Aaaand here's that Epilogue you wanted. Mainly Kaname's POV but with occasional Zero perspectives.
FallingtotheStars – You know, your song choice seems to mirror a playlist on my iTunes! XD. Minus How to Save a Life that is :L. But well done, you've guessed part of my general playlist. The actual songs I listened to are at the bottom of the Epilogue :D
Nocturnal-Niccy616 – The Epilogue had to happen haha. I couldn't leave it there :O . Some people actually WANT a happy ending! *mock horror*
Kaname blinked as he stared up into the white nothingness. All he knew was that he was lying down. He couldn't tell if he was attached to the ceiling or to the floor. He couldn't tell which way was up...nor could he tell which way was down. Was he dead? Or was he alive? So many questions that he didn't have the answer to. Kaname sat up, bracing his arms and laying his palms flat against the floor or ceiling. Kaname assumed it was the floor, or gravity would have taken over by now and he would have come plummeting back to the ground. Or did gravity not exist here?
Kaname blinked. Something was heading his way. A figure, in the far off distance was slowly making its way towards him. Kaname made to stand but found that he couldn't. His arms were the only limbs that would support him. His legs felt like they were made of some weak substance, like jelly.
"I wouldn't try that, if I were you." A familiar voice called to him. Kaname's eyes widened as he stared at the figure. As the figure came into focus, Kaname felt like he could curl up in a ball and sob with relief. Silver hair, a slim but well-built body...there was only one person who, from a distance, fitted that description. And his voice. Kaname's eyes fluttered closed. He played those words over and over in his head, as if he were being caressed by the amused yet gentle words that his Zero had uttered.
Zero moved towards Kaname where he sat propped up on the floor. Zero smiled down at him and wordlessly sank to his knees before him. Zero pulled the pureblood into his arms and buried his head against his neck, inhaling the scent of his pureblood as if his life depended on it. Kaname wrapped his arms around Zero tightly, pulling him as close as possible from the positions they were both in. Zero smiled as he let the silent tears roll down his face. Kaname was wearing his usual black ensemble; the dark black leather coat and his black Armani suit, with a pure white shirt beneath it. They had always laughed when they had met up with each other. Zero who preferred grey and white, much like what he was wearing now: a grey shirt with casual trousers and bare foot, in contrast to Kaname's dark coloured suits and his dark brunette hair. Zero ran his fingers through that hair. How he had missed touching his Kaname like this. Just holding him. If he could do this for eternity then he would be an incredibly happy man.
Kaname pushed himself against Zero's chest and gripped him by the back of his shirt. He was finally here. Back in his arms. Kaname couldn't remember a time when he had wanted anything so badly. Badly enough that he had put the Bloody Rose to his head and committed suicide. As Zero stroked his fingers through Kaname's hair idly, Kaname wondered who would find his body, when they would find it and what they would think of it all. Not that it really mattered...he was dead after all. Well, he hoped he was dead. If this was a dream then Kaname really was letting his heart go too far with it all.
"I wonder what will happen to the Bloody Rose now." Zero murmured as he pressed his nose into Kaname's hair, breathing in the smell of shampoo and Kaname. Kaname laughed. Oh how good it felt to laugh again.
"Does it really matter? Kaien will dispose of it appropriately." Kaname mumbled as he enjoyed the sensation of having Zero touching him. Zero made a noise of agreement that was muffled by Kaname's hair. Zero shifted so that he was face to face with Kaname, dropping his arms and sitting next to him in the same position, so that their long legs were parallel and touching. Kaname nearly whimpered at the sudden lack of contact, but held it back. By the look on Zero's face, he was about to hear something that was important. Zero cleared his throat.
"I'm not allowed to say much, because I might sway you one way or the other. I have to tell you now that you can still turn back. It's not too late," Zero smiled sadly. "It's never too late." He added with a whisper, almost as if he didn't want to say it at all. "I can offer you two options. The first, you can turn back and return to the land of the living. You can resume your life as normal and live until you die." Zero paused as Kaname stared at him wide eyed.
Kaname didn't want to go back! His life wouldn't be normal without his Zero by his side.
"Or I can offer you my hand and I can guide you on to the afterlife. You will die in body but in soul you will remain. Remain with me." Zero mumbled, feeling himself begin to blush.
Zero rubbed at his eyes, trying in vain to wipe away the tears that were springing up. Zero knew that Kaname could just easily turn around and leave him again. But it would break his heart. He would have to watch over the pureblood as he suffered and then would have to watch him move on with his life...maybe marry Yuuki or some other pureblood and have children. And Zero wouldn't be able to do anything about it. After all, he was dead. But this was Kaname's decision, his alone. Only he could make Zero live a happy afterlife.
Kaname looked up. He knew what he wanted to do but was it the right thing to do? To leave all of those people behind him. Kaien Cross...Yuuki...Aido. The list could have gone on. But none of those people made him truly happy. He was content with them for a while but then he would think of Zero and they became meaningless. They didn't deserve to be seen as something they weren't. Feeling that his strength had returned to him, Kaname swallowed and stood up slowly. Zero stared at him warily and also rose to his feet.
"I choose the second option." Kaname whispered. Zero stood, glowing white, shocked. "I would never leave you, Zero. Never. When you died, you took my heart with you and left me in a body; a mere shell of the person I was before I lost you. Take me with you now and please...never let me go." Kaname pleaded, moving closer to the beautiful man who stood before him.
Zero smiled and held his hand out to Kaname wordlessly. Kaname stared at the hand for a second before reaching out and taking it. Kaname sighed as he felt the familiar warmth of Zero's hand in his own. This is what he wanted. This feeling of being at home, a place where he belonged. He belonged next to Zero, just as much as Zero belonged next to him. They were meant to be. But time had cruelly snatched any opportunities away from them when fate had dealt Zero's hand that day.
Zero's eyes lowered to Kaname's lips as he moved closer to the pureblood. Kaname smiled and closed the small distance between their lips as he pressed his mouth against Zero's. Zero swiped his tongue along Kaname's lower lip, seeking entrance. Kaname parted his lips willingly as Zero's skilful tongue slid slowly into his mouth. Kaname moaned appreciatively as Zero explored the hot cavern of his mouth. Kaname pushed his tongue up to meet Zero's and they slid against each other. Kaname possessed Zero's mouth as much as Zero possessed his. This was the way it used to be...the way it was. Together, they owned a piece of the sky as they melted into one another. Zero was the first to pull back, panting but with a loving smile on his face. Kaname flushed as Zero stared at him hungrily.
"We need to go, love." Zero said, his voice deep and seductive. It was as if Kaname was chocolate and Zero was an open flame; melting him slowly until he was a puddle of emotions and feelings. Kaname merely nodded. He couldn't form a coherent thought yet. Zero pushed his open palm against the side of Kaname's face, cupping it gently. Kaname sighed and rubbed against it like a cat.
"I would never let you go. Ever." Zero whispered. Kaname stared at him. Isn't that what he had said moments ago? "When I died, I left you behind. But you were never alone so please don't think that. For those few agonising days I sat here without a heart. I left it with you for company, Kaname. One moment I was there and the next I was gone, floating. But I have never experienced anything that was as painful as hearing you scream my name while my life ebbed away." Zero shook his head. I love you, Kaname Kuran. So stay by my side and let me love you...forever. We will live the life that we could have had. We're here...a brand new start." Zero whispered. Kaname smiled. This was what he wanted and needed to hear. A brand new start was exactly what Kaname wanted and, as long as he had Zero by his side, maybe he could live a happily ever after like in the fairytales.
Zero squeezed Kaname's hand gently, a reassuring gesture that made Kaname look up. He gazed into those beautiful glowing eyes and felt safe and secure. He was dead, but he couldn't have felt more alive. With a small tug, Zero led Kaname towards a long white tunnel. Kaname took a deep breath. This was it. No turning back from here. Kaname looked towards his Zero, his angel... his guide. Kaname tightened his grip on Zero's hand. He never wanted to let go and never wanted this to end. And it wouldn't. They had eternity after all.
Kaname sighed. Zero was his everything. His life. His death. His beginning. His end.
~The End~
Yesterday's songs:
Lucy by Skillet
One Day Too Late by Skillet
Today's Songs:
I'd Come For You – Nickelback
Savin' Me – Nickelback
Pieces – Red
Did you like it? Bit of a different ending. At first, I was going to have someone stop him and be all like "That's not what Zero would have wanted for you!" But then I realised I actually wanted Kaname to die so that he could join Zero. I know I'd be happier doing what Kaname did if I was that miserable and had nothing left to fight for. But maybe that's just me?
Until next time!