

"Bumblebee!" Optimus said out loud seeing his yellow friend flying towards them by using his rockets, "Don't play around with that fragment!"

"Don't worry Boss-bot, it's not like i would drop the thing!" Bumblebee said across the comm. As the sight of the decepticons retreating gave him joy. He looked at his friends as they watched and Sari overjoyed face as she cheered. Then a shadow loomed over him and his friends gone silent.

"RUN!" Optimus shouted in the comm.. link. Bumblebee turned around to see the shadow figured of the deception leader looming over him with a smirk though his red optics said other wise: hate, jealousy and…love?

He heard screams from the comm. As his baby blue optics widened and the canon of the dark leader pointed at him and energy came right through. He felt pain shot through his chest plate; his spark chamber. His rockets gave out of as he starts falling to the ground his blue optics slowly dimming only to land on his friends. The faces of them was frightening, fear and shouts filled his audio his optics landed on Sari…Her face was now covered in tears her eyes small.

"BUMBLEBEE!" Then everything turned a bluish-wight and then black.

Chapter one

A small light appeared outside of Detroit of bluish wight, everyone stopped to look at it till it was out of sight. The small light was then lowered to the ground gently laying a yellow mini-bot. His lifeless body laid there with a gaping whole in the middle of where his spark used to be. The fragment slowly went into his chest and reactivated it, the body twitched as the now new spark appeared. The fragment stayed in the middle of the spark showing a lovely wight blue, the gaping whole in his chest slowly healed as it covered the fragment and spark.

The yellow mini-bot optics dimly online as he sits up. He looked around and his optics now glowing a bright blue.

"Where…what happened?" Bumblebee begin then stand up. "Wait….I'm suppose to be….offline…" Oiled tears started sliding down on his chasses. He shook violently as he saw the images replaying in his head. "Oh Primus….Sari…." He whispered and gripped himself in a hug as he fell to his knee's, her expression clear in his head her screaming his name like that; tears sliding down as rivers. He sobbed slightly then shook his head as he stood and wiped his face.

"I…I need to find them…tell them I'm okay…oh dear Primus…." Bumblebee looked around for the direction to the city and saw Sumdac tower and started walking, only wincing at the pained feeling in his spark.

"Well what do we have here?" Bumblebee turned swiftly as his stingers activated producing a small amount of plasma electricity. His blue optics widen lightly as he saw a large mech in black and purple and crimson red optics and three mechs behind him and a smudged smirk on his face.

"O…optimus?" Bumblebee said tilting his head slightly as he stared at the mech slightly in battle stance. The larger mech looked at him confused and somewhat shocked the other's looked at him and shrugged it off.

"No…I'm Nemesis Prime…" The larger mech said as another took out something that seemed like throwing stars as the red optics glaring at him. Bumblebee felt his nerves rattled a bit; these mech's look like his friends but so…so different. Bumblebee shook a bit as his stingers produced a bit more electricity as the red optics stared at him. Then he ducked as his used to be gold and black friend through a weapon at him.

"See ya!" Bumblebee shouted before using his great speed to get away from them and into town.

"Get him! He knows with the fragment it!" the one named Nemesis Prime yelled as his team reverted to there alt modes and gave chase. Bumblebee ran into Detroit as he saw his organic friends screamed and ran from the sight of him.

"Why is everyone running?" he mumbled to himself and looked at his auto-bot insignia, "I'm the good guy? So why are they running?" He then stopped and as he heard shouts and jet engines. "Great…" He then turned to see a fliers coming to his area but before the one's chasing him changed into there bot modes.

"Good you stopped running! Now where is the spark Fragment?" the large mech said as he aimed a canon ball at Bumblebee.

"I…don't know!" Bumblebee shouted a bit confused about the entire situation.

"good we get to do this the hard way!" The one that black and insanity written in his red optics said as he took out his nun-chucks: Jazz! Was the name ran into Bumblebee thought processor he moved out of the way as he attempted to hit him. The other one that seemed to be Prowl smiled evilly as he appeared behind him and ready to stab him. Bumblebee optics glowed lightly as he jumped up and over Jazz when Prowl stabbed forward only hitting his team mate.

"Hey! Watch it!" Jazz yelled at the now irritated Prowl.

"Then don't get in the Way!" Prowl yelled back. Bumblebee then dodged a spiked ball that was attached to a cord past him and hit his two team mate.

"Wow, I know I said some mean things about ya and prank ya doesn't mean you have to be mean." Bumblebee mumbled only to be ganged up as dodged slightly as he predicted the moves. Combos were able to be seen and he zapped opening as he heard them yelped at the pain. Bumblebee continued with a clear mind he moved swiftly and dodged smoothly.

"You guys can't do anything right!" They stopped and looked back to see Nemesis standing there with his axe. They moved with smiles. Bumblebee shivered slightly imaging him self cut him have or peaces by that thing. He swiftly slides under him and then stung his legs. Bumblebee watched only to be punched and tipped slightly by his axe then he was slammed against the ground. Wobbly standing up he looked up at Nemesis with his innocent baby blue optics.

"How cute, I think I know what to do with a little mech like you," He said as he raised it, the comment ticked Bumblebee off.

"I'm not Cute," He then saw it Nemesis shoulder popped a sign of a slash/side attack Optimus shows, he moved sideward as the axe hit the ground, "nor Little!" Bumblebee then punched Nemesis square in the face sending him straight to the building wall. He huffed slightly and stood the axe moved to Nemesis and the handle got gripped.

"Why you-"

"How about you leave Nemesis." Someone said out loud behind him Nemesis only snarled and yelled out commands and they turned into alt modes and drove off. Bumblebee breathed heavily as he shook as some dents and cracks in his bright yellow armor showed. "You okay?"

"Yea than-"Bumblebee said as he turned around only to freeze in place as fear overtook his entire processor. Standing before him was Megatron and his three team mates: Blitzwing, Lugnut, and Starscream.

"M…Megatron." Bumble mumble and stepped back slowly.