So... heyyy, everyone... or anyone that is still here haha. I'm very much aware of my absence for the past like 3 months but there's a purpose behind it. So if any of you who wants to know what's up with my stories etc then continue reading...

Since school has started, which was the last week of August, I have changed and gone through a lot. I basically decided that I was going to live life for once. I mean I'm 15 years old, I'll be 16 on December 19th. I need to get out and be a fucking teenager. I've reconnected with my best friend who I kind of slipped away from last year. And if you know me or whatever you know that for the past few years I've been dealing with depression and cutting and a suicide attempt and so I stayed home like legit everyday for the past like 2 years, with the exception of school which was hell. But anyway, I'm at the point where if I don't get out and do shit then I'll kill myself. I can't be cooped up and alone with my thoughts, I'll go insane. So that's what I've been doing. I'm more depressed then ever but it's just another level. I have completely changed as a person these past few months. I recently had my heart completely broken. I wasn't in love but I mean I love the guy, and he loves me but it's just... he's just... it's complicated. He wants pussy, and drugs, and parties, and all of that. But he's real messed up but one of the best guys ever. We almost started dating. He always told me he loved me, he still does and we talked for hours and hours on end late at night. I did some things with him that I'm not like "Hey, guess what I did this and it was fucking great dude!" But I don't regret anything because I experienced something. So basically, without even telling me, he started dating this girl he claimed on facebook that he's in love with and that she's pregnant. Just found out that it is in fact his ( they weren't sure. ) so I tried distancing myself but it's every time that I distance myself from him that he wants me. But it's like when I don't distance myself he doesn't give a shit. But anyway I'm rambling. Still, we are friends, and I love him and I'll always be here for him, I just had my heart ripped out and he's confusing as hell haha. Through all of this, I've just lost interest in FF and all of this. It has nothing to do with Niley or whatever other couple. I never even like niley actually haha. It has nothing to do with not being a miley fan or whatever cause she is still my favorite ever, like it has nothing to do with that. I'm just a different person now, I'm trying to live my life so I can save myself.

Sorry I rambled on about some guy... if I told you everything we'd be here for days. That's just a brief, very brief summary haha. So very sorry for the authors that I stopped reviewing for, I havent read any updates or anything new in these 3 months. This is the first time I've logged on to FF

If you still want to keep in contact with me or whatever I'll give you my personal endless - day - dreaming . tumblr. come

If you still want to reread my stories or whatever I'll keep them up for you. I can't leave without telling all of you Thank you... thank you for being my escape for the past 2 years. So sorry I could finish these last 2 stories for you... but what I just learned... life happens. I hope life happens for all of you... even if you get your heart broken. At least you can say you've lived.