pulled out a stack of clear glass counters the size of a knut, (10 pence piece), Ragnok separated four of these counter's from the stack before placing the rest back in the draw. Reverting to Gobbledegook the chief goblin instructed;

'*Lord Potter place these disks on your finger tips of your right hand then cover with your left hand. You will feel the animals bonded to your family lines start pushing on your mind, not unfamiliar to a personal bonding. Let them through if you want their protection.*' Harry nodded and did as he was told, before revelling in the power of his new family bonded familiars.