Another little one-shot :)

Ritsu could deal with headaches. Easily. And those stomach cramps he usually got from not eating proper, nervous flip-flopping from work or those stupid words that Masamune sometimes told him, could easily be worked on with a couple of painkillers.

But when it's also mixed with stress, crying himself to sleep(when he was lucky enough to fall asleep), sex with Masamune in the shower; that is very pleasurable but also hurt his kneecaps and endless nights where he would be staring at the clock or make a 03.36 dinner for himself, it just gets to much.

One by one he could deal with.

All together he'll break down.

Ritsu knew when things would get to much for him. He wasn't stupid or ignorant to his own feelings; god dammit he even knew that he loved Masamune he just wasn't ready to admit it just yet. So it wasn't an unusual thing for him to decide that enough was enough by now.

But standing outside of Masamune's door, was the final-break.

Knocking on the door was a cry for help, and when Masamune finally opened the door...

Ritsu leaned against his chest and broke.

Masamune held on to Ritsu as he broke and crumpled to pieces down on the floor.

"I...i know that I'm not in the position of asking for this but... please help me"...

Oh god, evil me ^^'