Alright, SO sorry for taking so long, but... finally got another chapter going! And uhhh, was my last one okay? Because no one has reviewed it, that's kinda why I haven't been in a mood for writing this story, so yeah, PLEASE review people, I live off those things! Now then. Here's the chapter!
Chapter twelve: Taking a Fall
The group of rescuers hurried and trudged through the snow and sleet. They knew that the mountain climber didn't have much time left and they needed to move.
Kodi and Shadow were still very shaken from the chase with the bear and they had to force themselves to keep moving. They both knew that they had to keep moving, or the mountain climber wouldn't make it.
"Hey, you two okay?" Dusty asked, coming over to the two canines.
They both looked up at her and nodded silently. Dusty smiled at them, then walked back over to Ralph and Kirby.
"She's worried about us, you know." Shadow quietly said.
Kodi nodded. "Yeah, I know. But we're okay, right?" he asked.
Shadow smiled. "Right."
They continued on their trip in silence, only talking once in a while. Finally they all decided to make camp for the night. They all pitched in, and made a nice lean-to, like last night.
After the dogs did some hunting, they all had a nice meal, then settled down for the night. Shadow though, had trouble sleeping.
Every time she closed her eyes, memories of her parents and little brothers, flooded her mind, as well as questions.
Where are they? Did something or someone take them? Did... I do something wrong?
All of those, and many more, kept the young pup awake for most of the night, until she finally fell into a restless sleep. She constantly stirred around, until she accidentally woke Balto.
He yawned wide, then looked over at the pup. He could see something was troubling her, especially in her sleep. He carefully got up, and walked over to. He gently nuzzled her, then laid down next to her.
After a bit, she calmed down, and slept quite soundly. Balto smiled, and then he too, returned to the dream world for the night.
*The Next Day*
Everyone woke up, around the same time, ready to get going on their trip again. They were all excited to be going again, and just hoped that everything stayed good today.
They walked and walked, until they came to a mountain. Shadow stepped forward, and held her nose up high. She sniffed, and her eyes widened.
"This is it. The way home." she said.
She dropped her nose to the ground, and started sniffing around some more. Then she caught a hold of a very familiar sent.
'No. They never came here, they were just pups.' she thought to herself, 'but then... how come I can smell my little brothers near here?'
She shook off the question, as just a fluke, a nagging feeling, of wanting to see her family again, that made tricks form in her mind.
"You okay, Shadow?" Balto asked, walking over to her.
She nodded. "I'm fine big brother. Just follow my nose!" she said.
Then she dropped her nose down again, ignoring the smell she found, and continued towards the mountain. The rest of their group followed close behind, watching the area around them, for any signs of bears.
They did not need another bear attack again. Shadow kept sniffing around, until she finally caught onto another smell.
"It's this way, come on!" she called back, before taking off down a narrow path way. The group all looked at each other, then took off running after their leader.
Shadow soon led them towards a smaller mountain. She looked at the path they would have to take, with a smile.
"This path will take us to the other side, right near Wolf Mountain!" she explained.
Everyone nodded, with smiles and 'oh yeah's' ringing out. Shadow beamed, very proud that she had led them here so well. Balto walked up and smiled at her.
"Lead the way, kid." he said.
She nodded, then took off down the path. Everyone followed closely, and pretty soon, they were climbing higher and higher. Every once in a while, one of them would look down, to see how high they were.
Each of them were slightly worried, but not Shadow. She was used to climbing the mountains. It was natural for her, to crawl along the paths.
"Don't worry, this is the highest place, we'll be down soon." she said, as she reached the highest point of the path.
Then as she reached it, she suddenly stopped and her fur bristled. She looked around, with her ears perked straight up. Something wasn't right to her.
"Shadow? What's wrong?" Kodi asked.
"Stay back!" Shadow barked, as she looked around again.
Then like a flash of lightening, something sprung from behind a rock, and leapt at Shadow. The pup yelped in pain, as a snake sunk it's teeth, into her front, left leg.
She backed up, trying to shake it off, as she felt herself getting dizzy, from it's quickly spreading venom. As she tried to shake it off, she slowly edged closer to the mountain side's edge.
And then just as she was able to shake it off, her paw hit a weak point in the ice, and it crumbled under her, sending her off the side of the mountain, and down a long drop, to the bottom.
"Shadow!" Kodi screamed, as she quickly fell.
Everyone gathered around the edge, trying to spot her, but she seemed to disappear.
"Come on! We have to get down there, and find her!" Balto barked out.
They all nodded, and took off running as fast as they could, down the path.
'Hang in there Shadow, we're coming.' Kodi thought, as they ran to find their friend.
Each of them hoping, she would at least survive the fall, because if she didn't, she wouldn't have a chance to survive the snake's deadly bite.
And they knew how slim her chances really were, if they didn't make it to her in time...
Okay, been wanting to write this scene for a while now. I really hope it goes over well. I know it's a cliff hanger, meaning I will TRY to write faster. But you all know HOW I will write faster? If you all REVIEW! I feel like I've done something bad, if you all don't tell me how I did. Good or bad, like the chapter or not, please REVIEW! Account owners and guest's alike, you ALL can review, please take a moment or two from your day, just to say a few words if anything, it really makes me smile. But until then, hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll catch you all next time!