Wolkenreiter by Digimon Data Squad
[The Digimon Tamers Digital Rebelion logo appears]
Streck' deine Flügel in den Wind
[Ken, Wormmon, Dean, Veemon, Akita, Dorumon, Hikaru, Elecmon, Akari, BlackGatomon, Akira, BlackAgumon are behind a wall and observe in the dark DigiCity the Gizumon who pass by]
wir werden tanzen in den Wolken
[Haruka, Gatomon, Ryoma, Patamon, Karin, Lopmon, Rene, Renamon, Kenny, Terriermon, Takuto and Guilmon look at the sky and observe the Gizumon AT/XT who pass by]
bis wir im Land der Wunder sind
[Shawn, Coronamon, Nanami, DemiDevimon, Noah, Wizardmon, Marcus, Agumon, Yoshi, Lalamon, Thomas and Gaomon are seen facing the Gizumon, Marcus calls out for an attack]
Wir werden Himmelsstürmer sein
[Reapermon is seen walking through the empty street]
und für uns ist der Regenbogen
[Tammy's image of her face from the profile appears behind Reapermon]
nur das Tor zum Sonnenschein
[Both turn and look at each other]
Denn Träume müssen fliegen lernen
[A dark Crimson X-Loader appears and Zia is seen holding it with Gumadramon standing next to her]
jetzt schau' in den Himmel
[Arisa, holding her D-Power and Impmon jump into the scene]
die Zukunft liegt in den Sternen
[Shinzui and a DigiGnome jump into the scene and Shinzui threws a ball of light which dazzels everything]
Und wir steigen mit dem Wind auf uns're Himmelsleiter
[Lilithmon appears threwing a blast of darkness, Arrestedramon with Zia is seen flying up]
Ganz hoch rauf, die Richtung stimmt, ich werde dein Begleiter sein
[Takuto's face in an orb (the one which appears when the Bioemerge) is seen as the scene turns to Gallantmon CM who threws a blast with his sword, BlackWarGreymon flies up, as Akira's face appears in the orb, and performs his Terra Destroyer attack]
Diese Reise, hört nicht auf, sie führt uns immer weiter
[Beelzemon BM flies up, shines and turns to his normal form, only to shine again and turn into his Warrior Mode]
wenn der neue Tag beginnt, werden wir Wolkenreiter sein
[On a high building, Nora is seen standing and looking down with Yggdrasil next to her (in his first machine form from Data Squad) as the Digital Resistance (that means the Hackers, Guardians, DigiDestenied, Rangers (exept Satsuma) and Tamers is seen facing them). The scene switches to Arisa's serious face as her Crest glows, then the group is seen from the back, with Yggdrasil above them as a wind blows through the dark street]