I don't own the Naruto series or Resident Evil series
Chapter IV-No Death for the Strong-Old friends and new enemies.
Sheva was having mix emotion right now, anger, sad and happiest all together after reading it. Sheva wasn't sure if she wanted to share this with Chris at all. Jill being one of his closest friends of his former team was nearly wipeout.
"Sheva!" She heard Chris's voice.
"I'm coming!" Sheva yelled.
Sheva put the torn pages away and store them in her notebook.
Once Sheva and Chris met up with each other, Sheva saw Chris found a new machinegun and saw many dead soldiers that worked for Wesker.
"You seem busy." Sheva smirked at Redfield.
"While you were busy, I ran into some of our friends. Come on lets go we need to find Excella. Maybe she'll tell us what's really going on here." Sheva nod as she agrees with her partner.
Sheva and Chris travel through the Tricell Facility traveling half way through the disposal facility.
Chris noticed some of the bodies of the Uroboros soldiers lay on the ground dead. None of them were gun down like the others. But they were stab as some were cut in half and others were slice to piece.
"What could have done this?" Shave said with a frown.
"Let's not stay around and find out." Chris said, coldly as it sound. Sheva knew her partner was right.
Sheva and Chris turned on the power to reach their exit but however, a new threat came their way. Sheva heard a noise once the power was turned on. The sound of a beast letting out a battle cried.
Chris looked at his young partner as the two nodded.
Suddenly the two B.S.A.A. agents heard a man's shouting voice.
"RASENGAN!" The ground quake for a moment, suddenly Chris and Sheva saw a giant beast being blasted in their pathway. The beast had no head but its body was bug-like, so bug-like it was close to that of a Cockroach a very big one.
The giant Cockroach grew its missing head back. The B.O.W Cockroach stared at the two and started to walk towards them.
"So this is Mr. Bug." Sheva said while sweatdropping with Chris.
Mr. Bug was a giant B.O.W Uroboros Cockroach, but he had another name a name very fitting to its appearance and power.
The Reaper.
Chris and Sheva backed away as they took their aim on the giant Cockroach B.O.W The Reaper. The Reaper wasn't quite phase by the bullets of Sheva's handgun and Chris's new submachine gun.
"Our weapons aren't stopping it!" Sheva yell.
The Reaper got closer towards Chris and Sheva. It took a swing at the two with its large claws. Chris grabbed Sheva and jumped away from its grasps. Sheva took her chance to shot the Reaper's head.
Liked before the Reaper grew its head back overtime, the creature almost seem immortal from the damage it took. It walked towards them in with quick steps. The creature was right on their tail.
Chris looked around their surroundings. Chris saw there was a traverse conveyor belt. Both Chris and Sheva jumped on it even though it was moving towards the large fire pit that dispose of anything that fell within it.
While Chris and Sheva were running away from the giant cockroach creature, Sheva suddenly tripped when something grabbed her. Sheva looked to see what grabbed her. It was one of the test subjects they perform on. The person was very skinny and gray. Sheva tried to shake the person off but the person had a strong grip on Sheva's right leg.
"Let go Damnit." Sheva struggled.
The Reaper was getting closer as so was the fire pit.
"Shit," Chris ran back down to get Sheva. Chris kicked the test subject in the face as it let go of Sheva. Chris aimed his shotgun at the Reaper and brew off not only its head but also its claws and legs.
The Reaper was regenerating as it draws closer to the fire pit, just as it seemed like the Reaper was about to fall into the fire pit. The conveyor belt stopped.
"Just freaking great," Chris sighed.
Now fully heal the Reaper glare at the two B.S.A.A agents. But suddenly out from nowhere a combat knife hit the Reaper on the back of its head. The Reaper fell down into the fire pit as it let out a loud inhuman death cried.
The conveyor belt started to move once again.
"Come on Sheva let's go before we see any more of those things." Sheva agree with a big nod. They have never faced anything like that before and hopefully that would be their last encounter.
"I wonder whose voice that was earlier." Sheva wondered.
Unknowing from above on another conveyor belt a man watched the two survive their encounter with the Reaper.
"So that's Chris and Sheva huh? Wonder if they got what it takes to survive what's up ahead?" The unknown man said.
Few minutes later:
After a while the two made it to a door, but before they enter the room. They saw someone had left ammo and First-Aid spray. The two wasn't sure if it was for them or someone carelessly left these items here?
After stocking up Chris and Sheva just a large dark room, there were many water tanks filled with unknown experiments.
"Chris," His partner spoke getting his attention. The two saw what appears to be a naked bald man sitting in a chair.
"Well, glad you could make it." A woman's voice spoke on the inner-calm.
Chris and Sheva looked around to see where the voice was coming from.
"Up here you two," The woman said.
They looked up to see Excella in a room on the upper floor. Excella smiled at the two she was surprise how much progress they made.
"Excella…WHERE'S JILL!" He yelled.
"Jill, Jill, Jill…" she sigh "You know you're like a broken record you know that? Just as single-minded as he said. You've spent so long trying to track down Uroboros, well, here. Enjoy." She smiled.
Down below the naked man in the chair suddenly woke up. His eyes were reddish-orange; he slowly walked toward the two. While walking towards them, tentacles bust from his arms and back as it slowly wrapped around his body.
"So Uroboros is the new B.O.W. And you're planning on selling it to terrorists." Sheva glared at Excella.
"Good guess, but no. while it does resemble the B.O.W.s based on the Progenitor Virus. I have no intention of selling it to terrorists." She explained.
"Then what are you using for?" Chris asked.
The naked man's body started to ache up only for the tentacles to retract back inside his body. His reddish-orange eyes became blue.
"Evolution, it's a Philosopher's Stone, one that will choose who's worthy of it, through DNA who shall proceed to the next stage, my darling's blood, my vision and 'his' combined, now made a reality." Excella explain.
"Evolution? What are you talking?!" Sheva looked confuse.
"Aww, you'll find out soon enough. Everyone will." Excella turned her back on them.
"Does explain the children you lock away?" Chris asked Excella. Excella's eyes widen in shock, how did they know about the children unless.
"Where are they? What did you do my children?" She yelled.
Both Sheva and Chris smiled at one another and gave a nod.
"We found your nest, your children sweet kids they are. Too bad." Chris misleads Excella to think they dispose of the children when they found the Playroom.
"You're dead." Excella gave them a venomous glare.
"Chris." Sheva noticed the naked man's body started to ache up as the tentacles bust out of his body consuming him, transforming him into the tentacles monster they fought way back in the beginning of their mission.
Excella rush off in a hurry, Sheva saw a great look of worry on Excella's face. Sheva also saw a masked cloak person following Excella.
"Excella wait!" Chris shouted.
"Warning a biohazard threat has been detected. Clean-up personnel must incinerate all contaminated materials." The doors within the room suddenly locked due to the biohazard threat.
Chris took out his Grenade launcher and start firing the equipped flame rounds at the Uroboros monster. While it was suffering from being burned by Chris's attack, Sheva took out her handgun aimed at the large red orbs that expose the weak spots of its arms limbs.
But suddenly the Uroboros B.O.W launch it right arm at Chris, it gave Chris a quick sucker-punch.
"Son of bitch," Chris cursed the B.O.W.
While Chris was on the floor recovering from being sucker-punch, Sheva turned her attention on Chris just for one moment. The Uroboros B.O.W reached its left arm and grabbed Sheva by her leg and tripped her up.
The black Uroboros B.O.W monster pulled Sheva toward it slowly, Sheva felt its tentacles wrapping around her leg.
"Sheva!" Chris gasped. He saw a red barrel in the room. He kicked it down and pushed it towards the monster. And blast it with his shotgun. The red barrel explode, the B.O.W let go of Sheva.
"We got to find a faster way to kill this thing." Sheva said while panting.
"Flamethrower now fully charged!" They heard the computer's voice.
The two looked back to see at the entrance of the room to the right was a flamethrower strapped to the wall for fueling. They weren't sure if it was luck or someone was looking out for them, now wasn't the time to think about it.
Chris grabbed the flamethrower and took his aim on the B.O.W. Blasting it with full flame blast the B.O.W howl in pain as it felt its body being melted by the hot flames. The B.O.W looked at Sheva and once again tripped her up but this time it grabbed her by both her legs, Sheva dropped her handgun.
Chris stopped his attack; he didn't want to burn his partner to death. The B.O.W was smart; Chris gave it that, using Sheva as a shield. Sheva was being hung upside down; she felt the black tentacles slowly rising up to her upper body.
"Ah stop it, don't touch me there, ugh." Sheva let out a soft moan as she struggled.
"Sheva catch!" Chris threw his handgun at Sheva. She caught it and took her head at the head of the B.O.W.
One blast to a headshot was enough for the B.O.W drop her where she fell, Chris blast full flame charge at the B.O.W as he burned it to death.
The B.O.W screamed as it died. It fell to the ground its body melted into liquid. Once the B.O.W was killed the doors unlock themselves.
Chris was out of fuel for the flamethrower, he place it back on the wall to charge up.
"Sheva you ok?" He asked his young partner.
"I'm fine, just ugh that was too close." She sighed.
"Looks like he had a thing for you Sheva." He joked.
"Very funny," She stared at him.
Suddenly Sheva gasp she quickly got off the floor and started moving like crazy.
"Sheva what's wrong?" Chris asked.
Sheva reached into the back of her pants and pulled out a single tentacle and threw it on the floor and stomped on it.
"Guess he really liked you." Again she stares at her partner.
"Ugh, tentacles why did it have to be tentacles?" Sheva shook her head then her whole body. The feeling of being grabbed by it sent chills down her spine.
"Come on let's go." He pat her on the back. Sheva nodded, she gave Chris his handgun back and picked up hers.
About an hour of traveling through the base, after fighting their way through the number of armed guards and other B. the two finally made it to the ruins spot the children spoke of.
Sheva notice Chris was had his guard up. He looked around the area with sharp eyes.
"Chris what's wrong?" She asked.
"Remember beware of the red monsters? I think there Lickers here." Chris said.
"Lickers?" She asked.
"The red monsters we dealt with a while back. My sister Claire encountered these things during her time in Raccoon City. She called them Lickers because of their long tongues." He explained to Sheva.
"Your sister comes up strange names for monsters she encounter." Sheva sweat-dropped. Chris smirked at his partner.
"Claire said these things don't have eyes so from now on we have to be quite." Chris whispered to Sheva.
Suddenly the two heard a loud gunshot nearby.
Right after the gunshot was heard, they could see the sound of Lickers roaring. Chris and Sheva looked around and saw the Lickers were coming out from holes in the ceiling and sideway of the cavern.
Chris and Sheva stood very still, making sure the Lickers didn't hear them. The Licker crawled down to the floor where the two were.
But suddenly someone snapped their fingers and in an instant the large group of lickers stopped in their tracks. The unknown person snapped their fingers again, the lickers sat down on like loyal dogs.
Chris and Sheva weren't sure what was going on. Someone was helping them who that person they had no clue.
"I would go on if I were you. The Boss is just up ahead he can't wait to meet you." A dark voice laughed.
The bridge was lower down, Chris and Sheva nod their heads to one another and ran off before whoever it decide to let the Lickers dispose of them.
As Chris and Sheva ran across the bridge, standing on top of catwalk above where the two were, the unknown person was none other than Lord Raptor. Raptor was sitting by himself tuning his guitar.
"Why did you let them go?" A woman said to Raptor.
"Boss's orders he wanted those two to make to meet the Big man." He said.
"So what ya doing afterwards?" Raptor asked the woman.
"If you're asking about that date, for the tenth time Raptor, no." The woman said.
"Ah, no need to be cold hearted baby, you can't blame me for trying." Raptor chuckled at his partner. The woman let out a deep sigh before she departed. The woman got a call, the woman answer it and gave a nod.
"Where ya heading off too now?" He asked.
"Excella just call me, she want me to look after the children. She wants them to double up the guards." The woman explained to her undead partner.
"Ah those two must have found the kids, guess she bit protected of the kids. I don't blame her, cute little pack that they are."
"You coming?" The woman asked. Raptor quickly joined the woman's side.
"You can send your pets back in their holes." Raptor snapped his fingers sending the large group of Lickers back into their lair.
Elsewhere Chris's and Sheva's Location
The two finally caught up with Excella. Excella was in a large room the area took place was the ruine temple of some unknown tribe.
"Excella Gionne! Stop right there!" Sheva shouted.
Excella stopped right in her track, she turned around with a small smile on her face.
"Bravo." She clapped her hands "I see you two are still alive."
"Damnit where's Jill." Chris growled.
"Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't. You had me worry I thought the children were in danger. But now I have nothing to worry about. You two are going be a real pain." Excella smirked.
Suddenly out from nowhere was the cloak masked person. The cloak masked figure jumped between Chris and Sheva, she roundhouse kick Sheva to the ground.
Chris fired his handgun at the cloak figure's face only to knock off the person's mask. Sheva joined Chris's side as the two fired their guns at the cloak figure. The cloak figure backflip while dogding their bullets with ease.
"Stop playing around we need answers." Chris told the cloak figure.
"You hadn't changed at all Chris." A familiar voice said to Chris. Chris's widen in shock as his fear came true.
Albert Wesker was alive.
Wesker wore black leather pants that match with this leader shirt along with black gloves. And like always Wesker wore his trademark sunglasses.
"Wesker! You ARE alive." Chris glared at his nemesis.
"So this Wesker?" Sheva looked at Chris, Redfield nod his head.
"We last met at the Spencer Estate, wasn't it? Well, isn't this one big family reunion huh?" He chuckled.
"I thought you would happier to see us." Wesker walked over to the cloak figure.
"Us?" Chris looked confuse.
"So slow to catch on." Wesker pulled the hook down exposing who the cloak figure was.
"J-Jill? Jill it's me Chris." Chris couldn't believe it, Jill Valentine his good old friend back in the day of S.T.A.R.S. was still alive but however this wasn't a moment of joy.
"That's Jill? Are you sure?" Sheva asked Chris.
"The one and only." Wesker smirked.
Jill removed her cloak to show her battle-suit. Jill quickly kicked Chris in the chest and bounce off him as she flew into air for a moment. Sheva took her aim at Jill but missed by an inch. Jill ran towards Sheva and head-butted her.
Jill then ran towards Chris and kneed him in the stomach, Chris fell down to one knee. Jill held her right hand back as if she was about to punch him. Sheva aimed her gun right up behind Jill's head. But Wesker pushed Sheva away from Jill.
Jill punched Chris in the face. Jill back flip away from them and joined Wesker's side as Excella escaped while they were fighting.
"Now let's finish this once and for all."
"Damn you Wesker," Chris cursed him.
"I think the odds are fair, two on two. Right Jill?" Wesker looked at the blonde Valentine. Jill looked back at Wesker for a moment before she nods her head.
Wesker cracked his knuckles and his neck "Seven minutes, seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you." Chris fired his handgun at Wesker only for him to dodged it.
"Poor performance indeed!" He mocked Chris.
Chris ran over to a steel door while firing at Wesker. But again and again Wesker dodged the bullets with ease.
"Your future hinges upon this fight." Wesker kicked Chris through the steel door. Sheva ran through the door and helped Chris up as the two ran up the upper floor to avoid Wesker and Jill.
"We'll never win like this. Time to change tactics." Chris told Sheva.
"We should hide, it's the only way we can gain the upper hand in this fight." Sheva told Chris.
"There's no point in hiding." Wesker laughed "You're merely postponing the inevitable."
Chris hide behind a corner while Sheva went off ahead to make sure Jill wasn't gonna catch them by surprise.
"You can't hide forever!" Wesker yelled, Chris could tell Wesker was very close.
Chris grabbed his stun-rod he kept on his side. He turned it on.
"Poor deluded Chris. How you so love your precious self-righteousness." Wesker walked forward unknowingly didn't see Chris.
"GAH!" Wesker fell down on his knees after getting the shock of his fucking life.
Chris punched Wesker in the face, again in the face then few japs to the gut before Chris finish off his combo striking Wesker's face knocking off his sunglasses.
Chris shook his wrists "Damn what's his face made out of steel?" Chris ran off after seeing Wesker getting off the ground.
Wesker notice his sunglasses were now broken. He threw them aside good thing he had another pair. Wesker notice he was bleeding from the lip, he smart to see how little damage Chris could do physically.
Wesker ran after Chris quick such speed "Ah…there you are!" Wesker threw a punch at Chris but luckily Chris dodge just in time, Wesker ram his right fist into the wall. Wesker tried to pull out but he was stuck for a moment.
Chris use this moment to strike Wesker again with the stun-rod and perform another fist combo on his face.
"Ugh Damnit." Wesker saw Chris ran off again as he withdraw his right fist from the wall.
"Here I am here giving you my precious little time, and you waste it by running around." Wesker looked around for Chris then suddenly, he saw someone toss a flash grenade at him. While Wesker was covering his eyes (even though he was wearing sunglasses)
Chris ran towards Wesker and hit him with a powerful uppercut, which knocked Wesker off his ass "Self-righteous fools." Wesker groan in pain. Wesker ran away from Chris, Chris ran after Wesker only to make it back where the fight started.
Chris saw Sheva and Jill was fighting in a game of CQC, when Jill saw Wesker at run up the stairs certurn in the room, Chris and Sheva ran after Wesker. There the two saw a hidden elevator behind a stone wall which opened before Wesker.
"I expected more of a challenge after all this time, Chris. How disappointing." He shook his head.
"You didn't seem disappointed after I knock your block off." Chris gripped his fists.
Suddenly Wesker got a call from someone.
"Yes. What is it?" He asked.
"Go!" The two went after Wesker.
"Wesker stop!" Chris yelled.
Wesker let out a disappointed sigh as he looked at the two. All focus on him but completely forgetting about Jill. Again Sheva got roundhouse kicked by Jill but this time, Sheva got kicked into a wall.
Jill elbow Chris in the stomach, and trip him up forcing him down on one knee. Jill wrapped her arms around Chris's head, ready to snapped his neck. Sheva recover quickly and aimed at both Wesker and Jill.
"Jill, come on snap out of it. It's me Chris! Come on! Don't you remember me? Don't you remember what we been through together? S.T.A.R.S, Barry, Rebecca, Brad, Richard does any of it sound familiar to you? Come on, Jill Valentine!" He tried his best to get Jill to remember.
"Nice try Chris. But now that your 'partner' has arrived, I'll leave you two to catch up." Wesker turned his back with an evil smile.
"Jill," Sheva struggle off the ground as Jill's kick nearly took the wind out of her.
"What about…you're kids? What about Felicia? Chris told me you're not this type of person." Sheva said.
Chris felt Jill's grip around his neck started to loosen.
"Chris. I...I...I'm." Jill said, she let go of him. Jill took few steps back, she shook her head. She held her head while baring her teeth.
"Remarkable! Still resisting at such an advanced stage. Commendable, yet futile! You can try like 'he' but you're not strong like him Jill."
Suddenly the hidden elevator doors open as someone took a step out.
"Speak of the devil. No more time for games, Chris. I've got work to do. Have fun watching Jill suffer." Wesker smirked.
"Keep Jill's company at bay, while I work. And remember what happens if you don't." Wesker said to the man. The unknown man nods his head.
The unknown man was tall, his hair was spiky blonde. He had three whisker line marks on each cheek on his face. His eyes were red malice. He wore black t-shirt with dark blue pants with black boots, he wore fingerless gloves.
"Wait what you did to her?!" Chris ran towards Wesker, but the blonde haired man blocked Chris's path and thrust punch Chris into a wall.
Jill grabbed the neck of her battle-suit and ripped it open exposing a large glowing device on Jill's chest.
"What's that on her chest?" Sheva said.
"Whatever it is we have to get it off her." Chris knew it won't be easy especially that Jill had extra support on her side.
Sheva looked at the man from head to toe and his appearance was very familiar.
"Is that Naruto?" Sheva stared.
Sheva and Chris stick together side by side. As the blonde hair man was indeed Naruto, the same Naruto from Jill's journal. He looked much older now but judging from seeing him holding Jill's left hand, they were still very much a couple, partners until the end.
Jill had a crazy look in her eyes. Naruto held Jill's left hand tighter. Jill looked at Naruto as he looked at her with a small smile. Jill calm down a bit as she slightly lower her head but kept her glare fix on Chris and Sheva.
"So you're Chris? Well let's see if you got what it takes to beat us." He turned his attention on the two B.S.A.A agents.
"You can speak?" Both Sheva and Chris looked surprise.
"I'm human too ya know? So yeah I can talk, but Jill right now…" He looked at his partner and lover "If I let go of her hand, she'll rip you apart with her bare hands. Trust me I've seen her in action and I have the scars to prove it." He said in a calm voice.
"You don't have what she got do you?" Sheva asked Naruto.
"No, that crap doesn't work on me…anymore." He said with a trouble looked.
"Help us save Jill. We can stop Wesker together." Chris told the Uzumaki.
"As much as I would love to help you ripped Albert a new one. I can't…I got orders and with those orders I must do or else those I love will suffer for my failure. I'm sorry." Naruto frown, he closed his eyes but reopen them as his face had a serious look now.
"This can't be happening." Sheva frown.
Chris and Sheva vs. Naruto and Jill
"Sad…but true." Chris nod.
End of chapter 4
Which one you want to see more of RE: Dark Heart or Resident Evil?
Later everyone.