AN: Written as part of a song meme on Deviantart, the rules being: Put your iPod on shuffle, pick a pairing for the song (only using each couple once), and write a drabble fitting the song and pairing, for 10 songs. The first one I got was Silly Love Songs by Wings, which brings Isshin to mind every time I hear it, so I decided on some canon-ish fluff.

Disclaimer: Do I look like Kubo or McCartney? ...On second thought, don't answer that.

"What's this, honey?" Masaki asked amusedly from the doorway.

Isshin gave that goofy grin she loved and launched directly into histrionics. "The only possible gift to even come close of being worthy for my lovely wife!" he declared.

"Isshin," she sighed, "I know it's our anniversary, and you being you, you'd want to give me a great gift. But where are we going to put all of these flowers?"

"Simple! We leave them around the house and put a bunch in the clinic!" he said.

"And the life-sized poster of me?"

"Well," he looked a bit sheepish, "that's for when you're in maternity and I can't see you every day. I need something to worship."

Masaki smiled. "Fair enough, but how do you expect us to eat all these chocolates?"

"That's the easy part," Isshin replied. "ICHIGO!"

Their son toddled into the room. "Yes, Dad- AUGH!' Isshin had just tried to kick his feet from under him.

"Ichigo, your mother needs help eating these chocolates! Now I'm off to buy the perfect outfits for our beautiful little daughters-to-be!" He sprinted off.

Ichigo stared in his father's direction and simply said, "Mommy, Daddy's being silly again."

"He is, dear," Masaki told him, "and I wouldn't have him any other way."