~September 1, 2008 New York City~

It had been more nearly a year that Hagi and Claudia had came back to New York, Marva had to return to the ranch and eagerly was awaiting her son's home coming. The men called often, giving Hagi a much needed distraction from the boring process of recovery. He was itching to get back to the ranch and give his hands something to do. He loved when Claudia had time off, they would spar in the backyard, giving the neighbors a fright. His body had become stronger than ever. At night, he would stretch his wings, taking flight over the city, sometimes returning to where the Met once stood to watch the recovery efforts. Sometimes he would opt for just jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper, daggers sheathed in the extra jacket he had stashed in his cello case.

Chiropterans were still scattered all over the planet, most in hiding since Diva's death. He would hunt them down and kill the ones he found. It was difficult to do this, at times, the Red Shield came in to clean house forcing Hagi to hide rather than help. Marva had relayed a story of how a few chiropterans had showed up at the ranch, Clay, Joey, and Gary tried shooting them, but it wasn't until Jim returned with a grenade that an old friend of his gave him, that the tide had turned. In one big BOOM all three chiropterans were blown to bits.

Claudia had convinced him to try to learn to play the cello with bandaged arms. His first few attempts began and ended in screeching results, a frustrated chevalier, and some angry neighbors. But Hagi was a man of resolve, he continued to try while the neighbors were at work and had improved quite a bit, but he was still not as good as he was before.

She remained at work late most of the time. He recently went to meet her for a lunch break and saw her considering a black material next to a drawing she had completed, when he commented, "I thought you were sick of black." She quickly turned with the drawing behind her back and fumbled a reply about winter colors and every girl needs a little black dress. Hagi simply shrugged it off, there was no reason to hide anything from him.

The skill he desired most still remained illusive to him, he could not mask his presence, but it only made him want to try harder. He would sit at the park for hours, listening to the birds and watching children play, trying again and again. His hair was growing back out, he could pull it back into a stub of a ponytail, but it didn't look right yet. Claudia threatened to trim it on occasion, but she would receive low groans and comments about her "trims" being a once in a lifetime thing.

He spent time at Dr. Stein's office, receiving transfusions once a week at first, but had opted to only come in once a month. He didn't really need a lot of blood, Saya was in hibernation and he usually didn't need to fight chiropterans very often. The man and his family were pleasant enough, but Hagi felt uncomfortable with the doctor always questioning him with an insatiable curiosity. Mostly, the good doctor delved into his psyche, something Hagi was very guarded about. The strangest part was, Hagi would go into the doctor's office for a transfusion, speaking only one or two worded answers to everyone, but when he left, he was easily answering more and more complex questions and giving long, drawn out answers. It would leave him curious about what kind of spell this doctor had on him.

A month after returning, Dr. Stein ordered him to get a job to keep his mind and body occupied instead of lurking in dark corners. Hagi had taken job at a music store, selling merchandise. He would often comment about the unbelievable amount of saxophone reeds New Yorkers went through. At first, when he received a paycheck, he would deposit it into his account, but really felt it unnecessary, as he already had more than enough money. Marva posted half of the winery's earnings the previous year into Hagi's account. She explained that Dan had started allowing tours and even purchased another 10 acre plot on his own, adding a native white grape to their variety of wines. The newest installment was over $50,000 for his share. It left him completely speechless, but Dan explained to him that the amount would be even more if they had a spokesman to travel and sell to the higher class clientele. Hagi couldn't wait to get back to the ranch to discuss it. He would be doing something again.

3 months after he returned, he surprised everyone when he went to his bank and requested that $500 be drawn from his account and posted to the banking account for Kai Myagusku in Okinawa each month. Hagi expressed it several times that he wanted none of his information to be divulged, just a simple deposit of untraceable cash to be added to the account. He wrote a letter to Kai that had arrived just as the first deposit went through, no return address:


I am alive and well, traveling most of the time. I am glad that Saya's nieces are thriving in your care and I will be eagerly awaiting the day I get to meet them. There will be a sum of money arriving in your account every month for the care of Saya's nieces, as I cannot be there to help you raise them. I know it is not necessary for me to do this, but I feel that it would please Saya to know that I have had some part in caring for them.


Marva almost choked at his next idea, Hagi announced that he was going to purchase a car and drive back to the ranch.

"Are you kidding, that's nearly 2,000 miles of driving! And what do you know about cars, what if it breaks down?" Marva exclaimed with the usual worried mother tone he had come to know and love.

"I will be fine, Mom. Claudia made me purchase a cell phone in case I get in trouble, but I doubt that will happen. Remember when Claudia was 15 and learning to drive? Jim taught her and I how to repair any minor problems and even a few major ones," Hagi reassured as Claudia stifled a giggle, as she listened on the other line. She knew how her mother worried about them.

"I don't know about this, Hagi," she groaned. "I know you are feeling much better, but don't you think your biting off more than you can chew, here?"

"I simply wish to see the sights you told me about when we were in Paris. I cannot see them from a plane," he explained.

Claudia spoke, "Mom, really? He's a chiropteran for crying out loud! I think if he survived a 100 year war, it would be a walk in the park to drive from New York to Texas!"

Hagi shook his head and chuckled as Marva sighed in acceptance. She grumbled, "I don't like this, but alright. You better be sure to call every night to tell me how you're doing!"

Hagi smiled as he responded, "Of course."

"Gosh, Mom, he has to purchase the car first," Claudia groaned and rolled her eyes. "He won't be leaving until then."

"Claudia," Marva scolded.

"Alright. Alright."

"Love you both."

"Love you too," they both said in unison and hung up the phones.

Claudia came around the corner and asked, "When on earth did mom become such a worry wart?"

Hagi smiled, "Probably around the time I got hurt."

"Nah, I think it was when you left to awaken Saya. She was so scared of what she thought you would do."

Looking at his bare feet he mumbled, "I am sorry for the concern I put you both through."

Claudia pulled herself from the wall she had been leaning on and scolded, "Stop that mess, Big Brother, we're family." She went to the kitchen table and grabbed her belt that contained her daggers. She cinched it around her hips and called, "Hey, get your shoes on, I'm about to catch you this time."

Hagi looked up and pulled a dagger from his shorts as he commented, "I would not count on that, Sister."

They were enjoying their day off. It had been two hours of sparring, Hagi lunged at Claudia, who quickly dodged him, turning to where he had moved, but found nothing behind her but green grass and a white wooden fence. She felt a tap on her shoulder and found he had reappeared behind her. She lunged at him and her blade met his in a clang of metal on metal. She growled, "You aren't supposed to use your chiropteran powers."

He pushed back and lunged again, this time her fist caught his stomach as she dodged, but it hurt for only a second as he turned and found her dagger whizzing by his ear followed by another that missed his other ear and then her well manicured hand holding one to his throat. She growled, "Cheater!"

Pushing her hand down he replied, "I was not using my powers, Claudia."

She sighed as she placed the dagger back in it's hilt at her side, "I know. You have become so much stronger and faster, I would love to see you in a real fight. I'd bet you totally kick ass!"

Hagi chuckled as he retrieved her daggers from the fence and reappeared next to her, handing them back. "Perhaps, one day you will. You have seen the end of one fight."

"I was 10 at the time, Hagi. I hardly remember it. Besides, I just saw the part where you landed on the creature with a huge katana and in one swipe," Claudia motioned a hand across her neck, "the creature lost it's head."

They went inside and Claudia went to her room to take a shower. Hagi busied himself preparing lunch as he washed the dishes from breakfast. The kettle whistled behind him signaling that his water was boiling. He poured into a plain red travel mug he had purchased in Okinawa, added a tea bag, and popped the lid on. He prepared rice and chicken for Claudia the way Grady had taught him when he lived at the ranch. Tasting the mint tea Claudia had asked him to try, he scrunched his face. Preferring honey to the strong aroma of peppermint, he poured the tea out and reached in the cabinet for the tin he had begun to favor. It was filled with loose green tea leaves which he measured out into a tea ball. Once he had cleaned the travel mug of the chewing gum flavored tea, he spooned some honey into it and dropped in the tea ball.

As the kettle whistled again, Claudia came into the kitchen smiling at the familiar travel mug on the marble counter top. The chicken was beginning to smell delicious. Hagi poured the boiling water into the travel mug as Claudia asked, "Trying the mint tea, Big Brother?"

"I did," he stated flatly as he scrunched his face.

She giggled as he prepared a salad for his sister. "I take it you don't like it," she observed.

"Not at all," he responded emphatically. "It tastes like that strong gum that you like to chew."

She laughed at his distaste for the mint tea. She delighted in mildly teasing her brother about being so set in his ways. But she was bringing changes about in him as she noted he was wearing the khaki cargo shorts and black, long sleeve t-shirt she'd forced him to buy a year ago. It even surprised her that he was wearing the black Nike's she gave him on his birthday. She even found him relaxing his stoic expression into a smile more and more lately. Suddenly, she felt an urge to make her big brother smile again as an apology for the mint tea.

With a sneaky smile she grabbed his bandaged hand and pulled him toward the third bedroom that she had converted into her office. "Close your eyes," she commanded with a huge grin.

That grin made Hagi nervous, he wondered what kind of embarrassment he was about to suffer through now. "Why?" he asked.

Claudia's hand was on the knob as she added, "It's a surprise."

"Claudia," he moaned- it almost sounded like the whine of an exasperated teenage boy.

She almost laughed at it. "You done whining, Big Brother? Close your eyes," she commanded.

His eyes shut obediently as she turned the knob. He heard the door squeak open and felt her lead him into the room and a rustle of fabric as she let his hand go. "You can open your eyes, Big Brother."

His eyes focused on a brand new, neatly pressed, black suit jacket and slacks. It was similar to the ones that he wore when he fought in the war. As a matter of fact, the pattern was identical except for the pleats that ran down the back of the jacket, it was the color that was different, this set was black like ebony, matching his hair. He was obviously shocked as he touched the soft material to his cheek (his hands are bandaged)- it wasn't scratchy like his previous jackets. "Claudia, you made this?"

Beaming with pride she motioned to put it on. He slipped his arms into the sleeves and pulled the jacket over his shoulders. He felt the lightness of the jacket despite the size of it. He looked at her and commented, "This is very light."

"Yes, I know. I chose this material for it's softness, and it's sturdy for being such a lightweight material. He felt something in the sleeves and looked at Claudia as he questioned, "What is this?"

She gave a sly smile as she turned his bandaged hand over, revealing a secret compartment. With the push on the object, a dagger was thrust into his hand. She explained, "I noticed how your cello has secret compartments everywhere, so I figured this sort of fit you. It's spring loaded, holds five daggers in each one. Just press your wrists to your side and a dagger will immediately be thrust into your hand."

"I used something similar when we were fighting, but it was not attached to the jacket. This is a wonderful idea. How do you clean the jacket?"

She pulled the jacket off his shoulders, and showed him the velcro fasteners that held the compartments in place, she showed him how to pull them free and how to put them back in place. She then revealed inside of the jacket, where there were a number of black leather hilts strategically sewn into the lining where he could keep several replacements and still move comfortably. She then began to remove his bandages.

"Claudia, what are you doing?"

"Trust me, Big Brother," she smiled.

He scoffed, "The last time you said that…"

"I know. I know. You lost your beloved ponytail and nearly lost your sanity- blah blah blah!" she groaned as she rolled her eyes. She revealed both of his red and black scaled claws and handed him a pair of black leather gloves that covered the scales all the way up to mid fore arm, his sleeves would cover the rest. They zipped along the sides, holding them in place. He squeezed and stretched his fingers, enjoying the freedom from the constricting bandages. She then grabbed a large box off the bed and handed it to him, "Open it."

The box was considerably heavy as he lifted it. He removed the lid to reveal a shiny black pair of boots with a silver metal design at the toes and the back of the heal. They had a western flair to them, suitable, considering that he was from Texas. "I have a friend that designs shoes, I commissioned these 6 months ago. Put the slacks on first before you put on the boots." She left the room, giving him some privacy.

He came into the hall wearing the new ensemble. Minus a white button down dress shirt and ponytail, he was beginning to feel like himself again. "The boots are heavy," he commented as he lifted one to look at the rubber sole ridged with nonslip grooves.

Claudia giggled as she noted how he looked like he had stepped in something as he balanced himself against the wall and inspected the bottom of his boot. "There is a titanium alloy that covers the sole of the shoe and a steel and titanium heal," she explained. He stood again and she explained that a thin layer of titanium ran across the top of the foot, protecting it from any punctures. "You're a chiropteran Inspector Gadget!" she observed. He raised an eyebrow as she waved and said, "Nevermind."

She led him to the den, where there was plenty of open space and explained, "This is the final surprise, Big Brother. Just let your wings out."

He looked at her as if she had just lost her mind. "Claudia, I will ruin the jacket you worked so hard on," he warned. "I do not wish to break anything in your house, either."

"Just do it," she commanded and added. "Trust me! We can't do this outside without you being seen right now."

He took in a breath and closed his eyes. A gust of wind upset the small items in the room, but nothing broke. A pair of jet black wings curled around him as he opened his eyes. Claudia did not move or flinch, but instead came behind him to be certain that her design did as she had planned. "Perfect," she purred as she noted the opening disguised as a pleat was placed just perfectly for his wings.

"Claudia, did I ruin the jacket?" he asked as she motioned him to check the mirror. He noted the material from his t-shirt was torn, but the jacket was intact. He retracted his wings and pulled off the jacket and found the place in the jacket was purposefully left open. "Ingenious," he breathed. "Could you do this to my shirts?"

A sly smile graced her lips as she answered, "Why my dear brother, I already have."

She led him to the office closet where she kept some of her designs. Three black and two white button down dress shirts were handed to him. They had the same familiar pleating in the back. He pulled off his ruined t-shirt and tried on a black shirt. It felt cool against his skin as he covered it with the jacket. He walked into his room to check the full length mirror inside the closet. He was himself again. He pulled his hair back and tied it with the ribbon that was left on the dresser. The ponytail still didn't look right in back, but the loose bangs that framed his face were just as long as it had been before Claudia butchered his hair.

Claudia watched from the doorway. She commented, "Well, Big Brother, you look like you're ready to sell coffins again."

Hagi ignored her comment.

Sensing that she was not going to get under his skin this time she simply asked, "So, what kind of car will you be getting?"

"I wish to find a reliable car that I will be able to drive all over the United States, perhaps further." He sat on the edge of the bed as he motioned for her to join him.

She sat down and asked, "I thought you just wanted to get back to the ranch?"

"I do. Dan wants me to be a spokesman for the winery," Hagi explained, "So it seems I will be traveling as soon as I get back." He looked at his gloved hands and then stated, "I wish to go to Okinawa in a few days. I purchased the ticket online yesterday."

Claudia raised her eyebrows and commented, "You… the internet? I didn't know you knew how to even turn on a computer."

He smiled and answered, "There are many things I am learning, now. Dan suggested I learn to use a computer as most of our clients order and pay online now. I have set up an email account as well, it is written on the tablet in your office."

"Well well well, Big Brother, you certainly have been a busy beaver these days," she teased. She then asked, "Have you told Mom your email address, yet."

He laughed, "Yes, she clogs my inbox with several messages everyday."

"Strange language coming from you, chevalier. I am absolutely astounded by the revelation of the new you. What do you think Saya would say if she saw you now?"

He thought a moment before he answered, "Who are you and what have you done with Hagi?"

They both broke into laughter. It was a minute before Claudia commented, "Joking too? Now I think I need to ask you that question."

They were quiet again when Claudia asked, "Hey, you wanna watch some horror movies tonight?"

"I would not mind," he answered simply as he held back a smile. He knew how she loved to indulge in bringing laughter out of him, and horror films were mostly funny to him, especially if they featured vampires and werewolves. Hollywood really tended toward glamorizing immortality.

He went to the kitchen and pulled the chicken from the oven and stirred the rice. His tea was no longer warm, but he drank it anyway, enjoying it far more than the mint. He set the table for one and served Claudia the food he had prepared for her. She sat and said, "Thank you, Hagi. I don't know what I'm going to do once you're gone."

"Claudia, it is I that should be thanking you. The suit, the boots, and your attentive care while I recovered. It is beyond anything I could ever have expected." he bowed gracefully and said, "Thank you."

She put a hand on his shoulder and moaned, "Oh, Hagi, you were doing so well. Don't go back to being Mr. Formality again."

He smiled and stated, "It is the way I was raised. I was taught to be a gentleman."

"Yeah," Claudia reminded with a gleam in her eye, "but you were born a gypsy."

A/N I'm back in black! I couldn't resist adding in some AC/DC- haha! Love it? Hate it? Tell me about it!