Briefly, this is a continuation of my previous story, Only for you (originally entitled part 1). I must apologise for leaving the story hanging for all those years, but I am looking forward to concluding it. Hope you enjoy it! And please, if you get a chance, let me know what you think.
Only for you, Part 2.
Chapter 1
She remembered when she woke up, in pain and alone.
Always alone, she thought morosely, as she kicked off her boots and lay on the bed and sighed, the day had been long and trying.
She remembered the voice urging her to get off the bio bed and arm herself. She remembered the shock she felt when they told her that she had been dead for the better part of two years. That and the fact that she was now working for Cerberus, chilled her to her very core.
With, she corrected herself harshly, you are working with Cerberus, not for them.
She had not enjoyed her meeting with the Illusive Man and she had liked the fact that he was manipulating her, even less.
She had felt something akin to joy when she saw Joker, but she knew in an instant that he had changed, become more withdrawn, his voice had lacked the youthfulness and joyfulness she remembered.
But he is two years older than the Joker you remember, she reminded herself, again. Time changes people, she consoled silently, in an effort to fill the dull ache in her heart, that her resurrection had left.
He had approached her with something like trepidation, fear almost. But when he showed her the new Normandy, proudly pointing out the SR2's new features to his silent comrade, he was in that fleeting moment, the Joker of old, and she had almost smiled at his enthusiasm.
She remembered snippets of her previous life.
Because that is what it was, she mused to herself, as she adjusted the pillow behind her head, in an attempt to get comfortable. The stateroom, The Nest, she mentally corrected herself, was massive in comparison to the one she had on the SR1.
But just snippets, her short term memory seemed to be a little hazy, she remembered Saren and the Citadel. She could recall her time on Mindor with amazing clarity, right down to the smell of her fathers blood and his cold dead stare. She remembered the Blitz and all that had entailed. She just had some difficulty remembering the last few days of her previous life.
The Cerberus woman, Miranda, Shepard reminded herself, had said it was because she had woken up before she was fully repaired.
Repaired, she thought angrily, like I am some sort of machine.
She had instantly disliked the woman and her cold superior attitude.
She had tried to get Joker and then Chakwas to fill her in on what had happened, but they had stonewalled her. Chakwas had even went so far as to gently explain that it would be better for her mental health, if she remembered on her own.
Joker had just looked shifty.
She traced one of the angry scars on her face and sighed. Even they were alien to her now. Results of the invasive surgery which she had undergone, without her consent.
Half the crew looked at her in awe, the other half with suspicion.
She had defied the odds during the Blitz and on the Citadel and here yet again she was doing the impossible. She had died but now, in spite of this, she was rushing off to face an unknown enemy, with an untried crew, in the clutches of one of her greatest enemies.
Not like a little thing like death, can stop the Great Commander Shepard, she thought sarcastically.
She sighed again and shook her head, wincing a little at the pain she experienced as a result of the poorly healed scars.
Maybe they should have left me dead.