A/N: No more Mrs. Nice Ibaden (Such as in 'Not Without You') She is now the classic 'tries too hard but means well'. This is more of an introductory chapter with some flamboyant OCs. XD The plot picks up in chapter two and for once, Vert and Agura actually START in a relationship, instead of my usual dragging-out-the-ups-and-downs-of-love. Enjoy!
Let's go to the beach, beach, let's go get away-
"Ugh…what the…" Agura woke up to the blaring sounds of Nicki Minaj. "Vert…what is that?" She removed her boyfriend's arm from her waist in an effort to wake him up.
"Five more minutes…" Vert muttered, flipping over and pulling his pillow over his head.
They say what they gonna say
"Vert…turn it off!" Agura elbowed him.
"Ugh…" Vert rolled into a sitting position, turning on a lamp on his nightstand only to wince and turn it back off. "Is that your phone?" He mumbled blearily. "Wait..." He snickered, slightly more awake. "That's your ringtone?"
"Shut up…" Agura grumbled, groping around on his nightstand to find the blaring device.
Have a drink, click, found the bud light
"Who in their right mind would call you at three in the morning?" Vert muttered, flipping back onto his stomach.
Bad b-
"Ha!" Agura grabbed the phone and switched it off, but not in time to avoid Vert's snicker. She glared at him, but he simply laughed.
"I'm sorry, I just can't even get over this…your ringtone is Starships! Friggin' Starships!"
"Be quiet." She stuck out her tongue, and he waggled his eyebrows as she answered the phone with a groggy...
"Agura? You sound sick! Honey, are you feeling alright?"
"Mother?" Agura's jaw dropped. A three AM prank call? Sure! Drunk dial? Understandable. But her mother?
"Well of course, dear!" The enthusiastic Mrs. Ibaden replied brightly. "How are you doing? I have some good news!"
"Mom, it's like, three AM here…" Agura sighed, and Vert looked at her curiously.
"Your mom?" He mouthed, and she nodded. Vert threw his arms up in exasperation, dropping like a stone back onto his pillow, and (covering up the receiver) she giggled.
"Really?" Mrs. Ibaden asked in confusion. "Honey, it's past noon!"
"Mom. I live in Arizona now." Agura said slowly, clear exasperation on her face. "In the U.S.? In the time zone nine hours behind yours?"
"Oh! I'm sorry, sweetie, I just got so excited!" Mrs. Ibaden's voice resumed full perkiness, and Vert mocked her from his pillow, making hoity-toity faces as Agura silently cracked up.
"A-about what, mom?" She finally regained her breath.
"The plane! We booked you a flight, sweetheart! You're coming home for a little visit!" Her mother squealed, and Agura froze. Vert paused his mocking to look at her in concern.
"Uhm…why?" Agura asked weakly.
"Well, I can't tell you." Mrs. Ibaden said as if it were obvious. "It's a surprise! Get packed up, honey, your flight leaves at two!"
"Two?" Agura narrowed her eyes. "Mom, is that your time or mine?"
"Hmm…Oh! It's yours! Good thing I woke you up; now you'll have enough time to pac-"
"Mother!" Agura hissed. "That's in less than two hours!" Vert's jaw dropped, and he whipped around to look at the clock: 3:17. Her flight left at five in the morning, and the nearest airport (in Phoenix) was over an hour away.
"I'm sorry, dear, I just got so excited-"
"Mom! I have to go!" Agura barked, slamming her phone shut and jumping out of Vert's bed.
"I cannot even believe that woman!" She raged, ripping off her pajamas as Vert politely shielded his eyes. "Oh, you've seen it all before!" She hissed, yanking on the clothing she kept in his room. Technically, they weren't allowed to sleep in each other room's, and so the couple had had to devise more complicated ways of sneaking around. "I have to be packed and out of here in twenty minutes!"
"It's fine; you'll make it." Vert soothed. "I'll help you; where's your suitcase?"
"My room; bottom of the closet." She muttered, struggling with her bra. Vert quickly came up behind her, hooked it on, and pecked her on the lips.
"We can do this." He said firmly, then sprinted across the hall and pressing his hand onto the scanner.
Thank God for full security clearance. Vert thought to himself as the door slid open. He pulled the suitcase from the closet and propped it open on her bed (which had hardly been slept in since they had begun dating). Agura sprinted in soon after, her arm in the neck hole of her shirt. She growled, fixing it, and went quickly to her closet, randomly pulling out clothes.
"Throw these in!" She instructed as articles of clothing came flying toward Vert's head. He grabbed and pressed them into the suitcase as quickly as he could, blushing as a handful of underwear was tossed at him. The onslaught stopped as quickly as it had started as Agura darted into the bathroom.
"Agh! Everything's over three ounces!" She groaned.
"Okay; I have travel size shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste. I'll get those; you grab everything else." Vert took charge, darting across the hall and into his bathroom.
"You use conditioner?" Agura tilted her head as he pressed the items, along with a plastic bag, into her hands.
"Put all the liquids in there, and yes, it makes my hair soft." Vert grinned.
"Okay; I have clothes, shoes, and bathroom covered, and it's 3:30…anything else?" Agura frowned, zipping the suitcase.
"Here, you'll want your phone and iPod for the plane…" Vert grabbed the items and a purse hanging from her closet. "And…" He paused, struck by inspiration, and darted into his room, grabbing a book and dashing in to hand it to her.
"1,000 plus Sudoku puzzles?" Agura tilted her head, a smile on her lips.
"I get bored." Vert shrugged, and she laughed, hugging him tightly.
"You're awesome."
"Text me when you land, okay?" Vert kissed the top of her head.
"I will." Agura nodded, pulling her suitcase off of her bed, out of her room and down the hallway.
"I love you." She blew a kiss as she entered the Tangler. "You're the best!" She waved the Sudoku book with a grin.
"So, sex when you get back?" Vert raised an eyebrow, only partially kidding.
"How can you think about that at three AM?" Agura laughed as she pulled out.
"You didn't answer!" Vert called as the Tangler retreated.
"Yes!" She shouted over her shoulder. Vert grinned to himself, then checked the clock.
Oh my God, it's only three-thirty-two. He groaned, trudging back into his room.
"Last call for the transatlantic flight!" A flight attendant announced as Agura nearly sprinted into her terminal, handing the man her ticket. Security had been slow even at four AM, not to mention that it was on the other side of the airport.
"You're very lucky, young lady." He raised an eyebrow as he scanned it. "Have a good flight."
"Thanks." She breathed, handing the ticket to a perky flight attendant as she entered the plane.
"Wow, you almost missed the flight there, didn't ya?" The older woman, with a hint of a northern accent, smiled brightly. "Don't worry, hon, we'll get you seated right up!" She said cheerily as she directed Agura to a seat in first class.
"I-I'm in first class?" Agura asked in surprise.
"Well that's what the ticket says!" 'Debbie', as her nametag read, grinned with a little too much enthusiasm for five in the morning. "Have a seat, honey, we'll take good care of you!" She gestured as Agura, still a little shocked at the first class accommodations, slowly sat down in the spacious seat. "You just press this button whenever you need something, and I'll be right here. There's a pillow and blanket available for you there, and you just draw the curtain anytime you want to sleep. Breakfast is available anytime until eleven, and then we start lunch, and…well, here, I'll give you the schedule. Can I get you anything?"
"No thanks." Agura smiled at the kind woman.
"Alright, well you just have a good flight now, okay dear?" Debbie smiled, and turned to go.
"No problem." Agura murmured to herself, reaching for the pillow behind her head and reclining her seat. She would have preferred not to have left her boyfriend's bed at all to the plane seat at this hour, but first class beat coach, hands down.
Only good thing about this trip so far. She thought cynically to herself just before falling asleep.
It was nine AM Phoenix time; Agura's watch told her when she woke up.
"Thank God." A female voice next to her exclaimed as she opened her eyes. "I have been dying for some conversation ever since this plane lifted off. The only other choice was that guy giving me the look across the aisle or one of the flight attendants." The girl snapped her gum, and Agura realized that she hadn't even glanced at her seat partner, and she now took a full look.
And was slightly blinded. The girl, maybe around her age, wore bright yellow shorts and had layered a neon blue sports bra with two tank tops; one hot pink and the other underneath it lime green. She had tie-dyed sunglasses perched on her head along with an assortment of yellow, blue, pink and green headbands and a few yellow, blue, pink and green bobby pins holding in loose strands of hair. Her shoes were blue and pink floral patterned wedges, she had tangles of multicolored friendship bracelets on both wrists, and her fingernails were painted hot pink with yellow tips. Her toenails sparkled with blue glitter. The girl had pale skin and wispy hair so blonde it was almost white. Her bright blue eyes popped amidst dark lashes and her lips were bubblegum pink. Overall, Agura was a bit stunned.
"Hi?" She said hesitantly.
"You do talk!" The girl exclaimed with glee, and she looked so bright, animated and doll-like that Agura almost pictured a puppeteer above her, pulling strings. "I was getting so mega-bored just sitting here, because I absolutely cannot sleep on planes, way too scared I'll die or get mauled or something, but everyone else was asleep and I already did the word search they give you and read the Sky Mall magazine and just thank God you're awake." She took a quick breath. "I'm Elsie, by the way."
"I'm Agura; hi." Agura said slowly, in an effort to slow her seat-mate down.
"Ooh! Agura; that's so twee!" Elsie exclaimed.
"Twee?" Agura tilted her head in confusion.
"Twee. Excessively cute or adorable." Elsie explained quickly. "I mean, Agura! Heart that! I totes wish I had an original name, but I'm legally stuck with Elsie until I'm eighteen, and that's only if I can pick something cute to change it to!"
"Mhm." Agura nodded, completely overwhelmed by the colorful girl's massive presence.
"So, Agura. What are you heading to A-freak-ah for?" Elsie asked, pronouncing the continent's name Shakira style.
"Family issues." Agura answered.
"Ooh." Elsie knit her fingers together, perched her chin on them, and balanced her elbows on the armrest in between them. "This sounds like an interesting story."
"You have no idea." Agura laughed, and proceeded to inform her seatmate of the morning's speed-packing adventure.
"Oh my God." Elsie's jaw dropped. "Your mom totally forgot the time change?"
"Completely." Agura sighed. "She means well, but she has a funny way of showing it."
"I hear that." Elsie nodded. "But God! Your boyfriend sounds amazing!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah, he's great." Agura smiled wistfully.
"You promised him sex for helping, didn't you?" Elsie grinned knowingly.
"Well, I mean…He asked!" Agura blushed, and Elsie laughed.
"It's okay. I have a guy sitch too. But hold that thought; I'm starving." She pressed the call button, and Debbie appeared.
"I see you two have met!" She gushed. "I figured you two would have fun, don'tcha know. Can I get you anything?"
"Breakfast would be great." Elsie smiled, and Agura noted that she had braces; the colorful rubber bands in ROY G BIV rainbow order, or course.
"I'll get that right up for ya!" Debbie said cheerily.
"Okay, she's from either Minnesota, North Dakota, or Wisconsin." Elsie said the second Debbie disappeared.
"Probably." Agura grinned.
"Think I should ask?" Elsie grinned slyly. Before Agura had a chance to respond, Debbie reappeared, setting two plates down on their trays.
"Thanks." Agura smiled, surveying the breakfast; a bagel with cream cheese and strawberries.
"Excuse me, Debbie?" Elsie asked. "Are you from Wisconsin, by chance?"
"Well don'tcha know, I'm actually from Minnesota!" Debbie exclaimed.
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Elsie smiled sweetly, shooting Agura a private look that said "Told ya!"
"Can I get you girls anything to drink?" Debbie looked to them.
"Apple juice." Elsie replied instantly, and Agura stifled laughter.
"I'll have orange juice." She replied, and Debbie nodded, disappearing behind the curtain. Agura turned to Elsie and immediately began laughing.
"What? Apple juice is a perfectly adult drink!" Elsie pouted.
"It is not." Agura managed through giggles.
"Oh, because orange juice is so mature." Elsie folded her arms, but had to give in and laugh with Agura.
"Anyway," Agura began once they regained their breath, "You said you had a 'boy sitch' to talk about?"
"Oh girl." Elsie held up a finger. "Do I ever." She nodded intensely. "So, I'm dating this boy named Peter. And don't get me wrong, Peter's cute, Peter's nice, Peter's smart, but he's more the sensible kind of boyfriend you want to marry, right? I'm still into the whole teenage romantic summer fling. And so the thing is, his best friend is this hottie, Brandon, who I dated last year for like, six months, which is totes long-term, right? So this one night, at a party, I run into Brandon, major awks, and Peter isn't there, but this other guy, Connor, who I kind of had a friends-with-benefits thing going on with while I dated Peter, is." Elsie paused, narrowing her eyes. "Don't give me that look; I am no slut, it's just that Peter has as much sex appeal as a bag of rocks. So anyway, me and Brandon are talking, and Connor just like comes up and like, grabs my waist. And I was just like 'Not in front of Brandon!' but it was too late, because Brandon already has this grudge thing against me since I broke up with him, and he snaps a pic and sends it to Peter! And I was just like "'Kay, screw you then!" And so Peter calls me like, faster than the picture could even send, and he's all "WTF?" Except, you know, he's so innocent, so it was more like "Uhm, what?" and so then I was just like "This isn't what it looks like" and he was all "We need to talk," like Mr. Serious, and so then I was just like "Okay, uhm, this isn't gonna work out…" And so I kind of broke up with him right in front of his best friend, and he was all "We can work this out; we're stronger than this," and then I was finally just like "See ya!" and so then Brandon calls me a B-word, cause he heard the whole thing, so I just kind of totally snapped and cussed him out and said things I'd rather not repeat on U.S. Airlines, and by then this huge crowd was around me, and all my girlfriends were like "Yeah, Elsie, you tell him girl!" And then Brandon's girlfriend was just like "OMG, you're such a man-ho!" and so she dumped him, and so I basically caused two breakups in under three minutes, but me and Brandon's girlfriend Lauren are BFFs now, so that's cool, but still! And so Brandon stomps off and goes and does whatever, but then Connor, my friends with benefits guy, y'know, just kinda slides in and he's like "That was super hot" and so I was like "You just made me break up with my boyfriend, D-bag!" So I slapped him, and then finally all my guy-ties were cut, and so I'm just like "I need to go home and like, bury my head under a pillow." But of course I rode here with Connor, who I totally just dissed, so I don't have a ride, and so I'm like, walking down the street in Phoenix in my best stilettos and looking like a total hooker when out of nowhere, this Mr. Tall dark and handsome drives up in a convertible, for God's sake, I mean, call me a material girl but HOLLA, and he's just like "Hey, do you need help?" And he looked super nice, and his voice was the cutest thing, all low and sexy but still super nice, and I'm just like "I will bang you right here and now," and so I get in the convertible, and he takes me to this super twee retro drive-in movie theater and we watch Madagascar 3! How twee is that? I mean, it wasn't like we had a choice, but still, like, reliving my childhood over here! So he goes and grabs us popcorn and chocolate malts, and I seriously could have been wearing a poodle skirt and bobby socks, but it was the cutest thing." Elsie finished, taking a gasp of air.
"Wow." Was all Agura could manage.
"I know, right?" Elsie buried her face in her hands. "I mean, God! Men are complicated!"
"Oh honey, I know." A well-dressed young man leaned in from across the aisle, and Agura and Elsie shot each other a dubious look. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear. I'm Sebastian, and do I ever hear you about guy troubles." He extended his hand across the aisle, and with a delighted look on her face, Elsie shook it.
"I'm Elsie, and this is Agura. Love the fedora by the way." She introduced. Agura shook his hand as well, noticing Sebastian's well-coiffed hair (under the fedora).
"Thank you." Sebastian touched the hat lightly to adjust it. "So, what's this movie theater boy's name?" He rested his chin on his hand, turning to face them.
"Sherman." Elsie sighed dreamily, and Agura's jaw dropped.
"Sherman?" She managed. "Sherman Cortez? Tall, brown eyes, muscular?"
"OMG! You know him?" Elsie asked excitedly.
"He's my teamma- er, coworker!" Agura exclaimed. "How long ago was this?" She asked, calculating in her head. Sherman had gone into Phoenix sometime last week to run some errands, and Vert only allowed select team members he had deemed responsible enough to take the convertible out for errands (mainly himself, Sherman, and Agura, and mainly because their regular cars wouldn't fit on city streets).
"Oh my God! That is so amazing!" Elsie squealed.
"Totally." Sebastian, who Agura was ninety percent sure was gay, agreed. "Oh my God! You could double date!" He exclaimed.
"Oh my God! We totes could!" Elsie gushed. "That is so twee."
"Wait, do you live in Phoenix?" Agura asked curiously.
"Kind of." Elsie shrugged. "My parents are divorced, so I spend the school year with my mom in Phoenix, and then visit my dad in Africa over the summer. It's a trip, but I love both places."
"Wait, if your dad is African, then…why are you white?" Agura blushed, but she was curious.
"Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white!" Sebastian gasped, referencing 'Mean Girls' (A/N: Great movie. XD) and causing all three of them to crack up.
"It's okay; I get that question a lot." Elsie shrugged. "It's kind of the reason my parents divorced in the first place. My ho-bag mom was totally cheating on my dad, who I guess is technically not even my real dad, but when my mom told me I was just like 'Listen here, bee'yotch, he, not your scumbag affair dude raised me, and I want to live with him'. But, you know, divorce court, and the schooling in Africa isn't exactly fantastic, no offense Agura, the judge's words not mine, so I have to stay with my mom for the school year, not that I talk to her."
"That's terrible." Sebastian sighed.
"I know; I do a lot of sleeping over, but I do love my Phoenix girls." Elsie shrugged. "Besides, I got to meet Sherman, and the second the school bell rings I hop right back home."
"That's good." Agura said.
"Yeah, it is. I feel a little bad though, I mean, I just met Sherman, and now I'm taking off for three months! I said I would text him though, so thank God for national coverage!" Elsie waved her phone. "Anyway, Sebastian, I'm sure you overheard Agura's story," Sebastian blushed a little at this, "But what are you heading to Africa for?"
"Mission trip." Sebastian said proudly. "My boyfriend and I, he's stuck back in coach, poor thing, are meeting up with a bunch of other people from around the world to help build wells for underprivileged schools." He informed them. Agura smiled; her family, being royalty, had never had those problems, but they had heard too many tales of other countries experiencing droughts, losing money, all kinds of horror stories, and it was always nice to know someone was helping out.
"Oh, so you are gay." Elsie commented nonchalantly, then clasped a hand over her mouth. "Oh my God, I did not mean it like that." She apologized, but Sebastian waved his hand carelessly.
"Don't worry about it; I don't exactly try to cover it up." He touched his fedora lightly. "By the way, love the rainbow outfit."
"I like colors." Elsie smiled brightly.
"I was wondering…" Agura mocked.
"Well, the thing is, everything about me is so colorless. I mean, my hair is like, grandma white," Elsie grabbed a loose strand, "Which isn't even a color, it's a shade, I'm super pale, and my eyes are actually hazel. Colored contacts." She explained, blinking brightly.
"I knew those eyes weren't real!" Sebastian snapped. "Sorry." He apologized, and Elsie shrugged.
"Hey, everyone has their thing, and mine is coordination." Elsie defended. "I want to be an interior designer." She admitted, adjusting the tie-dye patterned sunglasses.
"Oh my God, me too!" Sebastian high-fived her. "Agura…" He smiled knowingly. "Don't tell me it's also your dream."
"No," Agura laughed, "I'm not really into that sort of thing."
"I did peg you as a tomboy." Elsie admitted.
"Thanks?" Agura raised an eyebrow.
"Honey, you are wearing pants, a cleavage free tee and sweatshirt." Sebastian bit his lip. "And we are going to Africa."
"This is my favorite outfit!" Agura protested.
"That's our point! Tomboy!" Elsie laughed. "Does your boyfriend like, go for that?" She asked innocently.
"I think her boyfriend goes for the cleavage she's trying to cover up with that shirt." Sebastian muttered jokingly.
"Hey; he's not like that." Agura blushed.
"They do have sex though." Elsie added unhelpfully, and Agura stuck out her tongue.
"For the record, I like sex, and…Oh, God, I'm going to lose this argument either way aren't I?" She sighed, and her tormentors cackled.
The flight went on, and the three unlikely friends discussed airplane food, their travel plans for the summer, Agura's crazy mother, more of Elsie's (and Sebastian's) boyfriend troubles and the fact that she, Sherman, Vert and Agura needed to double date, many other topics and even teamworked a few puzzles in Vert's Sudoku book as the hours (no pun intended) flew by.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are currently flying over the Atlantic Ocean, and will reach our destination in roughly two hours." The pilot announced, momentarily stopping their conversation.
"Alright, here's dinner for everyone." Debbie came up, setting down trays. "Enjoy now!"
"Okay, she's northern, right?" Sebastian asked the girls, who laughed.
"Yes, she's from Minnesota; Elsie asked her." Agura answered.
"So that's what they mean when they say 'Minnesota nice!'" Sebastian snapped his fingers.
"I think being friendly is just her job…" Agura frowned.
"No, trust me, I have cousins from Minnesota." Elsie cut in. "It's a freaking genetic trait."
"Must be the cold. Keeps their hearts warm." Sebastian joked, and this caused much more discussion for the last two hours of the flight until the plane finally landed.