A/N: this is my first fanfic so be nice, ok?

Disclaimer- I do not own Ao No Exorcist. I wish I did, but, I don't. What I do own are my OCs.

Demon's Past

Footsteps echoed off the walls of the grimy alleyway. Two shadows ran through the dark, their breathing heavy. A boy around 14 pulled a girl, also 14, through the slums, as if their lives depended on it.

"Demon, slow down!" The girl huffed. 'Demon' glanced over his shoulder to look at his companion. His eyes showed fear but tried not to let it show.

"We can't slow down, they'll kill us." Demon said as he looked away from her emerald eyes.

Shouts were heard from behind them, drawing closer. The girl shut her eyes, trying to slip away from the current situation. Demon squeezed her hand and she opened her eyes.

"I won't let them hurt you, Wolf." He said, determination blazing in his eyes. 'Wolf' nodded silently to her boyfriend, hoping that they would soon be safe and out of harms way.

Wolf blinked. Then the image rised from the depths of her mind, the blood chilling image of the person who raised her right off the streets, dead. His blood painting the alley walls in crimson, and dripping down slowly to meet the cold ground. Serpent was dead. She never even knew his real name. It was simply a name he went by in the gang. 'Laughing Shadows's' gang leader was dead. Serpent had been taken down by a bullet through the head, shot by a rival gang. The only survivers; Wolf and Demon.

Demon snapped Wolf out of her thoughts as he made a sharp turn into another passage. The passage smelled of rot, and the ground slick. The pair made another sharp turn and appeared in the middle of a sidewalk. Demon charged into a huge crowd, Wolf still in tow, hoping to lose their followers.

People yelled at us as we pushed through them, heading deeper into the slums. Blood gushed from a wound on Demon's chest, a knife slash from an attacker.

Demon sprinted into another alley and did another sharp turn into a hidden passage. The passage was familiar and safe, to all the members of Laughing Shadows. A big cement building loomed in front of them. The building was three stories high, windows with no glass, and splashes of red dotted the building here and there. Basically, it wasn't a place you wanted to be at night, let alone during the day. But to Demon and Wolf, it was home.

Know that they were safe, Demon let go of her hand only to be grabbed again. He looked at his girl in confusion, knowing Wolf and what just happened she would run inside, go up to her room on the third floor and cry her eyes out, not wanting to see anyone for at least a week.

Wolf intertwined her finger with his and started walking towards the base of Laughing Shadows with her lover in tow. Wolf opened the screeching door with her one free hand, and loudly announced to her fellow gang members;

"Serpent is dead. Laughing Shadows died with him."


Rin woke up with streaks of sunlight dancing on his bed. He had been having the same dream over and over again. Then again, it wasn't a dream. It was simply a memory stained into his mind for all eternity. It had been two years since the event happened. No one, not even Yukio, knew that he was part of a gang.

Rin turned his head to look at the bed across the room to find his brother still sleeping. Rin, quiet as he could, slipped out of the covers and sneaked out of the room.

Kuro jumped out of a random window and trotted beside his tamer. Kuro looked up at his friend to see a dazed look on his face. Wondering why, Kuro asked, only to get no reply. Rin just kept walking, not sure as of where he was going. Soon enough, Rin, to his surprise, opened the door that lead to the roof.

The wind gently blew the morning air as dawn soon approached. Rin walked to the edge of the roof and sat down on the ledge, looking over True Cross. Snapping out of his daze, Rin pulled his phone out of his black shorts. Flipping the cover open, he hit some buttons and a picture appeared on the screen.

The picture was of a girl with waist length black hair with bangs, a red T-shirt, faded jeans, combat boots, and deep emerald eyes.

"I miss you, Wolf..."


Classes droned on and on, and Rin, like always, was asleep. Multiple times the teacher had tried to keep Rin awake by throwing things at him, but to evail, only to have given up. In Rin's case, he was glad. Glade to acusually sleep without the haunting memory roaming around inside his head.

In three days time, it would be the aniversary of Serpents death. Meaning he would have to find a way to skip school, get down to the slums without attracting too much trouble, meet up with the now hand full amount of people that still were proud to say that they were still in Laughing Shadows, even though the gang was basically dead, and go to the place where Serpent was murdered. All in a days work.

A loud ring of a phone woke Rin up to find everyone staring at him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He stared at it for a while wondering whether or not he should answer.

"Are you gonna answer it, or just let it ring?" Bon's annoyed voice called.

"Shut up! I'll answer it, jeez." Rin replied, still staring at the phone.

"Yes, Okumera-kun, put it on speaker." The teacher said, wanting to know what was so important.

'Damn teacher.' Rin thought as he flipped the cover up and put it on speaker. "Hello? You're on speaker..."

"Yo~. It's me." The voice called out. Everyone in the room looked confused, not sure who the caller was. Rin smirked and instantly knew who it was. Crow. Crow was also a member of Laughing Shadows, and his best friend. True he didn't have a lot of friends in the city, or what they called 'light dwellers' in slums, but he did have a few good friends in the slums. Crow was one of them.

"Hey! What's up?" Rin, still smirking, said into the phone.

"Same ol', same ol'. Look, we were wondering if you were gonna show up for the 'event'. Are ya'?" Crow asked. Rin's eyes faltered, but brightened quickly since he was being watched.

"Yeah. I wouldn't miss it for the world." He said, his voice faltering on the last line, hoping no one had noticed.

"Cool. Anyways, that's all. See ya' soon!" And with that final word, Crow hung up.

Silence echoed around the room as Rin shut his phone closed and shoved it in his pocket. After that, Rin rested his head back on the desk and closed his eyes, wondering if everyone would buy the fact that he was 'asleep'.

"Who was 'that'?" Bon said acusingly.

'None of your damn business, rooster.' Rin wanted to shout back, but instead let out a fake snore. The room sighed in defeat, and the teacher went back to the boring lesson. Rin, being a half demon, could hear Shima planning to follow him until he, Rin, would lead him to the so called 'event'.

Rin inwardly smirked at the thought, all he would have to do was lose him in the maze of alleys and then reroute himself to the base. Then again, the slums were dangerous to those who didn't know their way around. Rin mentally frowned, trying to decide what would be the best thing to do.

The bell rang and brought him out of his thoughts. Rin sat up and stretched his muscles. He could feel someone burning into the back of his skull, and could bet money it was one of the arias in training. Rin grabbed his bag and left the room, not bothering to talk to the arias, knowing that they would only ask questions about Crow.

Seeing the day was over, Rin left the cram school and went to the river and leaned against the railing, looking down at the water. Rin pulled out his phone, it seemed like he was on his phone a lot that day, and pulled the picture of Wolf onto his screen once more. Rin hadn't seen his girlfriend in over four months, and since Wolf didn't have a phone, there was no way to contact each other.

A shadow loomed over Rin, and in turn tensed, ready for a fight. Rin saw something pink flash in the corner of his eye, when that something slammed into him and pinned him to the ground, face down. A familiar scent wafted into his nose. Shima.

"Bon! Grab the phone!" Shima yelled. Rin's eyes widened. They could NOT see the picture of Wolf. They would ask to many questions, like; 'where did she live?' How was he supposed to tell them that she lived in the slums in an old gang base?

'What is he hidding?' Shima thought to himself, 'What was so important on that phone?'

A hand reached down and picked the phone up. Rin turned his head to Bon looking down at him, and then, the phone.

Bon's eyes widened. Then he looked away and handed the phone to Shima. Shima's eyes also widened and a smile plastered his face.

"Well, well, well~. Who is this~?" Shima said with a grin that stretched ear to ear, if that was possible.

"None of your damn business!" Rin protested, trying to get out from under his friend.

"Oh~. So you wouldn't mind if I sent this to everyone." Shima asked innocently, but his eyes said differently.


"Who is she?" Bon said, still not looking at Rin, Shima, or the phone.

Silence engulfed the bridge while Rin debated whether or not to tell his friends. In the worst situation they would threaten him to tell them everything, which was already kinda happening, or in the best situation they would drop the subject.

Rin let out a tired sigh and closed his eyes, obviously in defeat.

"Let me go, give me my phone, and then I'll talk."

Shima slowly got off of his friend and Rin his phone back. Rin stood up and brushed himself off, and then leaned against railing once more, facing his friends. Rin only said one thing;

"She's my girlfriend."

Silence once again engulfed the bridge as Shima, Bon, and Konekomaru stared at him in shock. While this happened, Rin stood up, and walked away. It was Shima who broke the silence.

"We are so following him. I don't even have a girlfriend."


Stars lit up the night and a cold wind blew through the building, making a chill run through its dwellers. Only three figures stood inside, the rest had left long ago. One of the figures walked over to one of the windows and did something unexpected, it howled. It howled to the moon as if pleading for someone to come home. And it was.

"Shut up, Wolf." One of the figures said in the dark.

"Why should I? You're the one who should shut up, Rock." Wolf said coolly, knowing her friend wouldn't hurt her.

Rock clenched his teeth, knowing that if he hurt her, Demon would most likely knock his lights out.

"Calm down you two, I heard from Demon that he's coming down here for Serpent's 'event'." The third figure said, identified as Crow.

Wolf smiled at the thought of her boyfriend coming back, Rock and Crow smiled as they thought of their best friend. There were only four people left in Laughing Shadows. The others had left or died in fights or had been struck down by a disease. Only four months ago had Demon told them his real name; Rin Okumera.


Rin once again sat up on the roof, over looking True Cross, the city, and in the background, the faint glow of the slums. He lifted his head to look at the moon. Then he heard it, a howl. A howl in which only he could hear because of his demon senses. He knew the howl very well, it was Wolf's.

Rin dipped his head, letting a shadow cover his eyes. He smiled softly, and muttered a few words under his breath;

"I love you, Wolf..."


A/N: Just telling you, I made Rin's personality different on PURPOSE. If you like my story, then review and I will update faster and then you can figure out why I made Rin a bit different. You can just put :) if liked it, and :( if it sucked.

Also, this is my first time writing in this P.O.V. XD

Please review! X3