Hello all. This is the last chapter of this story. I know it's kind of short but I think you'll really like it :) Thank you for the support!
Summer break has come and gone so quickly, no one knew what happened to it. There was only one day left until classes were back in session. And what were the Hitachiin twins doing to finish it off? Absolutely nothing. They were just in their entertainment room, playing some random video game. Both of them had a dull expression. They were pressing the buttons on the controllers on autopilot. It was the only thing they had left to stop them from becoming completely, utterly bored. Renge had come over to see Lilith and so they didn't dare mess with them. At least not Hikaru. Whenever they're in the same room together, she just glares at him and keeps her stepsister behind her. Lilith did nothing about it though. She was just so happy to see her sister again she didn't mind. Right now the girls are just in the backyard playing with Sapphire, who was ecstatic to see her as well. Even though they were all pretty much at ease, they didn't exactly want to spend their last day off like this. Lilith dragged Renge back inside and quickly found where the boys were. They looked over at her dully.
She smiled at how obviously bored they were and asked them, "you hungry?"
"Sure," answered Kaoru.
"I could eat," finished Hikaru.
"Come on then," she said as she left the room.
Hikaru called out to her and she popped her head back into the room. He motioned her over. She shrugged and walked over to the couch. In knowing he didn't belong at the moment, Kaoru went ahead and left the room without a word. Once she approached Hikaru, she just looked down at him. He grabbed onto her wrist and pulled. Her eyes widened as she fell right onto his lap. She ended up simply straddling him. Once the panic was gone, she looked at him confused. He just held her tightly against him. She closed her eyes and held onto him. In a soft voice, he let her know about how uncomfortable he was with Renge there. All she could do to relieve him of that was to remind him that she was leaving in the evening. When the conversation died off, he pushed her away just enough so that he could kiss her. She couldn't resist him in the least. The two tightened their grasps on each other as the kiss intensified. Instantly, they forgot about the ones waiting for them. They forgot about food in general. They were only hungry for the other. They only broke away to catch their breaths and then they just went right back at it. If the two had it their way, they would stay like this the rest of the day. As if things would run that smoothly though. Lilith's eyes widened when she heard a yelp. She broke away from Hikaru and ran out of the room before he could do a thing. Having a horrid feeling, she ran out straight to the backyard. Dark clouds had begun to roll in. Wind was picking up quickly. The occasional thunder rumble became louder as the clouds grew. Instantly she began to choke up when she saw what the cry came from. Sapphire was lying in a puddle of her own blood, having a hard time breathing. Without even considering looking around further, she ran straight to her. Falling to her knees, she held her tightly.
"Lilith!" Hikaru called in horror.
Before she could look at him, a shadow casted over her. She slowly looked up, into the eyes of her biological father. He simply smiled at her, but there was something in his eyes that she knew no one was safe. She kept telling herself to run while she still had a chance to escape. She couldn't move a muscle. Fear took over her whole being. Right when Hikaru tried to approached, her father picked up the still girl and put her over his shoulder. He stopped the enraged boy by pointing a handgun at him. Soon after, Kaoru and Renge went to see what the commotion was all about. They just froze when they saw what was going on. No one dared move. They all knew that he would have no problem shooting any of them. Lilith was still pretty much just frozen. At least, that's how it seemed to all of them. To all of their surprise, especially the father's, she weakly grabbed onto the extended arm and pulled it behind him. Hikaru took advantage right away and tackled him to the ground. Lilith fell off his shoulder and fell onto the ground harshly. Rain began to pour down harshly, soaking everyone in an instance. Renge ran to her grounded sister while Kaoru went to help his brother keep her dad down. Hikaru had made sure to throw the gun on the other side of the yard so that there was no chance of it being used. When Hikaru was no longer blinded by rage, a terrible feeling filled his senses. He slowly looked over, seeing Renge struggling to wake her sister.
"Lilith..?" he barely choked out.
Guards from the front gate raced out and took control of the flailing man beneath the twins. Hikaru picked up the unresponsive girl, completely confused. Her pulse was faint and her small breathing was harsh. She couldn't seem to find the ability to catch a breath. Her body was burning so much that it was really uncomfortable for him to hold her. Her skin was deep red. She put no effort into just trying to hold him. He looked down where he tackled him and felt ill. There he saw a few flower petals. His eyes became glassy when he realized how in trouble she really is. The rain easily masked his sudden streaming tears. He bolted inside, straight to the front door. He was in his home for less than five seconds. Outside the front door, he saw a ride waiting for him. He jumped in the car and it raced off.
"And then what happened?" a voiced asked excitedly.
Lilith chuckled softly and answered, "you two know the story so well you should be telling it to me."
"Oh I know!" another one exclaimed. "Daddy saved your life Mommy!"
"Story telling again?" Hikaru asked.
He stood behind the couch and looked down at his family. His three girls were staring up at him happily. Lilith was lying on her back, having a daughter in each of her arm. She decided to stick with her natural hair color and it was back down to the middle of her back, on his request. What just made her ecstatic was that their daughters inherited her mother's hair color. Of course they had the golden eyes though.
"Just talking about how amazing you are," Lilith answered him.
He smiled and his twins asked, "is Uncle here?"
"Someone ask for me?" Kaoru asked, entering the room.
"Yay!" the girls cheered.
They jumped off their mother and ran over to him. Their parents couldn't help but smile. They just loved seeing how well they get along with Kaoru. He offered the girls to take them out for ice-cream and they cheered even more. Just before leaving, he mouthed to his brother of how he owes him. Lilith got a sinking suspicion and slipped off the couch. Hikaru glanced at her, completely amused. In knowing how they would just circle the couch, he jumped over it. Her eyes widened in surprise and she jumped back. He caught her before she could get too far away and dropped her back onto the sofa. He then hovered over her and brought his face close to hers. Before he could do anything though, she suggested going upstairs. Understanding, he picked her up. Just before going up the stairs however, a thought struck her. She grabbed onto the railing, to stop him from going further. He looked down at her with a frown. She clasped her hands together and looked up at him with the cutest look she could offer. In not having a choice, he put her back down. She let him know that she would be right up and left the room.
"Hey old girl..." she whispered.
Sapphire limped over to her and sat down. She sat in front of her and held onto her. It's already been ten years since her father was finally caught. She and Hikaru both agreed to never tell their daughters about him. To them, Renge's father and the twins' father were their grandfathers. They would never explain the whole experience either. They don't even want to think themselves that she had died for almost a minute. She was in a coma for weeks. Hikaru wouldn't ever leave her side. They both barely made it through to the next grade thanks to the sympathy of their teachers. It was just after graduation that Lilith found herself pregnant with the girls. Instead of all the drama that comes with young age pregnancies, everyone was happy for them. The two had nothing against the idea. In knowing they never want to separate, they went ahead and got married. Eight years later, everything was perfect. There was never anything the two could think of to make things even better. Sapphire barely pulled it through as well. She was never as energetic as before she was shot, but she was still alive. After getting her face licked, she was brought back to reality. She let go of the aged husky and stood up. Her first true friend walked over to her bed and lied down.
"Guess I'd better give him attention now," she whispered.
She climbed the stairs and walked down to the end of the hallway. The door to their room was left ajar. She took in a deep breath, bracing herself. When she was finished, she entered the master bedroom. He back was slammed against the door as his hungry lips met her calm ones. Just before closing her eyes, she couldn't help but notice that he was completely naked. Thanks to him, soon enough she was too. He picked her back up and laid her down on the bed. He hovered over her. His sudden calmness puzzled her. He was staring at her necklace, with the charm resting on her collar bone.
"Have you ever taken it off?" he asked softly.
Smiling, she held onto it. She kissed him gently and answered, "never."
He scooped her up and held her tightly. She let go of the necklace so she could hold him. Soon enough, the golden lily fell back onto the pillow her head was resting on.