Hello fellow survivors, infected, carriers, whatever you are! I'm gNat2 and this is my very stupid Left 4 Dead fanfiction starring me and my friend, who goes by the name Meepalicious on here. This was inspired by one (and possibly only) fanfiction Meepalicious has uploaded in the Lord of the Rings fandom where the Fellowship come to Earth and four girls show them the way of life and a way back to their world. It's random, funny, and creative. So if you're a hobbit, wizard, elf, or the son of some evil ass king, she's the one you should follow after you R&R this fic! Plus hers has some Hetalia references here and there...
Enough about her! This story can also go to what the reviewers would want, like Francis and one of the OCs grow a better friendship or Zoey becomes jealous at Francis and what not...Pairings are unknown! It could be a possibly chance of CCxOC. But it's mostly up to me and sometimes you. Also, there is no The Sacrifice campaign since I love Bill. A lot. He's a hero, and not just because he was a Vietnam War veteran.
Random note here, this was uploaded at 2 AM xD. Plus I emailed Meep on what the title should be. I got no reply since I'm the only night bat in my friends.
It's fun when you say that you want to be in a zombie apocalypse, but it can really bite you on the ass if it really happens. Do you want it with a plan out infection and live out in a farm like in The Walking Dead? Or have some sort of mutant hump your head and take over your body like in Half-Life? Maybe you want to shoot weird things that look like in a zombie infected…thing from House of the Living Dead…or anything with the word 'Dead' in it? Want to be in a world with the word 'Dead' in it with a number before that and a simple direction after that?
Fine, I won't play games with you anymore. I'll just tell you the story of how I got IN a game.
~I hate flashbacks~
"Oh Natalie~. I'm here to bother you!" My best friend, Kirstin, barged into my house one afternoon. Her hair was tied in a low ponytail with a side of her hair hanging on the side, occasionally blocking her eyes through her contacts. She wore one of those "Honey badgers don't care" shirts with jeans and a small handbag with a long handle under her arm.
From the looks of it, it looked like she just came back from band camp and probably begged her mom to come over and surprise me without the presence of her annoying little brother. So much for my sleep in plan. "Hey Kirstin." I greeted as I closed my laptop and walked over to her. "Watchya doing?" She asked me 'innocently'.
"Nothing special, really." I replied. "Want to play something?" I pointed out my Xbox 360, which was lying down on its side. "Sadly, I do not have a kinect so that means I don't have Just Dance 3." I told her.
I thought for a moment before saying, "Hey, how about something gory and full of zombies." I suggested. "Like Left 4 Dead?" When I got an approval of my friend, I booted up my three year old console and popped in my L4D disk.
"Um…" Kirstin stated. "I don't know how to use to controller for this." She confessed. After all, the only console she has was a Wii. So after wasting 10 minutes telling her the basics of L4D, we finally focused on the cinematic entrance.
"Okay, so the guy in the vest is Francis. Let me tell you, he hates a lot of stuff. The guy who just wiped crap on him was Bill; he's a veteran from the Vietnam War. The chick is Zoey; she's a college student majoring in movie directing. Lastly, the guy in the tie is Louis." I explained the survivors as they discussed that the zombies are changing into something big. When they heard the witch's cry I told my friend, "That's a witch, one of the special infected. Don't shine your flashlight at it or shoot it, it'll make her angry and incapacitate you." She nodded. Obviously, Zoey didn't knew that and Bill stopped her just in time. Soon the horde of zombies appears in the distance, "That's a horde of regular zombies, it's normal during the middle of a campaign and finales."
I continued on explaining the things she needs to know in the opening, mostly the special infected that appeared like the Hunter and the Tank. "Dude, that thing (Tank) is a psychopathic killing machine…on steroids!" She shouted in surprise. "You sound like you never met one before." I sarcastically replied to her.
"We made it…we really made it." Louis huffed. "We only crossed the street." Bill told him as he lit a cigarette. Kirstin laughed, "Bill is a total badass!" "I forgot to mention that they added three new special infected in the second game. The Jockey, the Spitter, and the Charger. Also they added a female Boomer." Kirstin gave me a disgusted look. "As if the total of gore in the opening already scared me for life."
The loading screen then quickly took the intro's place. After that, after jamming A for a while, we got to the character selection of a random campaign on Easy mode. "You can be Zoey and I'll be Bill, okay?" After going through the last minute of her comprehending all the controls once again, I pressed start and wait like an anxious gamer and professional zombie slayer.
But something wasn't right. Something was not the way it should be. Was it an update for a new campaign poster?
I paled at the loading screen. It was nothing like I've seen before, are you sure this was a campaign?
The Wall.
The Wall? That's an odd name for a campaign. It should've been more dark than just The Wall.
Zombies aren't the only things that are breaking.
That was the caption underneath. This is really freaking me out, is Gabe Newell giving out a random DLC update or I'm going crazy.
"Say Natalie…Have you play this campaign before?" Kirstin's question made it worse. "No…I haven't…"
Suddenly, a flash of white covered my vision that soon bled to darkness as I passed out. When I wake up, I'm sure going to get a surprise.
Part of this was partially true. But I introduced Meep to L4D2 instead of one but she stilled suck at it and let her brother play it.
Meep: HEY! I heard that!
So I hope you guys liked it, because I didn't. This introduction sucks more than it should! I think I need a beta to make me stop procrastinating...