Authors notes: This story takes place some years after the end of the old Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons.


In the not too distant future the technology of the world of Mobius has greatly advanced, space ships fly between the stars, robotics and cybernetics are far advanced and the entire world and the distant worlds colonised by the Mobians are in a golden age of peace and prosperity. And it's all a lie.

Deception, corruption, control and manipulation, the young Cinos the hedgehog wakes up one morning and has his world turned upside down when he discovers that he was once a great warrior who fought the now rulers of this world, Sonic the Hedgehog was once his name, and his life as he knows it is just an invention implanted to keep the dangerous troublemaker under control.

With his faked memories slowly breaking down Cinos is dragged out of his comfortable world kicking and screaming and thrown back into reality to go on the run. But what can he do now when an entire galaxy is against him?

Disclaimer: Sonic the Hedgehog is owned by Sega

Sonic the Hedgehog

Orion Lance

Written by


(A.K.A. Ross Pickering)


The world around him was a blur, everything was coming towards him so fast he often only had a split second to react and avoid whatever he was approaching and he avoided it with such agility he was practically showing off, hopping over boulders, sliding under fallen trees and practically bashing small rocks out of his way by rolling into a ball while at high speed and smashing into them.

His legs were a blur of blue and red motion and the air in front of him as he ran was resisting so much and was so thick you could cut it with a knife yet his body could move through the air at speed like an arrow. Sonic the Hedgehog prided himself as being the fastest creature on the planet, and that was saying something. A cheetah can go fifty to sixty miles per hour, Sonic could push himself to go beyond three hundred miles per hour, faster than the speed of sound itself.

He kicked off a tree and launched himself across to another tree before launching himself back and back again the other way all the time getting higher and higher until he reached the top of the tallest tree and came to stand on a branch.

The tree he was on was on the edge of the forest and in the distance in a mass of devastation and wasteland he could see a massive city, tall smoke stacks pumping thick black smoke into the air. That was a city that 3 years ago had been converted by the evil Dr. Robotnik, it used to be a peaceful, clean place until Robotik came in his air ship and 'robotisized' the whole town and its people into cybernetic machines only to do Robotnik's bidding.

Sonic himself was part of the Freedom Fighters, a bunch of rebels lead by Princess Sally Acorn, intent on stopping Robotnik's mad desire for world domination. They had been fighting him for four years and a lot of things had changed, the Freedom Fighters had gained a lot of ground, they had so many supporters they were sure they could overthrow Robotnik and his mad desires for world domination, this long war could be over in a few weeks. A few weeks and it'll all be over, Robotnik will be brought to his knees.

Sonic himself had altered over the years, he'd grown up a lot, he was taller, a lot fitter and though still reckless and often irresponsible he was much more focused and calmer looking then his younger self who was often more bombastic.

Sonic had set out on a mission this night, he'd gotten word that his best friend, a fox named Miles Prowler or Tails by his friends had just been kidnapped by Robotnik and was being used as bait to attract the little speedster to him. No doubt because he had some new secret weapon that the mad scientist believed could defeat the fastest thing alive once and for all. Fat chance!

Sonic wasn't worried, he'd defeated Dr. Ro'butt'nik and his machines on so many occasions there was nothing Robotnik could build that Sonic could not easily destroy.

At that moment Sonic leapt off the tree branch he was standing on and hit the ground running and within seconds was inside the city, he was blasting past all Robotnik's Spybots and skuzbots and Swatbots and stuff and arrived at the entrance to a tall tower in the middle of the city.

Sonic whistled loudly to deliberately attract attention to himself "Hey, Robotnik! I'm here! What kind of doctor are you, don't you keep your appointments?"

"Laugh all you want, you irritating rodent" said a dark voice from speakers in the walls.

"Not man enough to show yourself Ro'butt'nik?" Sonic yawned "I'm here, now show me Tails and show me what scrap heap you want me to trash, I've got more important stuff to do today."

"You won't be laughing when you see what I have in store for you" Robotnik snarled, Sonic just flapped his lips and held up his right arm and flapped his fingers and thumb in a manner that imitated speech and as far as Sonic was concerned Robotnik was doing too much of it.

"SONIC!" cried the high pitched voice of the young fox Tails, who was tied up and dangling by a cable from a buzzbot, a giant, bee like robot that was flying through the air on large buzzing wings.

"Don't worry Tails" Sonic said unconcerned as he picked up a loose cobble from the floor, flipped it into the air and caught it again a few times before he took aim, then started spinning himself head over feet in a ball going faster and faster, then he came to an abrupt halt standing on his feet and launched the stone into the air, with the extra momentum added from Sonics little feat the stone impacted the buzzbot and it exploded as the stone tore straight through the metal bee. Tails began to fall to the ground but just before he hit the solid ground Sonic zoomed towards him and caught the fox. "You okay, buddy?"

The rope binding Tails' arms loosened and fell "Yeah, now that you're here I know everything will be okay."

"Ah, stop, you're embarrassing me" Sonic commented jokingly.

"You haven't won yet Sonic!" echoed the dark voice of Robotnik "and you won't win this time!"

"I've won every time, everything you've sent against me I've defeated, and I'm getting bored." Sonic said causally sticking his finger in his ear and tried to dig out some wax he'd just found in there.

"You won't get bored with this, it'll crush every bone in your body" the centre of a large platform Sonic and Tails were standing on began to slide back revealing a rising platform underneath. The platform was as big as a car park so Sonic guessed whatever it was he was to face it was going to be big, very big.

"It better be better than that lame Hedgehog seeking missile" Sonic yawned as he and Tails leapt onto a more stable floor at the edge of the massive, opening hatch.

The rising platform clicked into place and standing in the middle of it was a machine, a small machine no bigger than Sonic was. It was exactly his height, blue and made of metal. It looked almost exactly like him, a metal version of Sonic. In its stomach was what looked like a jet engine and instead of eyes it had a black visor, a visor that had two red irises that were looking directly at Sonic with dislike. Was that even possible for a machine?

"That's it?" Sonic laughed "A robot copy of me?"

"Metal Sonic is based on you in every way!" Robotnik gloated "Every battle you've had has been recorded in his data bank, every move you know, every thought, your entire mentality. It is your perfect match for speed and agility."

"All talk Robotnik, but you can't copy the original recipe to perfection" Sonic gloated.

"We'll see! Metal, take him apart, but leave him alive." Robotnik said.

"Ha! If you want this thing to fight me, it better kill me because I'm gonna keep coming." Sonic said adopting a fighting stance and got ready for an attack by this Metal Sonic.

"Sonic be careful, I don't think Robotnik is making empty threats this time" Tails warned him.

"Robotnik's threats are always empty." Sonic said and winked at his friend "Don't worry Tails, you just head back to Sally and the others, I'll send this mass of bolts to the junk heap in no time." Sonic stopped talking when he felt Metal ram into the back of him and the metal copy tossed him across the platform to the other side.

Slowly Sonic got back to his feet a little shaken "Wow, I'm surprised, that actually hurt" Sonic gloated "I'm going to have some fun playing games with this thing."

"Metal is not here to play games!" Robotnik fumed. "He is here to exterminate you!"

"I thought you wanted him to leave me alive, how can it do that if it exterminates me?" Sonic laughed getting back into fighting stance.

"Either will suit me" Robotnik snarled. Smiling mischievously Sonic took off towards Metal and Metal took off towards Sonic and they prepared to fight each other, Sonic got so close he could see the reds of his eyes and... why did his irises look like numbers and letters, an '5:59' and an 'AM', what did that mean? Suddenly '5:59' 'AM' became '6:00' 'AM' and then...

BLEEP, BLEEP, BLEEP, BLEEP went the alarm and the dream blacked out as the guy having the dream was snapped back to reality...

To Be Continued...

Authors notes: Originally this was called Sonics 7 and was supposed to be a homage to 1984 and the BBC series Blakes 7, however after a little thought on the plot I've decided to re-invent it and re-release it as something else.