Prologue- A change in fate

A man clothed in a black cloak with the hood up the shadow just covering his white soulless face walked towards the little unassuming Victorian house at the edge of Godric's Hollow. The night was spookily silent, owls hooted from the trees and children ran down the main street ten metres away from where the hooded figure was standing dressed in sheets and pointed hats, calling "trick or treat" on door steps. The Cloaked man- if that was what he was- walked with lithe, graceful strides towards the door painted in red with pumpkins garding it on either side, and a small model of a broomstick hanging over the knocker. Stopping at the door, he took out a long, thin, white yew stick, he muttered a few words causing a light to spring from his wand knocking down the door. A startled cry came out of the house as he walked into it. The only occupants of the house were the two children, a large shaggy black dog and a muggle caretaker who lived just down the street from this house that happened to belong to Lily and James Potter. The owners of the house had been occupied with a meeting held by the order of the phoenix, even though they were not meant to leave the house, Dumbledore had said it was "urgent". As the cloaked man entered the house an elderly woman, sitting infront of the fire knitting gasped as a blinding green light hit her in the forehead killing her instantly. The dog at the womans feet growled but was knocked silent by a red body bind.

Upstairs two children were woken by the noise of their dying caretaker, the younger chubby red haired child bawled his eyes out wanting his mother, but the other scrawny child just sat there with a cold look of what some people would call determination on his face.

The man- Lord Voldemort- stood in front of the cribs, looking down at the two children who faced him up at him.

The first crib with a red headed infant inside was engraved with a name. Lucus. The child was still crying noisily, causing the man to look at him with something akin to disgust.

He can't be the one that has the power to defeat me!, thought the man.

He turned to the second crib. Harison. He took in the way the baby looked at him. It was eerie, disturbing even. The child didn't blink, didn't move, only stared at the man in front of him with his piecing bright green eyes partially covered by his mop of messy black hair, his gaze never wavering, and it seemed to pierce into the man's very soul, or at least what remained of it. It was unnerving, to say the least. The man felt an immense fear that couldn't be explained in words. He ignored the uneasy feeling that gathered in his stomach and pushed aside his instincts. He was nothing but a child.

He raised his deathly white wand, pointing it at the child dubbed Harrison, and still the child did not blink. The dark lord looked at the child with newfound respect . He seems as brave as his father or maybe the child was just ignorant to what I could do to him with my wand. He would witness to the fact that even as a child, Harrison Potter, as the crib indicated, that the child was not stupid at all.

"Goodbye, Harrison Potter." whispered the man softy already planning a celebratory dinner.

"Avada Kedavra." murmured Voldemort.

The spell, almost the same color as his eyes but not quite, flew towards Harry. However, as it reached him, time seemed to slow. A faint translucent blue barrier sprung up, covering both Harrion and Lucus some of the magic had seeped through and hit the black haired child, who thrashed in agony of the power that he released for this spell causing a thin paper cut like wound in the shape of a lightning bolt was inflicted on the small child, scarring him for life. The part that was blocked had gathered and rebounded on the dark lord. The man's eyes widened as he tried to move out of the way in time. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't fast enough, and although he had managed to avoid most of the spell, a bit of it still caught his leg, causing him to fall to the floor and thrash in agony, his spirit unable to die due to his horcruxes yet still unable to escape the pain. He felt burning indescribable agony. Noise filled the air as two shouts were heard downstairs. The parents had arrived. Knowing he wouldn't stand a chance in his current condition, the dark lord apparated with one last glance at the child that had managed to survive the killing curse. The roof collapsed on top of the children just as the dark lord escaped causing the red haired child to gain a slash on this arm in the shape of a diagonal capital L.

The two parents ran into the room, fearing the worst.

What greeted the was the sight of one Lucus Potter bawling his eyes out with a nasty wound on his upper arm, and one quiet Hadrian Potter, with a thin scar in the shape of a lightning bolt, never to be noticed until much later, when it was already futile to do so, passed out due to magic exhaustion.

That was the day everything changed, for the worst for Harry, but for the best for Luc.