Chapter 16

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Both Vegeta and Goku were matching each other punch for punch, kick for kick, and blow for blow.

Aiko stared up at the skies, watching the prince of her race and her father fight, but there was something up with Goku. Gohan smirked uncharacteristically at the sky, and then gave a small laugh.

"Yeah, you can tell too?" Mirai asked the question.

"Dads not taking this seriously." Aiko stated blankly.

"Got it in one," Gohan said, but then looked back up to track the fight, still a tie, strengths equal.

"Common daddy!" she whispered, but he heard her and smiled, angering Vegeta.

Shin looked away from the fight and said to the demi sayians, "Babidiā€¦?" clearly meaning they should go find him.

They nodded and took off, Gohan next to Shin with Mirai and Aiko right behind them. But just as they left, everyone clearly heard Vegeta say one last thing.

"That thing doesn't have full control of me! I allowed him to take control, I'm ashamed that I let myself settle down and have a family! I am still weaker than you, but that won't last for long!"

Mirai blinked back a single tear as they flew, about to face the biggest threat yet.

Once they were alone, the two Chibi's messed with the statues, Trunks was playing with the Piccolo statue when Goten caused him to loose his balance.

"AHH!" he said as he fell into the statue, promptly shattering it completely by the limbs and joints, "Goten! Look what you did!"

"But I didn't, you fell into Mr. Piccolo..." He said with his had on his chin, confused by his best friend.

"You pushed me into him!" Trunks said, or rather yelled.

"Oh yeah, sorry Mr. Piccolo!" he said, not fully realizing the situation. "You idiot! Goten, were dead. Point blank." He said before plopping to the ground.

Once the four got to the ship again, they plunged downward to the level they were on before without a word.

But when they got there a barrage of soldiers came, and were taken out easily by Aiko, allowing them to distend to the next level.

When they got down there, Dabura confronted them. "My turn." Aiko said firmly, and Mirai stepped back to allow her the chance.

She kicked him in the arm, punched him in the gut, and then shot a kai blast strait at his head before giving him time to even register what had happened.

Before any of them new it, she delivered the final blow, reviving both Krillen and piccolo.

But as soon as he was dead, the pod opened.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Short, but its late and I want to go to bed. oh, and i have an idea, why not do a fusion of videl and aiko? its late as i said, and i think it would be cool, not strong enough to turn the tables, but enough to help gotenks! i'll develop the ch. and need suggestions with the name!