READ.Before anyone reads this chapter, i would first like to ask for everyone to forgive me. If you are asking yourself why? The answer will be in this new installment. Hope you enjoy!

2nd Installment

The day Captain America went down with the aircraft was one of the hardest days for everyone involved in the war. Everyone were filled with tension and nervousness, waiting to hear some type of news that they were all safe, and only after a few moments of silence did they hear the crackle of life on their radios with news flowing through, revealing to all that the threat was over. All those that heard jumped for joy as they turned to their neighbor and proceeded to hug one another as the news continued on.

"The one responsible for our safety was sadly taken from us. May we give a moment of silence to those that have perished in the war and to Captain America, the man who brought peace back to us."

With that statement, the lands fell into peaceful quietness, people of all ages praying and giving thanks; though, for some, they held their heads down in shame. Those that had picked and taunted Steve Rogers or Captain America were now silent and asking for forgiveness, guilt embracing them in it's icy hold. The families who cried tears of joy earlier, thoughts of their loved ones finally coming home, were now quietly weeping for the man that made all this possible in the end. Soldiers who embraced each other as they celebrated their victory, now held each others hands, giving their prayers to their brothers in arms that have fallen, and to the American Icon.

That day, one man could hear the voices carried by the wind, thanking and begging forgiveness to their savior; Steven Rogers, the man known as Captain America.

With the war over, normalcy returned to the people's lives, the only change now found were the stories and facts about Captain America; both now found mainly in the schooling system. While he was remembered for years to come, his story still faded into the time flow, along with those who helped shaped the world.

We humans in general are selfish creatures; we only focus on ourselves a majority of the time. The results of our selfishness are us forget traditions and important lessons taught to us by those who came before. We take for granted the things given to us, and never do we give thanks.

With decades passing, Captain America became a figure only in books, never focused on by the younger generations, those who were too busy focusing purely on themselves. Only those that remained from the war and those who witnessed this man's feats, they were the ones that still gave their prayers; though, in the shadows, there are people who remain, clinging to a strong belief, still searching for their hero's body. Why? Some believed he remain, still alive, others though, focused on the serum that remained in his body.

While both groups differed in their beliefs, they all worked together for one single agency; The Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate, a.k.a S.H.I.E.L.D. This agency was lead by Nicholas "Nick" Joseph Fury, the man who drafted up a idea to form a strong defense for the world (focal point being the United States), but discarded and locked the idea away, believing the government wouldn't approve of such an agency, and continued life after World War II. Unknown to Nick, a special United Nations-based international group found his draft and proceeded to fund the idea, believing this to be a good course of action, but they needed a director, and who better then the one who created the idea?

Days turned weeks, weeks turned months, and months turned years, these people continued to search for the original Avenger, but with each attempt made, came the same result; failure. It was only by luck that they discovered Roger's body.

In the arctic region of the North Atlantic, an arctic inuit tribe had discovered the preserved body of Captain America and proceeded to worship his body, but along with this worship, came the anger of the man who followed the water and winds. Before any of the tribe could do a thing, the man had knocked the block into the ocean and proceeded to guide it to warmer waters. With his goal achieved, the man began his leave, knowing that the body of the male would drift into the hands of others, others that the winds and water claimed would lead the man to safety.

With the passage of time, the ice began its melting period, all while continuing to float it destined path, one that intercepted a near by ship. With the ice secured upon it's deck, the people changed course and made way to land, all while contacting S.H.I.E.L.D, notifying them they had, at long last, discovered the body of Captain America.

With the ice now in a controlled climate, employees of the agency began their diagnostics of the ice and the man who lay inside. With different resources used, they had discovered that their hero was not dead as they once believed, but in fact still alive; just in a deep period of hibernation.

"I demand that he be awoken immediately!"

"Sir, my doctors have examine the ice and his body personally and they have concluded that it would be best for them to defrost him slowly. If they were to immediately defrost him, his body could go into shock due to the immediate temperature change and shut down, ending with the death of the first Avenger."

"Nick Fury, this man is very important. You are ordered to make sure that Captain America is awoken properly and in perfect health in the shortest amount of time possible." With an air of finality, the silhouettes, who all appeared on screens, disappeared; one after another. The only physical being in the room could do nothing but stare at the screens. With a spin on his heel, the figure turned and headed towards the exit of the room, all but cursing those that demanded the impossibility.

Traveling down the hallway, Nick Fury couldn't help the anger that filled his body; he of course refused to let it portray on his face. He, himself, knew that the Captain was important, but they were asking for something that could not happen without a large ample of time needed. The ice surrounding the frozen man was thick, and while they could just let it defrost on it's own, they needed some control over the situation and make sure that he would awaken on a specific date of their choice; he knew that anything could happen and he wanted to be prepared for each scenario. The prediction given to him was not to his liking, but he knew not to rush these things, he would just have to wait and pray everything went smoothly; for now though, he needed to get back to his office and find some way to deal with a certain flying robot.

"Vitals- Seems okay- Wait-"

In... Out... In... Out...

"Nothing- Still uncon- Don't know-"

Rise... Fall... Rise... Fall...

"Where am I?"

Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Where is Mama? Papa?"

Within a small hospital room, upon the single bed, lay Steve Rogers.

"Why does everything ache?"

If one were to examine the blonde's face, they would see his eyes moving under lids at an alarming rate.

"Why is light so bright? Is this heaven?"

With his eyes opening at a slow pace, the man began to take in his surroundings, his vision clearing and sharpening.

"No... This can't be happening... NO!"

The lone nurse that had been in the room, checking the man's vitals, dropped her clipboard in surprise and shock, as she began to witness the body start thrashing. With quick thinking, she ran to the intercom and proceeded to call for help, all before returning to the man to try and calm him down.

It was shortly after a few short moments, that the door flung open and a doctor with other nurses scrambled into the room.

"What happen?!"

Before the original nurse could reply, she was flung to the wall by the man's arm coming free from its binding. When they had brought him in originally, they knew that something like this might happen, so with heavy hearts, they began to strap and bind the man to the bed; what they didn't factor in when binding the avenger, was the true strength given to him by the super soldier serum. As the other straps followed suit, the employees could only watch in horror as the man they praised when younger, all but ran from them and into the world, a world that their Captain America wasn't ready for.

"Mama! Papa! Where are you?!"

Steve had no idea what was happening, all he knew was that he was alive, he had not died in the crash, they had somehow stolen his chance to reunite with his parents. He frantically ran through the building before bursting out the front and into the cold night. While it was indeed night, Rogers came to bright lights, blinding him momentary before coming to a sight he was not familiar with, staring at him were tall buildings, loud contraptions in line with each other, people passing by in clothes he has never seen before. Some were talking to thin small boxes pressed against their ears, while others were bobbing their heads, wires coming from their ears and leading into their pockets. As his frantic mind took everything in too quickly, people had begun to surround him and openly stare, all while pointing and whispering each other; though, he could still hear them clearly.

This was too much for the avenger.

Picking a random direction, he ran. He ran from the people following him, ran from the things that tried to surround him, ran from everything that didn't make sense. He wanted to escape it all, but before anything further could happen, he was hit with an intense pain; not even the pain he endured when acquiring the serum matched this. Falling to the floor, he screamed.

Even with his vision blurred from tears and body in immense pain, he made the effort to look around; none was around him but two walls, he could only assume he was in an alley of some sort. Before he could think any further, another set of pains wracked through his body. So focused on the pain, he didn't hear the puddle of water near him splashing, didn't feel the hand that rested on his shoulder, but he did feel the pain lessen just a tiny bit, just enough to give him time to look at the the blurred face of the one touching him, and like that, he was out.

Once again the blonde man found himself looking into lights, but this time they weren't as bright. Turning his head, he came to the sight of a room, nothing was special about it, it had only the requirements; bed, dresser, lamp, night stand.

"Where am I?"

The blonde's concentration was broken when the door to the room opened, and in came a lightly tanned man. Starting at the bottom, he came to the sight of feet wrapped in white bandages, black jeans, secured by a white belt and wrapped with a puffy white fabric, covered his lower half. The man's waist was also covered in the same bandages as his feet, but you could still see the outlines of his abs, what confused Steve though, was that the man had no shirt on, but wore an open black hooded midriff jacket, this allowing anyone to see his chiseled chest; some type of white fuzz or fur traveled along the trimmings. Tracing along his clavicle was a beautiful golden accessory, one in the shape of wings that came together in the center, where a sphere was made; the weird thing was that only the left-half of the circle seemed to made out of jewel (the jewel seeming to look like it was broken in half) while the other half was part of the gold.

When Steve came to the man's face, he couldn't help but stare and blush. The man's face was sculpted with a fine strong jawline and square chin, but what really caught his attention, were the two different colored eyes the young man seem to possess. The left was a beautiful emerald green, while the right was a deep purple; both seeming to glow. Now what others couldn't see, unless up close and staring into the two pools (Steve seeing them clear as day, results from the serum), were that both had different symbols in the pupil, ones that reminded him of water and wind. What brought out the eyes even more, was the illuminating white-silver hair the man had upon his head.

It was only when the man sat on the bed and spoke, did Steve regain his senses.

"How are you feeling today?"

Blushing even deeper at the man's voice, the blonde did his best to clear his mind and speak coherently; he still ended up stuttering though.

"I-I'm doing fi-fine, thank you."

"That's good... If it is not any trouble, may I ask you a question?"

Tilting his head a bit, Steve nodded his head.

"Have you always had the ability to go from being a man to a woman?"

Confused by the question, the blonde shook his head side to side, but stopped immediately when he felt something move along with him on his chest; looking down, the taller male came to the site of two decently large mounds. Still not being able to comprehend what was going on, he slowly lifted a finger and began to poke at them, only to realize that he felt each poke, not through the finger but through the mounds; this of course brought panic. Before the smaller man could ask anything, he was flung to the ground as the blonde jumped up from the bed.

"Wh-What is going on?!"

Looking around the room, the blonde desperately searched for some type of reflective surface. Realizing what the other was searching for, the male on the floor pointed to a door to his side and watched as the woman ran to the bathroom, only to hear a scream shortly after. Quickly getting up, he came to the sight of the blonde forming tears as she examined herself, touching and prodding her face; without warning, the girl fell to the floor and scooted to a corner, she then immediately began to thrash and bawl.

When Steve had saw his reflection, he couldn't help but stare and start to cry. Staring back at him was a woman with flowing blonde hair, heart shaped face, button nose, and blue eyes. He desperately did his best to find some type of evidence that proved this was not real, that this was some type of nightmare, cause staring back at him was the most identical copy of his mother he has ever seen; yet sadly, nothing could prove his claims. Backing into a corner on the floor, the now female Rogers began to bawl and thrash around; screaming for his mama and papa.

As she continued, she started to feel the same aching pain as before and panicked even more; she did not want to face that pain again, she was already in too much pain now. Before it could set in, two lean arms wrapped around her and pulled her into the other's strong chest, where she proceeded to weep, gripping him with all her strength she could muster.

The heterochromia man could only watch in pain as he witnessed the heart breaking scene, it was only when he felt something tickle his ear that he began to hear the voice flowing around him. Jumping to action, he quickly pulled the young woman into him and held her tightly, all while rubbing small circles into her back. Quickly thinking, he began to sing. The air within the room began to play a gentle melody, it flowed along with the soft voice that sang with strong emotion; as the song continued, the crying soon became nothing but small hiccuping before finally dieing out.

Picking the blonde up bridal style, the male brought the woman back to bed, he proceeded to lay her down but soon came to the realization of the tight grip she had on him, seeing no other option, the man lay down with her and continued to hold her; soon nothing could be heard but the soft breathing of the two.

Steve could only stare at the cup that both hands clasped, nothing running through her mind as she listen to other occupant of the room move around.

"You know... Being a woman is not that bad."

Lifting her head, the blonde's gaze narrowed into a glare.

"You have no idea what I am feeling at this moment!" Her hands releasing the cup before slamming on the table.

"The pain given of losing both parents! The pain of knowing that you caused it because the choices you made came back and bit you in the ass!" As the she yelled, her body began to tremble. "Losing everyone you loved! Not being able to reconnect with your parents! They stole my chance to be with them again! With everything I did... I deserved to have died and been with them! Instead I woke up here, and to add salt to the large wound, I have turned into a woman! A woman that looks like my mother!" With that she fell into the chair and sobbed.

Turning off the stove and setting the pan down, the man went and hugged the woman. Steve had already shed too many tears, within only a few moments, he calmed him self down and did his best to get his emotions back under control.

"I'm sorry. I don't even know your name and you have already done so much for me." As the blonde spoke, she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Tis no problem." Releasing the other, the man pulled a nearby seat and sat down.

"By the way, the name is Lyrikos. Lyrikos Astralla to be exact, but most just call me Kos."

Forcing a smile, Rogers held out her hand.

"Steven Rogers, but people call me Steve." Taking a good grasp of Kos's hand, she gave him a firm handshake; it seemed that she still had strength the serum had to offer, just watered down a bit, this only made her curious though; how did the other not get crushed when she held him tightly last night? It may have been watered down, but she still had enough power to crush a human being.

"Nice to meet you." Letting go of her hand, Kos spoke again, "If you're a woman now, shouldn't you need a more feminine name? Steve just sounds too manly for you now." Tilting his head and closing his eyes, the male began to ponder; it took a few minutes though for him to open his eyes and snap his fingers. "Stephanie! Stephanie Rogers! Sounds beautiful to me."

Raising a perfectly thin eyebrow, Steve, now Stephanie, could only stare and slowly answer. "Okay..."

Scooting the chair out, Kos stood back up and went back to the stove. With the latest breakdown, breakfast had been shot out the window, though with the position of the sun, he could now go ahead and make a nice dinner for the two of them.

"Now with that out of the way, like I was saying before, being a woman isn't really too bad. It comes with quite a few benefits men don't have... Of course there are also a few new things to get used to."

"And how would you know?"

Smirking, Kos spun around and looked at the blonde quickly before being engulfed in light. Before the Stephanie could even question what was happening, the cocoon that surrounded the male before her fell and reveal a beautiful woman with long flowing hair like hers (the other female's reached the small of her back, while her's reached her waist), but Stephanie couldn't help but have her face flush when she noticed that the jacket the other was wearing, barely covered her breasts.

"Tada!" Giving a small twirl, Kos proceeded to bend a little at the waist and close one eye, along with sticking her tongue out a little. "When I'm like this, I like to go by the name Krystallos! Krys for short."

Silence filled the room before a thump was heard. The cause? Stephanie had fainted and fell to the floor; panicking, the new female in the room had ran to the other's side.

"Why is it that every time I show someone my female form, they always faint?"

READ. Now as you all can guess, i have added an OC. Before some of you get angered with me, i would like to explain that he was not supposed to be in this story at all, he some how found and squirmed his way into this without my permission. HE WILL NOT BE A LOVER TO STEVE/CAPTAIN AMERICA! The only person i will allow him to date is Clint/Hawkeye. Now some of you will probably not like this, while others might be fine, but this is not official. (I will admit though that the idea is very interesting to me) Review the chapter, give me your thoughts about having an OCxClint/Hawkeye pairing, and i will see you all later!