Okay! Another new chapter! This one is going to be good! I can tell! C:

Disclaimer: I do not OWN Harry Potter or the Inheritance Cycle...Please Support the Official Release


Harry was sitting in an abandoned classroom with Hermione. It had been 2 days since the Hole Incident and Harry was thankful that he had grabbed the books from it, for it managed to calm Hermione down once they were back safely in the castle. And right now, Hermione was pouring over the new books and the stones, while Harry had the gems around him. In his lap was the white one, which he kept petting for some strange reason. "Hey Hermione?"

"Hmn?" Harry looked at his 'sister" with a serious look. Hermione kept glancing at him until she sighed and closed the book. She was researching on the Ancient Language, hoping to find it's origin but right now, Harry was more important. "What is it Harry?"

Harry shifted and said, "Well, is it strange that these gems are hollow?"

Hermione frowned. "What do you mean hollow?"

The Boy-Who-Lived lifted the white gem in his lap and gently tapped it. A faint noise came from the stone. It sounded like a bell and it resounded through the classroom. Hermione's mouth formed a tiny "O" and she made her way over to her "brother". Amber eyes glinted in joy as she continued to examine it. A frown soon passed over Hermione's face. She looked from the white stone to the rest of them. "Is it just this one that is hollow?"

The raven haired teen shook his head. "All of them are. I checked. But they very in tone. Like this white one, Gold and Green are lighter in tone. Black, Blue and Red are deeper. I can't explain it but in away I think it is important." Hermione straightened and began pacing the room. Harry went and sat on a desk, legs protecting the white gem, unconsciously tracing shapes onto it's smooth surface. Hermione continued to pace before stopping. Her amber eyes strayed to the books Harry had brought out of the underground and Harry felt sorry for those books when Hermione practically pounced on them. She began flipping through the Dragon Rider's History muttering to herself.

Harry decided to ignore her and instead stared out the window of the classroom, not knowing that tonight was the night that his life would change forever...


Harry groaned and buried himself deeper into the blankets. He peered out from them to stare at the alarm clock on his bedside table. The glow in the dark wind up clock read 2:18 and Harry desperately wanted to hex whatever was making that squeaking noise. After another 5 minutes of it, Harry groaned and threw off his blankets. He went and hung over the side of his bed to check on the gems he stored down there. What he saw made his eyes widen. The white stone was rocking back and forth, squeaking. Harry bit his lip and gently pulled the gem out from under the bed.

He placed it on the bed, his back resting against the headboard. Emerald green eyes watched the rocking/squeaking gem until a crack appeared in the side of it. Harry sucked in a breath, eyes the size of dinner plates as the crack grew larger. It was then Harry was glad he placed silencing charms around his bed (his nightmares have been getting worse) The squeaking from the stone grew louder as the cracks grew into more until...

Harry covered his face as the stone seemingly explode. He grabbed his glasses from the bedside table and stared in shock/awe. Sitting on his bed was a baby dragon that made freshly fallen snow look grey. Lavender eyes stared at him as it scrambled across the bed, trying to gain it's balance. Harry continued to stare at the creature before covering his mouth his with his hands trying not to scream. The dragon tilted it's head to the side, as if asking "What are you doing?"

Harry closed his eyes, muttering "This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening." He about jumped out of his skin when he felt something rub against his leg. He looked down and saw that it was the dragon. The Gryffindor sighed and reached out to pet the reptilian creature. But once he touched it, an unbelievable pain shot through his arm and he cried out in pain. With in several moments, he blacked out...


Harry groaned as he finally came back into consciousness. Curled up next to him was the white dragon, looking at him with a look that said, 'You DARE disturb my rest?' The Boy-Who-Lived groaned again as he peered out from behind his bed curtains to look at the time. 7:50 am. Emerald green eyes widened as he realized that he would be late to break fast (it ended 8:30) and miss his chance to speak to Hermione about his new, uh, problem.

Harry quickly got out of bed, dressed and used a spell on his bag that would make it both light weight and durable (he had found it last year for Hermione to use. He had bruises from where the girl had hugged him.) Once that was done, the Boy-Who-Lived picked up the still sleepy dragon and placed it in the bag and covered the white reptile with the invisibility cloak. Harry nodded and (after grabbing the Marauder's Map) grabbed the bag. Without a second glance at the empty dormitory, ran to the Great Hall...


Hermione was humming a song as she made her way to breakfast. Her mother had just sent her a new novel (she was now in love with this new American author) and she had already threatened to hang Ron by his gonads in the courtyard. Best part was that Malfoy had overheard and had promptly told the other male Slytherins not to mess with her today. She gave a smile/wave combo at the green table, effectively scaring the ever loving shit out of some of the males. Hermione stopped humming and her eyes widened as she felt someone pull her by the arm. She turned to look at who was pulling her to see that it was Harry.

"Harry? Wha-?" she began to say but couldn't say anything else as her best friend began pulling her out of the Great Hall. Hermione blinked and they were in an abandoned classroom, which Harry was barricading. "Harry James Potter you better have a damn good excuse on why we are here and not eating breakfast?"

Harry was silent and placed his bag on one of the desks. Hermione raised an eyebrow as the Gryffindor male opened it and removed his father's invisibility cloak. He also activated the Map before turning to his 'sister'. "Mione, I am going to ask you not to freak."

A raised eyebrow was his response. "I make no such promises."

Harry shrugged, knowing that was a good enough for now and turned back to his bag. He gently removed the dragon hatchling, who was napping. Hermione sucked in a breath as she looked at the white dragon. "I-is that a dragon?"

"Yes. It," Squeak! Both humans looked at the now awake reptile, who was giving Harry the evil eye. "Uh, sorry. He?" another squeak. "Oh! My bad. She-" the dragon gave him a look over before curling back up in his arms. "She came from the white gem that I found."

Hermione's eyes widened. "Harry, I don't think that those are gems. I think they are dragon eggs."

"But they aren't like any dragon I've ever seen!" he stated, absentmindedly scratching the female dragon's chin, causing it it give its own version of a purr. He looked at the small creature, smiling at her. Hermione watched how Harry interacted with the dragon before speaking.

"What are we going to do?" Her best friend looked up at her. Green eyes bored into her own amber.

"To be honest, I have no fucking clue. She just hatched and did something to me."

"What did she do?"

Harry held out his hand, the one that now had a strange dragon symbol on the palm. It was a silver color, which worried the Gryffindor. Hermione stared at it before gasping. Harry and his dragon stared at the now excited girl with confusion. "Hermione? Is everything okay?"

She began twirling in a circle, muttering to herself before saying, "Harry! I am going to the library! But first, let us find something to eat for your dragon."

The raven haired boy smiled and began following her to the kitchens (Fred and George only did it to shut her up.) Who knows, Harry thought as he looked down at the dragon. Having a dragon can't be any worse that what I usually go through. And with that, he hid the female dragon and went to fins something for her to eat...


END! I know, short but Hey, I am producing chapters right? Review please! I love them and feed off of them XDD