I love all living things equally, I just tend to like adorable things a little more... like kittens and puppies!


Summary: Having a twin sister can be hard, but having a twin sister named Ayano Kannagi is so much harder. Join Kagome as she meets the charming, yet perverted Kazuma Yagami and unknowingly competes for his attentions with her own sister! And Jugo, their father, seems to have made this into some kind of competition as well, the stronger twin becomes the heir to the Kannagi family.

Eremento No Stigma

Chapter 1: Illness

Eyes as blue as the azure sky, that is the symbol of the contracter. Entrusted by the Spirit King of the Wind, with the powers of his domain. I bear this mark, the Stigma of the Wind.

The wind blew calmly across an empty shrineyard. The sun shone brightly, the tell tale sign of a warm day, but the birds didn't seem to be chirping... like there was something about to happen. It left an omnomous feel in the air.

Clap! "Enraiha, come forth!" A young girl's voice echoed through the clearing of the shrine. Orange eyes gazed at an unknown object fearlessly, as flames began to surround her.

She smoothly pulled her clapsed hands apart until a beautiful sword appeared between her hands. She shooed the flames from it, as something white and sticky came from inside a small building, fending it off.

A large spider at least twenty times the size of the 5'6" girl. More of the spider's silk came from its spinnerets and the girl blocked it scoffing.

She then began to charge towards it... only to trip on a rock and get dragged into the air, when the sticky string attached itself to her lower back.

Quickly slicing it, and freeing herself, she did a backflip and landed a good thirty feet away from the beast. "Spirits of fire please grant me your power and guide my sword."

Pink lights began to surround her before turning into fire and forming a ball. The girl swiped her sword toward the spider, and the large fire ball launched itself at the beast, completely obliterating it.

Making her sword disappear in a gust of flame, the girl gave a snooty 'hmph!' and replied. "I guess he couldn't stand the heat.

As the girl walked out the shrine gate, two girls ran toward her. One with short blue hair, the other long and blond, two braids, one on either side of her head.

"Hey guys! I didn't mean to keep you waiting." The girl who had just fought replied, her long pink hair fluttering in the wind.

The blond smiled slightly. "That didn't take long, Ayano!"

"Did everything go alright?" The other girl asked.

"Yes, There's just a little less evil now, thanks to me!" Ayano bragged, causing the blond to burst into a happy smiled. "Great! Why don't we go celebrate with some karakoe?"

The blue haired girl stared at her obviously amused. "Again Yukari, you're obsessed!"

Yukari closed her eyes and retorted. "Look who's talking Nanase!"

Nanase shrugged. "Well, it is fun and all, but we're so close to the beach! Let's enjoy the ocean wind!"

Yukari gasped. "Yeah, that sounds like an awesome idea!"

"Then we'll go do karake after that. Kay?"

"The ocean wind huh?" Ayano asked watching as the wind picked up, blowing all three of the girl's blue uniform skirts up.

"EH!" They cried, trying to keep the skirts down, as the leaves flew high into the air.

Ayano snorted, yelling. "Oh yeah, give me a break! I hate the wind!"

A man in grey dress pants, a black shirt, and a grey jacket slowly landed on the ground, gazing at a large house.

He had chocolate brown eyes and the same color hair, a perfectly normal individual, yet the boy seemed to leave a strange feel in the air.

Knock! Knock! Opening the door, a maid replied, "We've been expecting you Mr. Yagami." Before stepping aside and revealing the same young man.

She then began to wave him down the hall, opening a door for him when the reached the end, then waiting for him to go in before shutting it behind him.

Two men were sitting in the room.

One had long sand colored hair, he was wearing a purple and yellow shirt, blue jeans, along with a dumbfounded look on his face.

The other was an older gentleman, his once black hair, greying. He wore a red suit coat, along with a violet bowtie, white pants and a dress shirt underneath.

"What the... Kazuma?" The teen in purple asked, standing to get a better look. "It is you! Why are you here? Wait a minute, don't tell me. You're the other person Mr. Sakamoto hired to exercise his house? You've gotta be kidding! So who gave you permission to come back to Japan?"

Kazuma watched him uncerimonously. "No one, I was never kicked out of the country genius, not that it's your business."

Mr Sakamoto, eyed them carefully. "Shinji, you know Mr. Yagami then?"

Shinji turned so he could look at them both at the same time. (By turning his head.) "Yeah, but Yagami's not his real name. This is Kazuma Kannagi, the black sheep and disgrace of the Kannagi family."

Kazuma, shrugged slightly. "I missed you too, thanks cousin."

Shinji was quick to retort, "Why are you here? Trying to worm your way back in?"

Kazuma scoffed in response. "I'd rather burn in hell."

Shinji laughed. "I can arrange that loser."

Mr. Sakamoto, not wanting them to start fighting and potentially break something valuable stuttered. "Gentlement please, stop this bickering at once! I don't care who you are, as long as you can rid my house of this ghost! But please keep in mind, my antiques here are very valuable, and worth far more than I am paying you. I'd ask that you use your powers with disgression."

Shinji yawned walking toward Kazuma, "Don't worry, sir." He then whispered in Kazuma's ear. "Now pay attention you idiot. You're about to see a master of fire magic at work."

Meanwhile Kazuma seemed to be finding this very amusing, his smirk widened. "Yeah, where is he? A branch family punk is all I see."

"Wha!" Shinji grabbed his jacket. "What did you say?"

Kazuma glanced over his shoulder. "Heads up, it's time to go to work."

A purple thing flew into the room, and formed a sort of blob... well a blob with a really creepy face on it. Shinji ran in front of Mr. Sakamoto and blasted some fire at the thing. "Eat this!"

Kazuma sighed, "Oh no..." The thing started laughing and blew the fire everywhere, lighting the house ablaze and causing the windows to shatter, Shinji and Mr. Sakamoto fell to the ground from the force. "That's not a ghost you idiot, it's a Yoma."

Mr. Sakamoto crawled towards him crying, he reacehd up and grabbed the bottom of Kazuma's jacket in desperation. "Please! Save me! I'll pay double what I promised you I swear!"

Kazuma glanced down at him disinterested. "If that's all you don't put much value on your life."

Mr. Sakamoto began waving his hands in the air. "I'll make it ten times then! No fifty!"

Kazuma began to walk away. "Have a nice day..."

"One Hundred times!" The man screamed, causing Kazuma to turn around with a grin. "So you do want to live. Huh?"

He stepped into the middle of the room, facing the beast. Blue glowing lights began to surround him and he looked straight into the eye of the Yoma.

BOOM! With a large gust of wind all the fire in the house was extinguished, another gust cut the Yoma into tiny peices until it was completely destroyed, leaving no trace it was ever there in the first place.

Mr. Sakamoto sat gasping on the floor, when Kazuma glanced at him. "Well, I'm done. You've got three days to give me the money." He turned to Shinji and kicked him.

Mr. Sakamoto got up and daringly cried. "Don't you have any respect? I don't know what happened between you two, but to kick a dead man... it just isn't right."

"He's not dead." Kazuma interupted, and the both looked at Shinji.

Kazuma planted his foot on the middle of his back and pushed down hard. "Hey how long are you going to pretend to be unconsious?"

Shinji opened his eyes and glared up at Kazuma, who removed his foot.

Mr. Sakamoto gasped. "Wha. but how?"

Kazuma watched Shinji, who was now looking at him with fear, dispassionately. "The Kannagis are a family of fire magic users, they can summon and control fire at will. Every Kannagi is protected by the spirits of fire, so even a member of the branch family like this moron here, can't be hurt by flame."

Shinji groaned sitting up. "No way, you.. you used wind magic?"

Kazami glanced out the window. "Sure did, I am the black sheep remember?"

"Look I'm sorry, but I can't stay! I really have to go! See you later!" Ayano cried running out of the shoe store.

Yukari and Nanase stepped out behind her watching her run with wide-eyes.

"Now I feel kinda bad, maybe we shouldn't have kept her out this late." Yukari replied.

Nanase gasped. "What, are you crazy? It's not even 8 o-clock yet!"

Yukari sweat dropped. "But you know how strict Ayano's family can be."

"Yeah, she's kinda unlucky in that department, I guess with all there history and traditions it can't be easy being the oldest daughter of the Kannagi family."

Ayano was running home as fast as her legs could carry her. 'This is bad, really bad! I'm two hours past cerfew! If father finds out... I don't even wanna think about what he'll do!'

She sighed a little in relief when she got through the gates, only to jump when someone called, "Ayano!"

She froze. "Ah! I'm sorry father, I wasn't just hanging out... I was at the library, lost track of time, please forgive me!"

A young teenage boy (looking around 13) with blond hair and green eyes came running up to her. "Why'd you call me father?"

Relief was visible on her face when she cried, "Ren!" As he came to a stop, hugging her. "You really scared me, what's going on?"

Ren looked at her in delight. "He's come back! After all this time, he's returned!"

Ayano stared at him blankly. "Who do you mean?"

"Who else? My big brother!" He cried.

She seemed to go into thought. "Huh? Yeah, I don't remember you ever having a big brother."

He gazed at her sadly, all happiness leaked out. "That's mean! You've really forgotten him? Hey, wait I bet this will jog your memory! He fought you for Enraiha at the Ceremony of Inheridence."

She nodded. "Enraiha... OH now I remember! He was the guy I knocked out with a single blast of my magic. But it was so fast it wasn't much of a fight, ya know?"

Ren looked ready to cry. "Do you have to be so mean to my brother? Ayano?"

She laughed nervously, as he did start crying.

"And here I was going to tell you the good news... she's coming home to Ayano!" He whispered as he wept.

The birds chirped peacefully around the largest of the houses, though inside something much less serine was going on. Shinji was on his knees facing his superiors, having just told them the bad news.

"So then, he has defeated the Yoma with wind magic." The village leader replied, his grey hair shining due to the lighting. "Shinji Yuki, you have brought shame upon our family, you will double your training, and I expect you to act more professionally."

Shinji nodded, though he was grovelling so it was not easily seen. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, forgive me Master Jugo!" He turned and bowed to the other man in the room, who had black hair. "Cousin Genma!"

Jugo watched him sadly. "Now raise your head. There's no need to be so formal here."

The door slid open and Ayano and Ren appeared. "Father, did you...Uhh." Ayano trailed off seeing Genma staring at her through the corner of his eye.

"Hey father..." Ren repiled.

Ayano cleared her throat. "Cousin Genma, I didn't know you were here."

Jugo sighed, "You would have if you hadn't missed your curfew."

Ayano gasped. "Unbelievable, he's using wind magic?"

Jugo nodded. "We've heard rumors, but had written them off as just that. Until now."

Ayano decided she needed to check this. "So what you're telling me is that my second cousin, Kazuma Kannagi, who left home four years ago, is back!" Jugo nodded. "Are you serious, a member of the Kannagi family has actually trained himself to use wind magic, I can't believe that, it's just so..."

Genma spoke up. "It's embarrassing and shameful."

Jugo looked down sadly. "I pity him despite myself, he's not had an easy path in life, if only he had not been born into the Kannagi family. He wouldn't have anything to be ashamed of."

Genma glared at the space in front of him. "But he was, and he didn't have the ability to control fire, the Kannagi family has been practicing the sacred art of fire magic for countless generations, it has no place for those who can't master it."

Jugo watched him intently. "Genma..."

"Therefor Kazuma, no longer has any connection to us at all, and as far as I'm concerned I have but one son. Ren." Genma finished.

"Father..." Ren whispered, sadness reflected in his eyes.

"Perhaps it's for the best." Jugo finally replied, when the atmosphere had gotten thicker than sand. "Wind magic may allow Kazuma to achieve true happines."

Ren looked into his lap. "Do you think that... he could ever be a member of our family again?" Everyone in the room looked down at their laps in sorrow.

"Father..." Ayano murmured.

Jugo glanced at his daughter. "Yes, Ayano?"

She gulped. "Well... it's just... Ren told me she will be coming home."

His eyes softened. "Hai, she's coming home."

Ayano's eyes snapped from her lap to his own eyes. "When? When is she coming back?"

"She'll be here in three days, her old room is being prepared for her as we speak."

Tears gathered in Ayano's eyes. "No! Please father, she can sleep with me in my room!"

Jugo sighed. "I'm sorry Ayano, but she's only gotten worse. We can't take the chance of you getting sick as well."

Ayano sniffled. "But father, I'll be with her all day anyway, what will it matter a few extra hours... and I know you wouldn't have had her come home unless..."She choked. "She's dying isn't she! She's gonna die soon!"

i luv niki4444

Okay so this story was requested by "Guest" So "Guest" This whole story is for you. Why? Because I never would have discovered that AMAZING anime/manga if you hadn't have asked if I'd do a Kagome/Kazuma pairing.

I didn't expect to be able to get it out this soon, but I fell in LOVE so it only took me... a few hours to finish it. But there are only 24 episodes so that doesn't surprise me! ;P ...I wish there was more...

Most of this I did a play by play from the original episode 1. But I'm going to skip to after the whole Beast murder thing is over. So after the Fuga Clan trys to kill the Kannagi clan... or something like that, we'll find out right?

Sorry for the errors, I'm to lazy to spell check it at the moment! ^_^

The original was called Kaze No Stigma or Stigma of Wind. This is called Eremento No Stigma which is translated to Stigma of Elements.

Anyway, I hope you guys like it, and I'll try to update again soon.

Ja Ne!
