Nowaki smirked as he looked at the pink apron he'd found in the closet earlier that morning. He held it up, his mind's eye beholding his lover in it without much else, or anything really. He felt his mouth water at the thought of how delicious Hiroki would be in it. He was happy since he wasn't home, yet he also felt sort of sad that he'd been forced to stay home alone since he had work. But, he felt relieved that he could have his fantasy without worry of something being chucked at his head.

He jumped from his fantasies as he heard the front door slam shut. "Nowaki!" that familiar voice called. "I got Takoyaki! Come get some!" Nowaki swallowed hard and looked at the apron. He wasn't certain if he should throw it down or propose the idea to Hiroki. "Hey, you hear me!?"

"Yeah, I hear you, Hiro-san!" He folded the apron up and hung it over his arm at the elbow. He went into the living room where he saw Hiroki leaning forward, organizing his books and papers on the coffee table. "Hiro-san? Could I ask you to do something for me? Just this once?"

Hiroki didn't stand up, but he did glance at him quickly. "Hmm? What? You want me to do your laundry again? I guess it has been a few days since I've done it."

"No, nothing like that." He looked at the folded cloth. "Er…Here." He handed the apron off.

Hiroki took it and furrowed his brow, a vein appearing in his head. "I'm not a woman!" he exclaimed, throwing it at him. "Why the hell would you want me to do this!?"

"I thought it would be sexy," Nowaki purred, licking his lips.

"Don't even, you horn dog! That's just like you!" He had to admit, he did enjoy indulging in Nowaki's unquenchable libido at times, but he was simply too tired to worry with it. Though, he would never admit his enjoyment for the practice, either.

"Come on, just once! No one would ever have to know," he pleaded pitifully.

Hiroki sighed and crossed his arms, pouting at him. "No…I'll tell you once and I'll tell you again, no. But…Maybe if you do the housework for a day, I'll consider it. That sound fair?" He felt certain that Nowaki wouldn't agree to it. Even if he did, he wouldn't hold to the deal, so what did he have to worry about?

Nowaki nodded. "I'll handle it." He handed him the apron again. "Get ready to be a woman for a day, Hiro-san. At least, dressed like one."

"Oh, get busy and hush you oaf."