Disclaimer: Primeval does not belong to me, this is fan fiction, not for profit.

Any references to people, places, businesses etc is entirely fictitious.

Abby remembered being scared many times in her life, but she tried hard to guard her emotions, tried to never let her fear show.

Day to day life had its own unavoidable tragedies and terrors. But, working with anomalies had brought new meaning to both the words exhilaration and fear.

Creatures were frightening, but she understood, they were only doing what came naturally. Either they were scared and trying to get back home, or they were hungry. She knew they had to eat, but she would rather they ate dinner in their own time, not hers. And she certainly didn't want to be the main course.

More frightening though, were the people like Helen, Leek, Phillip, and even Danny's brother Ethan, who tried to use the anomalies for their own ends. She couldn't understand what drove them to their mad schemes.

Most frightening of all though, Abby remembered, were the times she thought she had lost Connor.

She remembered the first time she had that nightmare about Connor… oh my God, Connor… falling out of that tree, landing so still, so twisted, looking so broken. She woke up shivering, in her perch with Connor in that other tree in the Cretaceous.

"Abby," he asked her "what's wrong."

She couldn't tell him the truth… we're stuck up a tree, surrounded by dinosaurs in the Cretaceous, with no way home, and I just had a nightmare about you falling… looking like you were dead. No, she couldn't tell him that. So she had sat up and said something about being thirsty and reached into her backpack searching…

She blinked in surprise at what she found in some of the backpack pockets. Glad of the darkness hiding her blush, she pursed her lips and wondered who packed this? Finally, she located a bottle of water and an energy bar. She offered it to him first with a question.

"Connor," she asked "have you slept any yet tonight?"

"No," he admitted "thought one of us ought to keep watch."

He took a gulp of the water then handed the bottle back to her. As she took a drink from the bottle, he tore open the wrapping from the energy bar and took a big bite. The moonlight reflected even brighter in his eyes as they opened wider. His jaw froze in place, the chewing stopped. He swallowed.


"Connor," she exclaimed.

"Tastes awful!" he waved the offending bar back at her, "Here, you try it."

It was awful she remembered, but it was better than a lot of things they wound up eating over the next year.

"Connor," she said "it's chilly… maybe we should huddle together for warmth…"

She watched as his eyes grew a bit brighter, his lips turned up in a small smile.

"Yeah," he said hopefully.

"Yeah," she replied as she crawled across the treetop towards him. Snuggling down with her head on his chest, she fell fast asleep. No more nightmares that night.


But today, Connor's words brought a new level of terror to Abby.

He looked at her with a grin as he closed his cell phone, "Mum will be up next week to visit. She wants to see our new home."