Hello there.

For those who know me, and have read this story, I'm so sorry for this long, and I mean super long hiatus. There has been so much going on since I began this story. I first published this story in 2012. I was a sophomore turning into a junior in high school. Now I'm a junior in College! Damn. I did write more of this story before, but my old computer shut down on me and I couldn't save any of those documents.

But fear not. I'm not going to leave this story unfinished. I can't do that. So bear with me here. I have to go back to this story from the beginning. Create descriptions for each of the characters all over again. I've learned a lot throughout the years. I have been writing my own personal book series that is not a fan fiction. But that is just whenever I have free time.

So I am working on this story, I will write a chapter every other week for as long as I can. I will transition every week on updating my other fanfiction series. "I will follow you until the end of time" I have no idea if my 'm' rated series will continue. Maybe I will just to finish it, but I won't promise it.

So thank you, the real chapter will be up in a few days okay.

Thank you


Next day in the morning: Normal POV

The alarm clock rings again for the fifth time and we still see our raven haired teenage girl sleeping soundly in her bed. By this time, it is 30 minutes before she has to leave for school. Her pitbull jumps up onto the bed and walks to her face. He begins licking her cheek, the teen then slowly opens her eyes since she feels the saliva on her face.

"Okay…okay I'm up" she then reaches towards Liam and pushes him away from her face. She yawns and sits up. She stretches and groans as she looks at the time on her alarm clock.

"Never racing on a school night ever again." She says as she now goes to her closet to prepare her wardrobe for the day.

(after her shower)

Buttercup walks back into her room with her green towel wrapped around her body. Her hair slightly damp is up in a ponytail. She sighs as she sits on her bed, thinking about Butch.

"How am I supposed to tell him Liam…" she says as she pets the grey pitbull. "I don't want him falling for 'Zayre' since she's not exactly a real person." Liam then barks. "He should understand why I couldn't tell him straight out right, there is so much on the line" Buttercup then gets up and goes to her closet. She starts to look through her clothes. She finds a green shirt with a bulbasaur winking on the front. She then looks trough her jeans and finds her black cut up jeans. She then changes and sits back on her bed, as she ties her black star converse shoes on.

She looks on the clock and gasps as the clock now shows she only has 10 minutes before she has to leave. She quickly goes back to the restroom and lets her hair out of the ponytail. She then grabs her blow-dryer from under her sink and plugs it in. She does a quick run through her hair with her brush and blow-dryer. Once she's done she brushes her teeth super quick.

"Hey BC you're gonna be late!" her brother's voice rings from outside her room. Buttercup rolls her eyes and spits out the residue from her mouth.

"I know idiot." She says before she rinses her mouth and then wipes her mouth. As quickly and carefully as she could, Buttercup put on her blue contacts. As the second one was in, she gave a quick look at the mirror. She looked awesome and heads out of her bathroom. She grabs her backpack from the floor and rushes out the door. As she walks towards the front door, she sees her brother with a piece of steak on his eye.

The siblings just look at each other. Not saying a word.

"I'll ask when I'm out of school." Buttercup sighs as she leaves the house. The raven haired teenager adolescent makes her way to her car. She unlocks the green custom painted bmw m3. Once she's inside the car, she puts the keys in the ignition and starts the car. Before she drives, she grabs her backpack that is on the passenger seat next her. She unzips the front pocket of her green backpack and pulls out her black glasses box. She opens it and sees her fake prescription glasses. She put them on and her phone rings. She sighs as she looks for it, probably already imagining who it was. She finds it in her backpack and reads the screen. Sure enough it was a text message from Butch.

Our teenager decided to open up the message

"Where are you?" the message said. She hesitated to reply so she just left it at that, besides she was already running late. She dropped her phone back into her backpack and grabbed the wheel. She carefully put the car in reverse and backed out the driveway.