I hope you enjoy Chapter One of Romantica Drabble. I felt like doing this after reading ImagineI drabble's. They're really funny. You should check them out. My friend Roxis-Kun also does drabble's. They are on here. Just look them up.

If you have any requests for a Romantica drabble, then please PM me unless you don't have an account, then saying it in the review will be find. But that is ONLY if you don't have an account.

'Harmless' kitten

Miyagi thought he knew everything about the kid who screamed fate, and such, everyday, but today he had learned something new. His fate lover was an Ailurophobe. He looked down at the orange tabby kitten that sat in front of them.

The kitten looked upat them. Every so often it would meow, which made Shinobu hid behind the taller man. Miyagi sighed and turned to face Shinobu. "Shinobu, we have to get going, or else we'll be late."

They had been walking to Shinobu's school, and Miyagi's work, when the kitten walked in front of them. Miyagi wanted to keep walking, but Shinobu kept them back. He refused to go anywhere near that kitten.

"I don't care if we're late!" Shinobu snapped. "I won't go anywhere near that beast!"

Miyagi sighed. "It's not a beast, it's a kitten. It's pretty much helpless without its mother."

"I don't care! What if it attacks me?"

Miyagi felt a headache coming on. He rubbed his temples to smooth it, but it refused to leave. He sighed once again. "Look, I'll show you how harmless it is. And when I do, can we go?"

Shinobu looked at the cat, then at Miyagi, then at the cat, and so on for a minute before he nodded his head. He crossed his arms. "If you can prove that that beast-"


"Beast, is harmless, and it won't attack, then we can go."

Miyagi turned away from him and looked at the kitten. He gave it the same smile he gave Hiroki: teasing yet calm and reassuring. He bent down to it. "Hey there," he said calmly. "Where's your mother?" He outstretched his hand, to show he was a friend.

The kitten sniffed his hand then licked it. Miyagi turned his head to look at Shinobu. "See, it wouldn't hurt a fly-" He was cut off by a sharp pain in his hand. He looked down and saw the kitten had bit his hand, and was clawing it.

Miyagi jumped up and started to wave his hand around, trying to get the kitten to let loose, but that only caused the kitten to hang on tighter. "Ah! Shinobu, get this thing off of me!"

When Miyagi's hand was above his face, the kitten let go and landed on his face. It hissed and clawed his face. He let out a scream. "Shinobu, get this beast off of me!"

But Shinobu was long gone.


Miyagi arrived at his work with a bandaged hand and bandaids all over his face. It covered his cheeks, nose, and forehead. He had received stares from his students. There was even a rumour going around that Miyagi had got into a gang fight.

When he arrived in his office, he took a seat at his desk. Hiroki came in shortly after him. He opened his mouth to speak about the damage done to Miyagi's face, and possible made a sarcastic remark about it, but Miyagi held up his bandaged hand. "Don't say anything." He said and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

It was going to be a long day.