Got this great idea watching Wolverine Origins
What Went Wrong With Wolverine and Sabretooth
(Logan's POV)
I stared my older half-brother Victor Creed in the eyes. We were staring each other down in the wet dark parking lot of a Walmart. I had gone to walmart to buy my ointment and I'd forgotten it was my birthday I was with Kitty and it was late at night around 11:45. Luckily it was a Friday and the Parking lot was pretty empty
"You gotta lotta nerve being here Creed, why are you here? Why do you insist on killing me on my birthday?" I said, as I stared my brother down.
"Sabretooth go away! Leave us alone!" Kitty exclaimed, her eyes streaming with tears.
"Right after I talk to ol Jimmy here," Victor told her," Jimmy I just wanna know, why did you leave?"
"I hate seeing people die!" I replied, "Are you going to hurt me?"
"No, I just wanted to ask, goodbye Logan," said Victor, starting to turn away.
"Victor wait, come join us at the Institute, one night, come on man, you live with Magneto and those other freaks," I told him.
"James, I'm not gonna, I don't want to, I have my reasons, you had your reasons for leaving, I have mine for not coming, goodbye," Victor told me.
"Victor, you need help," I said, tensing up, Kitty was crying behind me.
"NO LOGAN! I DON'T! Stop trying to help me! Why do you even want to help me?"
"I still care, barely," I replied.
"Sure ya do, I highly doubt it but okay, im still not coming back," Victor told me.
Victor eyed me with his yellow eyes. He stared at me, his gold hair shining in the moonlight spooky like. "Logan, im not going to kill you in front of your little daughter here."
"Kitty is NOT my daughter, she's one of my students, but she is like a daughter," I told him, angrily.
"Sabretooth, SCREW YOU!" Kitty shouted. "Logan I wanna go home!"
"Kitten, it's going to be okay," I said, calmly, I touched Kitty's arm. She broke down sobbing and hugged me. "Kitten, calm down." I said, trying to control my anger towards Victor and at the same time, trying to stay calm for Kitty's sake.
"Mr. Logan please," Kitty cried.
"Victor, I'm going home, if you're gonna attack me, attack me, if not, then just leave, I gotta get Kitty home to bed, cuz your fat head is scaring her," I told Creed calmly. I got in the van with Kitty and drove away, leaving Victor standing there looking towards the car.
(Sabretooth's point of view)
Another day, Logan, another day, I thought looking at Logan's black X-Van driving off in the distance
(Logan's point of view)
"Mr. Logan I don't want you to die," Kitty told me, "I love you like a father."
"I love you too Kitten," I told her. I stroked her arm as I drove with one hand. When we got back to the mansion, she was asleep. I carried her into her room then went to my own after kissing her on the head.