Hey, everyone! It's been a long time since I've updated! So, I know this update contains something rather short, but I figure it should suffice to say that I have not fallen of the face of the Earth. If you didn't read the summary, which I don't know why you wouldn't, this happens after Cosmo's death in the Sonic X universe. Sonic finds that Tails is depressed and on the brink of tears almost every night, and so he writes this lullaby for him. I'm probably going to include this in The Two-Tailed Fox when I write the Sonic X adaptation in it. Well, enjoy!


Fall asleep, my little one
Nothing can hurt you; it is all done
Let your sadness and grief leave
No longer those things shall you heave
But I know things can be tough
Going on through the rough
Just let everything go
You will feel no more woe

Do not fret, for I am here
You need not cry when I am near
All you need is to relax
Yourself, you need not tax
I know life is not quite fair
Sometimes it is too much to bear
Even so, we must go on
Even when things we love are gone

And I know you want to weep
Even within the clutches of sleep
But please, for those you love
That impulse, you should shove
Please know that we are still alive
So for us should you strive
And please don't let yourself
Go away; I need you myself

I realize how much you loved her
And that death should not have occurred
But please just fall into sleep
So that you do not have to weep

So, what did you think? Please give me feedback, and I might post some more poetry/songs on my FictionPress profile when I get the chance, but only if I get some feedback on this!
