I was thinking of adding more chapters of how Courtney moved in with Duncan and all her financial problems went away but I don't want to drag the story on. It's done. This is the epilogue I guess.

Nobody's POV

Courtney sat hand in hand with Duncan as she saw Heather walk down the floor with her father. They were both on the brink of tears and Noah's face was priceless when he saw Heather. He was smiling until he saw her, and then his jaw fell open, and then finally, he broke out into a huge smile.

Courtney wasn't chosen to be Heathers brides maid because truthfully, she hadn't been around long enough to be one. She had been friendly to Heather during the two month reunion but missing ten years did have its effects.

The brides maids were Lindsay, Beth, Izzy and friends of Heathers that Courtney didn't recognize. On the guys side, there was Owen, Tyler and the rest were friends. Scarlett and Ali were chosen as flower girls though, along with Eden and the ring bearer being Charlie.

Courtney played with the diamond on her finger. Duncan had proposed last month and the brunette couldn't help but stare at it. She had shown it to all her friends before the wedding started. She would have shown them earlier but she had forgotten to get their phone numbers and had no contact with any of them. Thankfully, they all passed around their phones and she now had twenty new numbers stored into her phone.

Gwen was sitting near Courtney as she held hands with Trent. The two had finally managed to get pregnant with a baby girl they were planning on naming Maggie. Izzy and Owen had gone to some couples counseling and were now as strong as ever.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Noah swept Heather off her feet, literally, and kissed her before carrying her out of the chapel. Courtney and Duncan cheered along with everyone else and left the building along with everyone else.

"Congratulations!" Courtney smiled as she hugged Heather. Noah was busy talking with Owen so Courtney had Heather all to herself. "So could you help me with something?"

"Sure, what do you need?" Heather asked.

Courtney explained her situation to Heather and she could barely contain herself from jumping up and down with excitement as she pulled her Iphone out of her purse.

"Duncan! I want a picture of you a Courtney." Heather called to the punk as Courtney had requested. He was busy talking with Geoff but shrugged and walking over to his fiancé. "Okay, just get close and smile."

Duncan did as he was told and wrapped his arm around Courtney.

"Okay, now say Courtney's pregnant." Heather smiled and flashed the picture just as Duncan realized what was happening.

"Courtney's preg- what?"

Heheheh that's where I'm ending it. Seriousely. Lol. But just for you people, they had a baby boy (thank god, Duncan wouldn't be able to take anymore) named Jake. Unlike Scar and Ali, he looks more like his mother with brown hair and mocha skin.

So, I would like to say thank you to all my reviewers in no particular order:

All the anonymous reviewers

Apocylypse owner











Trella Marie


