Chapter 8
Ulquiorra woke up the next morning with something warm tucked into his body. His arms were wrapped around that warmth and his face pressed closely to absorb the smell of lilies. He opened his eyes to look down at Orihime's sleeping form.
She was so beautiful.
He let his fingers drift up to caress her cheek and watched as she smiled in her sleep and wiggled her body closer to him. He kissed her hair gently and closed his eyes, drifting back to sleep.
Not long later Orihime's eyes blinked open. She savored the feel of the strong arms holding her. She wanted to see his face though so she turned around, still within his arms. The movement woke him and they looked at each other, Orihime smiling and Ulquiorra trying to suppress the grin that threatened to spread over his face.
"Good Morning," Orihime said sweetly, still smiling.
Ulquiorra responded by pressing his forehead to hers and pecking her lips.
Orihime giggled and pushed his shoulder so that he lay flat on his back. She crawled on top of him and sat upright on his torso. Ulquiorra had to blink when the impact of the sun through the window hit his face.
Shifting his arms to cradle his head, Ulquiorra stared at the woman above him and yawned. Orihime giggled again and leaned forward to kiss him quickly on the lips.
"So what do you want to do today Ulqui?" asked Orihime.
Ulquiorra removed one hand from behind his head and reached forward to caress Orihime's hip. His hand rose up and cupped one large breast in his hand.
"Oh," said Orihime when she figured out what he wanted to do.
Orihime's eyes glazed over as he ran his thumb over the fabric covering her nipple, unconsciously pressing her chest closer to his touch.
Ulquiorra took his other hand from behind his head and repeated the motion with the other breast.
Orihime placed her hands on Ulquiorra's chest to steady herself as she felt her breathing accelerate. She slid her hips down till she was resting over his hips. She could feel him growing hard beneath her and she pressed herself against it. She wished they had never put on pajamas the night before.
When another flick of Ulquiorra's thumbs glanced over her sensitive nipples, Orihime threw her tiny nightgown off and launched her self down between his legs, pulling her brother's old shorts off of Ulquiorra. His readiness was evident and she quickly climbed back over him.
Ulquiorra's face looked surprised at her actions but when she leaned over to kiss him and stuck her tongue deep inside his mouth, he moaned and threaded his hands in her cascading hair.
Orihime reached down and guided his erection between her folds. When she found the entrance to her feminine cavern she slowly pushed down, capturing more and more of him inside of her. When she had about half of him inside of her she removed her lips from his and sat back, sinking the rest of the way down his hard shaft. They both groaned at the movement and she let herself rest there for a moment, absorbing the feel of him throbbing inside of her. She started to move, cautiously at first but then with more enthusiasm. She liked watching his reactions when she moved her hips a certain way.
Underneath her, Ulquiorra lay with his hands holding her hips. When her tongue darted out to lick some moisture over her dry lips, Ulquiorra wanted to lick his own tongue across those lips. He sat up, circling his arms around her hips as he shifted her weight into his arms and kissed her deeply. Their bodies started to move together in a fascinating rhythm that left them both increasingly breathless.
Soon after, they both cried out their release. Ulquiorra sunk back down to lie on the bed bringing Orihime with him to lie on top of him. He let his fingers trail up and down her spine as they waited for their breathing to slow down.
A few minutes later they heard a loud knock on her front door and the sound of the door creaking open. Orihime and Ulquiorra both jumped up and started throwing on their clothes. Orihime slipped her nightgown back over her head and walked to her bedroom door. Ulquiorra pulled his pants on and just finished zipping them up when the door to Orihimes room burst open.
"Tatsuki," Orihime cried.
"Orihime… Ul… I'm so sorry," Tatsuki said while quickly shutting the door and running down the hall.
Orihime opened the door and followed her out. She found Tatsuki at the entrance to her place and said before she could open the door, "Tatsuki, its ok. You can stay."
A fully dressed Ulquiorra came to stand behind Orihime while the two girls stared at each other.
"Orihime, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have barged in like that," Tatsuki said, taking her hand off of the handle and turning to look at the pair standing at the entrance to the hallway.
"You seemed like you had something important on your mind Tatsuki. What's wrong?" Orihime asked.
"It's... it's not important. I just had a question. It can wait until later."
Orihime walked over to the couch and sat down, Ulquiorra stood by her side as she waited, looking at Tatsuki in a way that told her to just ask her now.
"O.. K. I just wanted to know what Grimmjow and Ulquiorra were. I heard you guys mention something a few times. Are they soul reapers like Ichigo?"
Ulquiorra grunted and Orihime laughed when she replied, "No no, they aren't soul reapers. Actually they are the enemy of soul reapers."
Tatsuki's eyes widened and continued to listen, "You remember that Aizen guy right? The one Ichigo fought a few days ago and beat."
Tasuki nodded her head and continued to listen to Orihime.
"Well Ulquiorra and Grimmjow used to fight under him. But now that he's gone they no longer have to fight so I asked them to come here… with me."
This certainly sounded like Orihime to Tatsuki. It was just like Orihime to try to save everyone, even the bad guys. At least she didn't try to save that Aizen guy.
"I see," said Tatsuki who still stood in the center of the room looking slightly confused. "What are gigais? I heard you guys mention them a few times and those soul reapers from yesterday at the beach were wearing them as well."
"Gigai's are human forms that allow normal people to see them all. Without the gigai's, very few people would be able to see Ulqui and Grimmjow," explained Orihime.
Tatsuki nodded her head in understanding and then asked, "What do they look like without a gigai?"
Orihime laughed once again and said, "Not much different than they look now. Depends on who you are talking about and what form they are in.
Now Tatsuki looked really confused and Ulquiorra tried to step in and help explain, "We can show you if you would like. We just can't do it here. We're only allowed to be out of our gigai's if we're in Urahara's place."
Orihime bounced up and shouted, "That's a great idea Ulqui! I've kinda missed your wings. Let's go!"
Tatsuki didn't look quite so enthusiastic but she waited while Orihime skipped to her room and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top.
"Mmm, I'm hungry. Let's grab something to eat before we go," said Orihime while she grabbed a few things out of cabinets and started throwing it all together.
A little while later, the three left Orihime's place and started down the sidewalk toward Urahara's shop. Tatsuki was quietly walking by Orihime's side while on the other side Ulquiorra had his arm at Orihime's back and the two spoke quietly between themselves.
When the little shop was within sight, they could see Grimmjow out front with a large bag in each hand. They watched as he deposited the bags into the garbage bins on the side of the building and when he turned to head back inside he saw the group approaching.
"Hey Ulquiorra… you have double chores tomorrow," Grimmjow yelled across the space.
Ulquiorra didn't reply but continued to whisper back and forth to the woman at his side.
When they finally reached the shop Grimmjow said, "Tatsuki? Came to get that kiss you denied yourself last night eh?"
Tatsuki just glared into his blue eyes and resisted the urge to hit him.
"Actually Grimm, we came to see you in your hollow form. Tatsuki wants to know what you guys are and Ulquiorra suggested coming here and transforming for her."
Grimmjow's eyes widened in a bit of surprise and then grinned evilly. "Sounds great! I need to get out of this thing for a little while anyway."
The group walked into Urahara's shop and ran into the man himself. "Urahara-san, could we use your training area? We wanna show Tatsuki something," asked Orihime.
"Sure sure. Jinta and Ururu are down there right now. Tell them I need them for something when you get down there please," replied Urahara.
Tatsuki followed Orihime closely as they all walked down into this huge open area filled with rocks and boulders everywhere. They told the kids that Urahara needed them and they quickly scurried up the stairs.
"Ready babe?" Grimmjow said as he held some sort of patch in his hand. Before she could answer he pressed the patch to his chest and a lifeless form dropped to the ground. Standing in front of her was the same blue hair and blue eyes but he had a large scar running down the length of his chest. When he turned his head to look at Tatsuki she gasped at the sight of his hollow mask.
"Do I scare ya now Tatsuki?" Grimmjow asked with a large smile.
Tatsuki didn't immediately answer but still stood there, staring at him. She felt her knee's grow week like something was pressing down on her shoulders and she fought against the feeling.
"Grimmjow, your reiatsu is too strong for her. Tone it down a little,' cried Orihime.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot you humans were so weak," he replied and considerably masked his reiatsu level.
Ulquiorra picked up the patch next and quickly jumped out of his body as well. Tatsuki glanced at him in equal fascination then watched as Orihime jumped up and down in excitement.
"Show her your release!" Orihime squealed in excitement.
Ulquiorra turned to Orihime and said, "If she couldn't handle Grimmjow's reiatsu in his normal state then there's no way she could handle mine in my second form. We aren't able to control our levels while we are transforming."
Orihime bit her lip at this and then a light bulb seemed to form over her head. "Can you control it after you have changed?"
Ulquiorra and Grimmjow seemed to think it over for a moment before Ulquiorra replied, "We're not really sure. There's never been a need to do so since usually when we need to be in that form we are trying to kill someone."
Tatsuki gasped when she heard him talk about killing people.
"I'll put my shield up while you two transform," said Orihime while she pressed her hands to her temples.
Quickly a shield appeared in front of Tatsuki and Tatsuki turned to watch the two guys as they stood there.
Grimmjow laughed and suddenly the wind seemed to whip around the place causing a small dust storm to form where he was standing. Before Tatsuki could realize what was going on… a form appeared in the dust. It had long blue hair and there was a large hole through the center of its stomach. Large green and blue ears stuck out of a face that seemed familiar. When he grinned over at Tatsuki she immediately recognized the face and gasped.
Before Tatsuki could muttered a word, the wind started to pick up again and a moment later another form appeared in front of her. This one had black wings that stretched out and the helmet on his head had 2 long horns. The face was easy to recognize though as that of Ulquiorra's.
"I'm even sexier now don't ya think Tatsuki?" asked Grimmjow as he stalked towards her.
She turned to look at him approaching and then looked at Orihime.
"Do you think you can control it Ulqui?" Orihime asked.
Ulquiorra took a moment and started to concentrate on some invisible thing in front of him. After a little while he looked up and said, "Yes, it can be controlled the same way even in this form."
"Are you ready Grimm?" Orihime asked.
"Yea yea, you can take down the barrier," Grimmjow said.
As soon as Orihime released the barrier, that pressure was back but it wasn't as bad as it was before. She was able to bear it easier now.
Orihime quickly jumped into Ulquiorra's arms and they took off into the air.
Tatsuki was so involved in watching the pair flying off that she didn't notice the feline creeping up next to her.
"So, what do you think?" Grimmjow asked.
Tatsuki turned her head quickly and stared straight into a large scarred chest. She looked up and mumble, "It.. its different."
Grimmjow chuckled and reached his hand out to touch Tatsuki's cheek with a clawed hand. "Nothing scares you does it Tatsuki?"
'That wasn't true' Tatsuki thought as she stared into his blue eyes. 'The feeling in her stomach certainly scared her at the moment.'
When Grimmjow leaned over and kissed her she didn't fight back. She allowed herself to feel his smooth lips as they glided over hers.
"I'm scared now," said Tatsuki when his lips released hers.
Grimmjow grinned and leaned down to kiss her again but before his lips touched hers he said, "You should be."
Flying nearby, Orihime watched as her best friend finally allowed Grimmjow to kiss her. She smiled to herself and thought, 'that's going to be an interesting couple.'
Orihime turned to look up at Ulquiorra who was carrying her effortlessly around the arena. "Ulqui…?"
Ulquiorra looked down at the woman in his arms. "Yes Orihime?"
"Can you bring us down for a moment?" she asked.
Ulquiorra dropped gracefully down to the ground and placed Orihime on her feet in front of him.
She placed her hands on his chest and looked into his green eyes. A surge of emotion coursed through her body as she said, "Ulquiorra, I think I'm in love with you."
Ulquiorra's eyes widen in shock and then softened. He wrapped his arms around the woman that had changed his life so much; the woman that had changed HIM so much and said back, "I think I love you too."
The End
I hate to see it end but that's that. I hope you enjoyed. Please leave me a review if you can.
I already have another story in mind so hopefully a few of you will follow me through that story as well. Another Ulquiorra/ Orihime romance.
Thanks again!