Kakashi sat up in his bed with a small groan as the hyper 7 year old jumped up and down on his bed.
"Ka-ka-shi Ka-ka-shi!" she sang out over and over
"Ka-kashi" he tried to tell her
"Eh?" she asked tilting her head to the side
"Not Ka-ka-shi, it's Ka-kashi"
"Ka-ka-kashi! Ka-ka-kashi!" she shouted out jumping up and down once more
He let out a groan as he pulled away the covers looking at his clock; 5:50am never had 10 minutes been so missed to him.
"Kakashi" he said with a sigh "just Kakashi"
"Close enough" he said standing
"Ka-ka-shi up!"
"Yeah I'm up, are you hungry?"
"Hungy, hungy, hungy!"
With a slight grumble he headed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen placing a bowl and some Ninja Flakes on the table, while Millie sat down at the table he got out the milk and a spoon for her.
"Do you need help?"
"Uh uh" she said shaking her head
Carefully as she could Millie picked up the cereal box and started to pour it into the bowl and everywhere else making Kakashi sigh as some spilt on the floor. Once she was finished with that she started to open the milk nearly tipping it over and deciding he didn't want to repeat the mess from yesterday Kakashi held the bottom of the milk while she poured it into the bowl.
"Once you're finished were going to go see Tsunade"
"No!" she shouted shaking her head with her eyes tightly closed "Tsu-ade mean"
"Would you rather go to the hospital?"
"...no" she pouted
"Eat up I'm going to get dressed"
The whole time she will eating the pout didn't leave Millie's face, the last time she saw Tsunade she got yelled at for moving around too much while she was inspected for damage but at least she didn't give her needles like the hospital did.
By 7:30 they were both dressed and ready to go, by the time they reached the Hokage's it was past 8 though, walking with a 7 year old who often got distracted made everything take twice as long.
"Did you want to knock?" he asked putting his book away
"Ah huh!" she nodded banging on the door with both hands
Shizune opened the door smiling down at Millie; the second Millie saw her and Tonton her face lit up.
"Shi-zoo-nay Ton-ton!" she called out
"Hello Millie" Shizune smile with Tonton oinking
"Kakashi there you are" Tsunade said sitting behind her desk "I did have a mission but considering things..."
"I don't think it would be a good idea yet" Kakashi said
"Right" she sighed putting down the file "what about you're team?"
"Training unless there's any missions around town?"
"I was going to let the academy have this one but here, some old man is moving and needs some help" Tsunade said sliding a folder towards Kakashi
"Ton-ton!" Millie squealed laughing
Kakashi turned his head and saw Tonton sniffing her face making her laugh and giggle.
"We still haven't found any family members... we can place her somewhere else"
"She's happy and isn't much trouble"
"Well take this then; she will be needing some more clothes I'm sure"
Kakashi took the folder and the money then turned to face Millie who was now chasing Tonton around Shizune.
"Millie are you ready to go?"
"Ready!" she shouted coming to a sudden halt
"Come back soon!" Shizune called out waving from the window
Millie looked up at the window and waved back before she noticed Kakashi had gotten a bit far away, after running to catch up to him she noticed he was reading something so Millie quietly walked next to him.
"Hey Kakashi-sensei! You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted
"Wait what's that?" Sakura asked
Millie was currently hiding behind Kakashi's legs, she didn't like strangers and she had never met Naruto, Sasuke or Sakura before, plus the shouting wasn't helping.
"Are you going to introduce yourself?" Kakashi asked Millie
She grabbed hold of the back of his jacket and shook her head against him.
"Kakashi-sensei why do you have a kid with you?" Naruto asked
"I'm looking after her for a while, her name is Millie"
"Hello Millie I'm Sakura" she smiled crouching down making sure not to get to close
"And I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm going to be Hokage someday" he shouted making Millie tighten her grip
"You idiot! Why do you have to be so loud!" Sakura shouted hitting him over the head
Meanwhile Sasuke just huffed slightly and turned his head away from everyone.
"I have a mission for you three today; you're going to be helping someone move"
"What!" Naruto shouted "wasn't there anything else we could do?"
"Naruto don't complain!" Sakura hissed
"We're here to help you move" Kakashi said to the elderly man
"Thank you, thank you" he said opening the door wider letting everyone enter "oh and who is this cute little thing?"
"She's just another helper"
"Oh I see, well then little one I have a very special job for you"
Millie looked up at Kakashi who nodded at her.
"A little shy are we? Well you don't have to worry about me, here" he said pulling out a sweet
Millie took the sweet and quickly popped it into her mouth, as she moved away from Kakashi
"What do you say?"
"You're very welcome, how would you like to help me with that special job?"
"Mmmm ok"
The old man let out a small laugh as he turned and headed towards the kitchen.
"And what was your name little one?"
"Millie" she said following after him
"Alright you three let's get to work" Kakashi said
On about the third trip curiosity finally got the better of Naruto and Sakura as they ran to catch up to Kakashi.
"Why are you looking after a kid?" Naruto asked
"What happened to her family?" Sakura asked
"There was an explosion at her house, both parents died, she was lucky to live"
"That's horrible" Sakura gasped
"But why is she with you?" Naruto asked
"She refused to go with anyone else"
"Ka-ka-shi!" she shouted jumping up and down in the front yard
"Millie? I thought you were helping?"
"All done! Help Ka-ka-shi now?"
"Millie you can help me if you want?" Sakura smiled at her
"Mmm... well... ok"
By lunch time they had finished the mission and Millie had opened up a lot more with all of them, even Sasuke who probably only said 5 words to her.
"Ka-ka-shi I'm hungy" she whined dragging her feet next to him "I'm hurt to"
"Yeah why don't you shout us lunch Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked
"Lunch, lunch!" Millie chanted next to Naruto
With a sigh he gave in earning a cheer from Naruto and Millie.
"Race you there!" Naruto shouted running towards Ichiraku's
"Wait for me!" Millie called out trying to run after him
"Naruto is such a baby" Sakura frowned
"It's no wonder he is friends with her" Sasuke huffed
By the time the other three caught up Millie and Naruto were already sitting down waiting eagerly.
"And who are you cutie?" Ayame asked leaning towards Millie
"Shy? That's ok, my name is Ayame"
"Narudo?" she whispered grabbing hold of his sleeve
"Naru...do?" he asked looking down at her
"Don't worry Millie, Ayame is nice" Sakura smiled sitting next to Naruto
"So your name is Millie?"
"Uhuh" she nodded
"Such a pretty name for a cute girl"
"Naruto you shouldn't eat so much, you're going to get fat" Sakura pointed out after his 4th bowl
"Narudo fat!" Millie called out laughing
"I'm not fat! And it's Na-ru-TOE"
"No not doe toe"
"Toe? Naruto?"
"Yeah that's right" he nodded
"Can you say Sakura?" Sakura asked leaning forward
"Sakura" she said proudly
"That's right" Sakura clapped "how about Sasuke?"
"Saske?" she asked earning a choked cough from Sasuke
"Sa-sue-kay" Sakura said
"That's right" she smiled
"Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke" she smiled clapping "and Ka... Ka... Ka-kashi"
After lunch the other three all set of in different directions with Kakashi and Millie heading off with no real destination until he heard a small yawn.
"Are you tired?"
"Uhuh" she mumbled rubbing her eyes
Kakashi picked her up placing her on his back then headed towards home.
"Kashi" she mumbled half asleep
"I love you" she muttered before falling into a peaceful sleep
Kakashi found himself unable to move from his spot as Millie held on tightly to his vest with a peaceful smile on her face.
So many stories on the go . but I had this weird dream last night... funny enough nothing to do with this, it was about Shikamaru and Temari... I performed a charm on them that meant they would get married one day o.O anyway somehow from that I came up with this! My mind is whacky like that lol anyway's please let me know what you think.