Disclaimer: The characters and all recognizable situations belong to Stephenie Meyer - This is a work of fanfiction.

Side Note: Story Repost. Previously called Confused Situation. I decided to change quite a bit of it, and the title. This version is darker, and the editing is much better. Do not worry, this fic will be completed.

Summary: Bella refuses Edward, and her journey with Jasper begins. Edward doesn't handle rejection very well, and he descends into madness... Non-Canon/AU

Timeline: Edward never left in New Moon. Bella's birthday passed, but Jasper did not attack her. He wanted to, but he controlled himself. Edward and Bella stayed together, Charlie was very glad that the Cullen's took his daughter under their wing while he worked and wasn't home very much. Victoria is lurking in the shadows; however with the Cullen's protecting Bella she obviously can't make any major moves. She isn't much of a factor... yet.


Chapter 1 - False Adoration


Why was time moving so slow?

The hand on the large clock moved at a snail's pace. I sat in class, biting my nails, and obsessively glancing at the broken object hanging on the wall. It had to be damaged. There was no possible way it had only been thirty seconds since I last looked.

Something wasn't right, and I could not place what had me so anxious. The irritability and frayed nerves escalated forming a panic of sorts. Edward wasn't in school. The bright, clear weather didn't allow it. As soon as he explained this morning over the phone that we would not see each other until later, I knew it would be a tedious day.

24 hours. This is the longest I have endured without seeing him.

So he wouldn't have to bother with it, he decided to go hunting with the rest of his family up along the Canadian border. When I asked why, I heard Emmett's reply instead of Edward's, bigger game out in those forests.

Subtle twitches began once again, even my pulse raced as though I'd been running for miles. What was wrong with me? - Maybe this a product of missing Edward. If that's true then why is this all new?

More questions wormed their way into my thoughts creating a fierce pulsing sensation in the back of my mind.

I needed to see him. He had a gift for making me my anxiety melt away.

One more hour...

Back at the Cullen Mansion...

Edward was in the middle of destroying his bedroom...

Why did I listen to Alice? Her assurances that Jasper could keep the ring safe were skewed at best. But I never doubted my sweet, gullible Ali.

Now, the estranged man I am forced to call brother insisted he has no recollection of where he placed the engagement ring. A simpleton could sniff out the blatant lie. Under normal circumstances I would rifle through the individual's mind in order to obtain answers. However, the violence inside Jasper's thoughts was too much to withstand. The blood, the screams, and the smirk on the monster in his memories... How could he continue to live with himself?

Steering myself back to the task at hand, I glared at the man standing at my doorway. "Jasper, where is it? You have had your fun, tell me where it is now."

"Tsk, tsk Eddie, becoming irate does not help anyone." The tingles of a false calm attempted to wash over me.

"Do not manipulate my emotions. Where is that damned ring?"

The expression on Jasper's face remained impassive as his inner thoughts crept into my mind.

'Selfish. Little spoiled golden boy's plans are ruined. Why am I concerning myself over his-'

"Do you have something you would like to say out loud? Please, do not hold back on your candor."

"Are you positive you do not want to rephrase that question, boy?" He sneered.

This banter was getting me nowhere. I ignored him and continued to search the rest of the rooms. It did not occur to me that I disregarded a rule, or request if you will, of his.

He is not to be ignored or avoided.

"We both know she doesn't love you. The only reason she follows you like a sad puppy desperate for attention is because you continuously glamour the poor thing."

When I did not acknowledge him once again, his expression morphed from indifferent to furious. A deep snarl resonated throughout the house, rattling the windows.

In this moment, relief flooded through me knowing Bella was never given permission to be alone with him. Unlike the rest of the coven, Jasper permitted the monstrosity within him to rear its head too often for my liking.

"I cannot fathom why you enjoy forcing someone to be your companion. Are you so insecure that you feel the urge to trap a human and turn her into a puppet?" There it was. That voice. Hateful. Uncivilized brute.

He interrupted before I could respond. "Arguing only makes you look more pathetic, boy." - he shook his head, as if clearing it. The hardened expression decreased mildly. There has been a mere time or two when Jasper has those episodes. I will be sure to consult with Carlisle when they return.

"I exclude myself from all dramatics of the coven; you and the other members understand my position on this. Rest assured, I am not demanding you treat the human better. There is no need for that, is there golden boy? You will set things right on your own, won't you, brother?" The threat lingered between us, the words held a slight poison to them.

He knew nothing about relationships, let alone one with a human. He had no control over himself. Who is he to judge me? I was not going to listen to him. She is mine. If she was not with me, then she would not be with another.

"Did you forget I can see all the emotions as they course through you? Would you like to know what the strongest one toward the girl is?"

"No. I know what I feel for her. I don't need you to distort true love to prove your superiority."

He mock bowed slightly. "As you wish. Before I take my leave, let me offer some words of wisdom, since common sense seems to be lacking in this coven. If Bella says yes to this farce of a marriage, then she is going to want more than a chaste kiss. Delusional as you may be, do not insult my intelligence by claiming you do not know the many repercussions of these games you play."

He was right, and yet I could not bring myself to care. "Bella is mine to do with. She is my intended mate, and I will turn her when the time is right. Nothing you say will deter me from keeping my love by my side."

Closing his eyes for a moment, he took a deep breath, "This is pointless. Do as you wish; and do not fret, I will be watching." He dug into his pocket and tossed me the ring. By the time I caught it, he was gone.

Empty threats. He underestimated me. I will not give her up. She is mine. The rest of the family knows not to intervene where they are not wanted.

As I held the antique ring in my hand I heard Bella's noisy, rusted vehicle pull up to the front of the mansion. A smile spread across my face… Time to go say hello to my soon to be wife.

Thanks for reading. Updating soon.

Side Note:

The concept of enchanting/glamour/dazzle are from many vampire tales, as well as S.M.'s books. Edward's famous line in Twilight: "I'm the world's best predator, aren't I? Everything about me invites you in — my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I need any of that!" - Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.263