"Let go of me!"

"Not until you answer my question!"

Taichi yelled with pure malice and panic. He continued his struggle against the vice grip of his captor to no avail. The pale hands that held Taichi in place were strong despite its small petite size. He twisted, pulled, and tugged away using all the force he had. But still couldn't break out of the iron tight grip.

Demons are vicious. They are monsters that only rely on their selfish greed and dark instinct. The only thing to do when a demon was nearby was to hide and pray for your safety. Because once you caught a demon's eye, you were as good as dead.

Despite all of the defenses his father and armies have implemented. They still held no true means of survival against their foul enemies. Demons could somehow get over the wall and lay siege on their innocent lives. In Taichi's 15 years of living, he couldn't recall a single instance of a human actually killing a demon.

Trespassing into the Demon's Forest was forbidden. But even if that law wasn't there, no human would actually try venturing in the murky depths. They'd be walking to their death bed by going into the forest!

Taichi narrowed his eyes in regret. Fuck. Is this it? To come so far only to be killed by some heathenish demon?! Like hell he was going to die here! The human backed away with all of his strength.

"Would you stop struggling?" The blond grit his teeth visibly, twisting Taichi's arms which made the human flinch in pain. The wound from his earlier fight hadn't fully healed and now it was starting to throb in pain, "Just answer me already! What are you doing here? How did you even get here?"

Taichi frowned and shut his mouth tight, glaring that the interrogating blond with all of his might. The stranger stood taller than Taichi. Paler too as his skin greatly contrasted the rough tan wrist he was clawing into. His thin frame was only highlighted by the tight black clothes that yielded a weak body. But seeing as Taichi couldn't even break his wrists free, he wasn't going to let himself be fooled.

All in all. The stranger with the golden hair looked…human. Positively humane. There was nothing demonic about a pale guy standing on two legs.

Except for his eyes. His blue eyes were glaucous, cold, sharp and focused. Exactly like the wolf demon that attacked Hikari. That was the only thing that prevented Taichi from saying that he was human. His eyes were as griseous as a wolf's. Taichi didn't know how it was possible for the grey monster wolf to look like a blond pretty boy. But he just had to be the same wolf demon.

"I'm not answering anything that you have to ask!" Taichi growled out his hands balling into fists as the earlier fight with the wolf demon relayed in his mind. Whatever black magic the demon possessed to disguise himself wasn't going to fool Taichi! He would never forget the mesmerizing gaze of that wolf! Or how it's the stupid demon's fault that was here in the first place!

The blue eyes grew dark at the venom in the human's voice, "Listen human, either we do this the hard way or easy way," His slim fingers dug in to the captive wrists, ready to snap the bones within with ease, "So you better start–"

"Like I give a shit!" Taichi hollered over his now mortal enemy. Quickly, Taichi geared his head back before slamming it square on the stranger's forehead in a hard head-butt. The force was direct, blind sighting the demon for a second. Which was all Taichi needed.

Taichi yanked his hands out of the blood inducing grip. One hand was loose to push away the demon, while the other still balled, punching him directly on his collarbone and further staggering the enemy. A small but smug victory smirk traced his features; Taichi was now successfully free from eminent danger.

The blond snarled in pain as his head throbbed and his collar ached. Trembling a bit before regaining his conscious state of mind, his azure eyes slipped open glaring down at the human who now held his hands in a mock boxing pose.

The stranger ruffed, flicking the golden bangs out of his face as he scanned the human briefly. The idiotic hothead looked like he knew a thing or two about fighting, hardheaded, and easy to fool. What struck the blond as odd was the bag popping out with white yarrows on the human's back. So the human was just here to steal flowers. And he had the audacity to try and take one of his roses! "Just what are you planning to do with those huh?" His question sounded more of a threat as his voice rang low.

Taichi grunted, adjusting the straps of his bag. There was an ominous tone the stranger's voice. The more the other acted the less Taichi felt safe. The multiple factors against Taichi were driving him to keep himself in check. With sore wounds and the danger of being in the demon's common ground, Taichi's chances were becoming slim.

Still he had no choice but to make it out of here alive. He was here for Hikari. He was here to grab the stupid flowers for the antidote and run back home as soon as he could. He'd be wasting time by engaging combat or run into any other monsters in this forest.

"That's none of your concern," Taichi reached underneath his bag and flipped his serrated dagger in a tactile form. He wasn't as keen with short knives as he was his broadsword, but he'd just have to make do with what he had, "Now listen up! You're gonna let me pass by here got it? If you don't, then I swear to God, I'll slice your throat right here and now!" Taichi's sense grew muted with his boiling blood. He didn't like the smug look in those eyes. The taller posture or the contradicting looks. He didn't feel anything other than anger as he glared at the figure before him.

"Oh, the little thief has a knife," The blond shifted his weight, balancing himself on his thin legs, "But seriously now. Just what kind of a demon would I be…?" His blue eyes flickered dark. His crouch low as he eyed the ready human with an offering of challenge, "If I just let you waltz on out of here huh?"

"A dead one!" Taichi yelled out as he charged at his enemy. He remembered the swiftness of the last fight, the poise and agility of the wolf that bested him. Like hell Taichi was going to let that happen again. He was going to knock that conceding look down a few pegs, "Hah!"

Holding the knifed, serrated side out, Taichi swiftly slashed at the demon, driving the lean blond backward. Using his broad diagonal swipes, he vented out his hate for the demon by continuously driving him away from the sharp blade. The air cutting around his stabs in a small 'whoosh' each and every step.

The demon frowned but dodges each attack by keeping his weight on his left foot instead of his right. His leg joint throbbed as he matched the pace of the quick to stab human but his head was creased in a firm frown. He was dancing in tune by the beat of the angry human. That didn't sit well with him. And ghosted a faint feeling of déjà vu.

Switching to the offensive, the ducked under the knife swinging arm, maneuvering around the hand with his hand arched and claws ready to show the human just what it meant to mess with the superior kind.

Taichi lost his momentum and loudly yelled as he jerked his head back, feeling the sharp claws scratch his skin as his chin split and slightly stung. Stumbling a bit, Taichi dragged himself backward to try and avoid another blow. I mean after all, Taichi was only human! He couldn't last much longer if he continually got hurt.

"Heh," The blond smirked, now turning the hands of time in his favor. Repeatedly and swiftly he now had the human hopping like the monkey he was. The sense of satisfaction grew from seeing the human back in his proper state of being completely useless.

Taichi grunted as he felt himself being driven backward into the circle of roses. He cursed in his mind; he was so close to getting enough space and high tailing it out of here. He didn't have time to exchange blows with this freak! He had to get home! To Hikari! And fast!

His brown eyes glanced back, seeing the thorny bush with the black flowers coming closer into view. Fuck instead of being stuck between a rock and a hard place, he was between spiky black flowers and a pretty boy blond with an attitude problem.

Taichi's eyes narrowed in pure anger, he wasn't going to be bested that easily.

Flipping the knife expertly in his hand, Taichi swung the blade around in a full circle. Cutting some of the flowers off of the beckoning bush as he slashed the petty smirk right off of the blond's face. He had now freed some space between him and the demon and Taichi took a deep breath before defensively coming back into ready position. Though instead of a quick to kill claw, he got an aggravating glare instead.

"What the fuck!" The blond pointed at the cut off flowers, "Why'd you go and do that?!"

Taichi's face scrunched in confusion, but looked down at the fallen black buds, "That's what you're mad about?" He looked back at the demon completely fed up with him, "A bunch of stupid flowers? That's what got you all hot and bothered."

"Oh shut up human! Like you know anything about these flowers!" The demon jumped at Taichi catching the human by the collar, "First. You're stupid enough to come into my rose garden! Then you try and steal one of my flowers! And now you cut them off like it's no big deal!" The cool aura melted into rage as the blue eyes fired daggers at the human in his grasp, "You're not leaving here alive!"

With that the demon swung the brunet down to the ground. Who loudly flinched as his arm started twitch in pain by the harsh shove. Flashing his canines in mock wolf like anger, the demon geared up his fist like a sword and dove down to end the human's pathetic life.

Taichi flashed as his bad arm was smashed, though his pumping anger was more powerful, "It's your stupid fault I'm here in the first place you fucking wolf demon!" Taichi screamed out grabbing his knife and stabbed it at the incoming demon.

The blond's mind hiccupped. How'd this brat know that he was a wolf?

"Ah!" The demon yelled out, as the human stabbed his dagger into his shoulder. He screamed as he felt the jagged blade tear up his muscle, causing a near blinding pain. His blues eyes darkened in seething anger at the human's audacity. His eyes flickered over to the knife that was jammed inside of him and he widened in shock. Brandished on the hilt of the handle was an orange encrusted sun with eight spikes.

The symbol the leader of the clan told him to never to forget along with the star with eight separated points.

The symbols of the Prince and Princess of the royal family of the Southern Kingdom.

"Wait, you're the–ah!" The blond was cut off as the prince punched him right in the face. Yanking the blade out in one go, he didn't leave any time for remorse as the panicked human kicked the demon right off of him, letting him harshly land on the ground.

"You're not killing me that easy!" Taichi felt the wind knock out of him, as he glanced back at the flowers in his bag that he sort of crushed. Stumbling to get on his feet quick Taichi kicked up the dirt as he charge at the fallen demon with blood reflecting off of his knife.

"Wait just a second!" The demon managed to use his strength to enrapture the wrists and prevent him from getting stabbed a second time, "Your name! What's your name?" He had to make sure. He had to double check. This was a chance he'd be fighting for. The times were really in his favor for once.

"Damn you to hell!" Taichi screamed out pushing his weight forward as he tried to stab and kill the bloody mongrel that dared tried to kill his sister, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Would you shut up and listen for once!" The demon yelled through the human's blind anger, "You're a part of the royal family in the human kingdom right?"

"Why do you need to know!"

"Just answer this question!"

"I told you already I'm not answering anything you have to ask!"

"Do it! And I'll…I'll make it worth your while!"

"You demons aren't worth shit!"

"I'll tell you about the flowers!"

Taichi paused as his mind slated.


The demon smirked. His blond hair was strewn with dirt, his shoulder throbbing with his leg and the blood seeping into his black clothes, "Yeah the flowers." He let go of the fist which relaxed as the human stood up, scrutinizing the demon as he too stood straight up.

Quickly he dusted himself off the dirt, shaking his head free of soil as his blue eyes clashed with the heated death wish from the human, "I'm Ishida Yamato." He stated, crossing his arms as he broadened his shoulders, "If you are who I think you are. Then you already know me."

"Tch," Taichi spat, growing angry with the demon's prattle, "It just happened don't play coy with me!" He held his grip on his dagger put left the blade toward his side. Ishida Yamato. The name suited the demon that stood in front of him. But the name left a bad taste in his mouth.

"And you are?" The demon…Yamato, cocked his lip, waiting for a response.

"…" Taichi flicked the blood off his blade. Scoffing as he put it back in it's sheathe and into his bag, "I'm Prince Yagami Taichi of the Southern Kingdom. Son of Susumu and Yuuko Yagami." Taichi eyed the demon curiously.

"Ah," Yamato's eyes shone the makings of ulterior motive, "That's a real proper introduction Prince Yagami."

Taichi shuddered. He couldn't get a read on this guy and it bothered him. What was going on in that blond head? Why was he acting so strange now that he learned of Taichi's family? "Don't call me that!"

"Why's that?"

"Cause you tarnish the name!"

"Really now," Yamato smirked. He was right. And he had a chance to upturn his future now. What a chance that was bestowed upon him. The key to his life. Walking right into his garden. He could near laugh at the luck.

He'll play his cards right. Slowly though. Yamato had to think about the big picture. He'd get another chance to ransack the Yagami Fortress. Better than the last failure with his new found toy human.

"What is it?" Taichi barked out at the strange look ridden on the demon's face. He couldn't trust this guy after all, why didn't he slice his throat open when he had the chance?!

Yamato laughed, crossing his arms as he eyed the human in front of him with dark ridden eyes. Out of all the luck in the world he had come across the prince of the human kingdom himself. Oh how lady luck was on his side. The chance that he was working for so hard has walked right to him.

"Why the fuck are you laughing!" Taichi yelled at the peculiar behavior, balling his fists once again, "Don't test me you god damned demon. I'll beat you into in the bloody ground!"

"Relax," Yamato calmly offset Taichi's heated glared, "After all your majesty it's not often I get a chance to come across a member of the royal family."

Taichi's heart busted in anger, "Why you fucking piece of shit!" It was his stupid fault that Taichi was in this dumb forest. His stupid fault that Hikari was dying. His stupid fault for everything! Taichi knuckles turned white as his usually happy eyes shot daggers of pure malice.

"Well, back to my promise. You want to hear what I have to say."

"I don't give a shit about anything you have to say."

"Don't be like that now. I think you'll like this."

"Would you just stop talking already! I don't care anymore! I got to get back home now! I got to get back to my sister and I don't have time for waste on you anymore!"

Yamato smiled, his azure eyes making eye contact, "Did you know that each flower grown has its own special meaning?"

Taichi's mouth was open to start yelling again. But he quietly closed his mouth as he left to think about Yamato's statement. Flowers. Those weird little plants that the demons had and the humans didn't. Taichi would be lying if he said he didn't care, "…What do you mean?"

"Heh," Yamato was triumphant after all. Humans are so easy to string along, "I mean that each and every flower carries a message within them." He pointed to the white yarrow that was popping out of Taichi's bag, "For example. The flowers you have mean healing, or to drive away sickness. Hence if someone has them, it's clear they are using it for medicinal purposes."

"Tch, I knew that," Taichi scoffed. That was true. In the medical book he took from Jyou all it talked about was the healing properties of the flower. It'd make sense if the flower meant healing. A child could have figured that out.

Yamato rolled his eyes, pointing at the yellow rose bush. He'll let the human's hurt pride slide without adding salt to the wounds, "Yellow roses mean hatred. By sending one to someone you're showing your extreme distaste for them." The blond then flicked over to the black rose bush, "Black roses mean death. If you give someone a black rose. You are either wishing their own death upon them, or signaling their untimely end."

Taichi frowned rubbed the pricks on his hand, "These really are mean flowers."

The blue eyes blinked at the comment before slightly chuckling in pure amusement, "Don't worry these are nicer ones." Yamato brought the focus to the pink flowers, "A pink rose means friendship, or strong platonic feelings. You give them to your friends and those you wish to befriend." Taichi nodded along, following along with the demon with cut eyes.

"Now red roses," Yamato came to the adjacent flower bush and paused a bit, "They mean love. I'm sure even you can figure out the rest that follows with it."

"Hey watch it." Taichi frowned at the insult and got defensive once again.

Yamato waved him off not really wanting to cater to the human's demands any more than he already has, "And of course," Yamato plucked the same blue rose Taichi was trying to get earlier, "The Blue Rose," The blond twirled it in his hands, his eyes growing an unknown emotion to Taichi. Drawing the human closer. Just like how they did when he first fought against the wolf. When he first stumbled into this garden and saw the blue roses.

"And what do they mean?" Taichi swallowed his curiosity. There was something about that clear blue hue that edged Taichi on. He didn't know what to call the swirling force that pumped his blood faster than ever. He didn't know why he was so mesmerized but the crystalline blue color, but his mouth watered. This demon wasn't to be trusted, but he knew things Taichi didn't. And Taichi wanted to know just what the blond was hiding.

Yamato's eyes glinted in a stroke of victory, stepping closer to the human, carrying the tenacious aloofness with him. He placed the blue rose on top of Taichi's mouth. As if it was the most normal thing to do. Taichi eye's widened at the gesture.

"Simple," Yamato lowered down to Taichi's level. Getting inside the prince's personal space, inflicting more uncertainty onto the brunet, "A blue rose means desire." And with that Yamato kissed the rose bud on top of Taichi's mouth.

Taichi's face flushed red at the close proximity of his enemy and the sudden kiss. The rose felt soft against his mouth. But heavy with the force that Yamato pushed against it. It was…pleasant. Better than pleasant as the smooth petals rubbed his lips and his brown eyes stared into the drowning blue.

This guy was a demon! And demons kill humans! What the fuck was going on!

Yamato broke away with a large condescending smile, "Relax. It's an indirect kiss. It hardly counts."

Taichi balled his first, blush still on his cheeks and fists balled in anger, "What the hell was that!"

"A memory. I'll be seeing you again Prince Yagami Taichi of the Southern Kingdom. I wouldn't want you to forget about me, so I'll leave a parting gift." Yamato plucked a few petals from the outer bud of the rose as Taichi furiously rubbed his mouth.

Yamato smirked tossing the petals and letting the wind catch them. The few soft petals of the rose swirled about in the air before gushing away in a direction past the angry human prince, "Follow that path. The wind will take those petals to the place where you've came from."

"What?" Taichi saw the petals float away in a certain path. He really didn't understand the inner workings of this stupid forest, "Hey wait a second. What do you mean you'll be seeing me ag–"

"You're losing the trail," Yamato pointed out absentmindedly. Forcing the human to stop midsentence and divert his attention back to the rose petals, "I thought you said that you didn't have time to waste?"

"Shut up," Taichi bit back his cursing, though was silenced as Yamato leaned in again, smirking his usual smug smile as he slipped the rest of the intact blue rose in the bag with the bed of white yarrows in it.

Taichi looked at Yamato. Unsure of if he should even say anything to the infuriating demon. Instead he scoffed, "If I ever see you again, you're dead!" Taichi spat one last time before running off at full speed after the trail of blue petals.

Yamato raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything at the last threat as the human ran off. The quietness of the forest returned as the human's back disappeared out of the grove and into low foliage of the woods. The surge of pain from the gash melded away to the quiet of the night.

Even without being physically being there, Yamato's mind was still focused on the Royal Prince's presence. Stubborn, strong, hot headed, and easy to bribe, all key traits that humans shared. Despite his ordinance, Taichi struck a chord within him.

"I can make use of him," Yamato gently murmured to himself. Taking a final look at his charmed rose garden, the demon walked in the opposite direction of the human. Disappearing into the trees with hands stuffed in his pockets and head eyes focused straight ahead of him.

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It felt like everything was racing as Taichi ran back home. This mind was as mess, his heart was pumping faster than ever, and he could hardly even see as he pushed back the plants and jumped over roots as he ran as fast as he could. It was surging high from adrenaline as that caused him to blur everything around him. Running after the petals, climbing up the dangling rope, swinging back down and rushing among the chambers and hallways of his castle.

His heart was pounding, his head ruminating, his limbs screeching as he made his way up the steps of the castle. Taichi had no idea what to think from his encounter with the demon.

Sprinting down the hallway that lead to the sanction of his room, the morning sun started to peep over the horizon, lighting the previously dark sky. His brown eyes squinted, he had been in the dark forest for so long, he almost forgotten what the sun felt like.

"Taichi-sama?" A female called Taichi's attention from across the hall, "My goodness. What are you doing up so early? You're never up this early." Nurse Catherine smiled softly unused to seeing the young lord up and active in the breaking moments of dawn.

"Catherine!" Taichi ordered out, snapping her out of her smile. Easing his sprint to a fast walking pace, Taichi swung the bag off of his shoulders, checking them real quick as if the flowers would disappear from his constant running, "Here! Take this to Jyou now!" Taichi threw the bag at her.

Catherine was suddenly caught off guard, and failed to catch the bag. Instead having it fall down to the ground, its contents spilling out of the bag and onto the red long rug.

"Damn it Catherine," Taichi groaned in a pleading tone as he rushed down to grab the flowers. Seeing Catherine's aghast look as she gasped and held her hand over her mouth, standing completely still as her pale blue eyes tried to fathom the sight she was seeing.

"Those…" She barely whispered, "Those are flowers! But that means. Oh my god. Master Taichi. Please. You didn't go into the for–"

"Quiet!" Taichi shushed, successfully shoving the last of the yarrows as he pushed the bag into Catherine's hands, "Just be quiet okay! Take this to Jyou right now. And tell him to get the antidote now!"

"But Young Master I–"

"Just do it now!"

Catherine flinched at the ordered, "Yes sir," She bowed and walked away, holding the bag as if it was ridden with curses of dark magic.

Taichi stood still as his fist clenched. Damn it. Damn it all to hell. This was supposed to be easy. He saved his sister's life! Why was he feeling like this! If it weren't for that stupid demon he would have….wait a second.

"Catherine," Taichi softly called out as if he was pleading. The young nurse turned around. Trying to stomach her shock and fear of the suddenness of this all. Taichi marched over to her. Opening the bag before rummaging around, until he found the blue rose that the demon had slipped inside. Taichi looked into Catherine's watering eyes.

"Sorry." Taichi muttered as he held the rose in his hand. Motioning Catherine to carry on, before running the other way.

He escaped in his room. Closing the large wooden doors as he fell flat on his large bed. His heart was still racing. His head in a fog. His arms ached and his legs twitched.

He couldn't pinpoint the feeling that pumped through his body. Taichi wasn't happy that Hikari was now saved. He wasn't scared to face his father's wrath for disobedience. Or sad that he messed up and wasted so much time that he had to get Catherine involved.

His filemot eyes glanced at the blue rose in his hands.

Instantly he was reminded of the blue eyes that matched the wolf demon who called himself Ishida Yamato.

I'll be seeing you again Prince Yagami Taichi of the Southern Kingdom.

"I hate demons," Taichi puffed, biting his lips as he tried to deny the surging emotions.

He hated demons. He has since he was a young boy.

But a blue rose meant desire. And desire for something more he did.


I'm sorry for the wait. This has one of my all-time favorite scenes, so I wanted to make it special. I hope that it's okay and to the standard that I've set myself. I'm really happy for the support you guys! Every reviews means a lot of me. Even if I couldn't reply back to all of them. Thank you so much for enjoying my story.

By the way. This story has fanart! Isn't that cool! I'll be posting a link to the picture on my account page cause I can't post links in the story. It's pretty cool stuff in my opinion! I can't believe I got someone to draw for me!

With that said. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!