If life gives you lemons…make lemonade…

Sonic was running around Station Square, despite the fact that it was a scorching hot summer day, but not even the heat stopped him. He continued to run until he made it to Tails' Workshop.

"Hmm" Sonic said, "I wonder what Tails is up to…" He went to the door, knocked and then 10 minutes later, his best double-tailed kitsune friend opened the door. "Hey Sonic!" Tails said in his usual friendly voice. "Hey Tails, how yah doing?" Sonic greeted in his cool and cocky manner. "It's a scorching heat wave out there; I'm surprised you can still run in this kind of conditions." Tails replied. "Hey nothing can stop me from running wild and free!" Sonic remarked giving he trademark thumbs up. "Well, I'm going over to Amy's place; she's inviting everyone at her place to cool off since she recently had a new pool." Tails told his royal blue hedgehog bro. "You wanna come?" "You know me and water don't mix Tails…" Sonic groaned. "Who said anything about water?" Tails ask. "Sure some of us may go in the pool but there's also gonna be cold drinks, hamburgers and chili dogs of the grill…" "Chili Dogs?" Sonic said in pure excitement "Count me in!" Tails chuckled "OK, just let me get my swimming trunks and stuff!"

After Tails found all the things he needed, Sonic offered him a ride to Amy's place. So Tails climbed on Sonic's back and in about 15 seconds flat, they made it to Amy's place and the others were there.

"Man that was some ride Sonic!" Tails said as he climbed off Sonic's back "Glad you like it little bro." Sonic answered. They both went to the door, Sonic knocked and then Amy opened the door. "Hey Sonic, hey Tails!" she greeted in her mildly childish voice. "Hey Amy" Tails replied "I can't wait to dip in the pool Amy." Amy giggles "I'm glad to see your game, how about you Sonic? You ready to have some fun?" Sonic was looking at Amy from head to toe, she was wearing a dark pink bikini top that perfectly covers her breast, a dark, short pink skirt with a few light pink hearts on the side and wearing dark pink and light pink sandals. Amy looked at him with a quizzical look. "Uh, Sonic, you OK?" Sonic snapped out of his day dream. "Huh? Oh yeah…I'm fine…" "OK…"Amy replied "Let's go the party just started!"

Amy, Sonic and Tails went inside, went in the back yard and they saw all their friends there. "OK!" Sonic said "Let's get this party started right now!"

So it's my first, give me credit I started it, anyway don't flame me for this. I'm new and please read and review …I'll appreciate that…