Me: I'm back again! This story is done. Sad, I know.

Hiro: Not really.

Me: Well I've had a lot of fun writing this! You all know the disclaimer by now and how I want reviews. That's pretty much it.

Anzu: Aren't you a ray of sunshine?

Me:Yes XD I'll see you all next time, so stay tuned and enjoy the final chapter

4 years later

"Suck in Anzu! Suck!"

Anzu took a breath as Elecktra tightened the corset around her waist. Mai gave her a sympathetic look as she took a sip from her martini glass. Currently, she, Anzu, and Elecktra were up in a room in the curch, trying to put a corset on Anzu. Today, the 10 of September, was the day of Anzu's marriage to Bakura. Surprsingly to her parents, their relationship had lasted all through high school and college. They didn't know that their relationship went back to 3,000 years ago and it was better for them if they didn't.

Someone knocked on the door and Mai checked to see who it was, she turned to Anzu. "Anzu, it's your mom."

Anzu took a breath. "Let her in."

Miku walked into the door, tears in her eyes as she came in. She took Anzu's manicured hands. "My baby girl on her wedding day. I've always dreamed about this day. Oh, I think I'm going to start crying." Miku took a klenex and dabbed her eyes. Anzu smiled and gave her mom a hug. "I know what you mean mom. It took a while for Bakura to propose. He didn't know exactly how to do it. He got on one kee, with a ring and said "Will you do this marriage thing with me?"

Elecktra snorted. "Figures he do something like that."

Miku gave her a funny look, causing the maid of honor to shrug her shoulders and look at her nails. Anzu rolled her eyes and got out her wedding dress. Pure white silk with flowery designs on it. Anzu thought it was the most beautiful dress in the world, considering it was hers. The three woment helped Anzu get into it and then another knock on the door cam, just as Miku put the veil on her daughters head.

The door opened to reveal her father standing there, holding a box in his hands. He went over to his daughter, being careful not to squish her dress. "I can't believe this baby girl. Is it really happening?"

"It is dad. I can't believe it either." Anzu said as she looked at her father, noticing the age lines coming on him. He opened the box to reveal a blue sapphire clip. Taking some of her bangs, that were brushed to the side, he put them in. He smiled. "Something old, something new, and something blue. The barret was my mothers, so I guess old and blue go together in this case."

Anzu smiled and threw her arms around her father. Hiro then came in, a grin on his face. He had just becom a docter not to long ago and was now officially begining his practice. He took Elecktra by the arm, seeing as he was the best man. "Come on E, we have to go down now. It's starting." Elecktra nodded and Mai headed down stairs after them. Miku squeezed her daughters arm and headed down too. Once they were gone, Anzu took her father's arm and started after them.

As they stood in the door away of the church, Anzu gulped, feeling a bit nerveous. Arashi squeezed her arm. "Are you neveous?"

"A little." Anzu said, feeling her voice crack a bit. He grinned at her. "I was nerveous too. And then I saw your mother and I instantly felt better." Anzu smiled and then the doors opened, revealing everyone else standing and watching her. Anzu had noticed that the little flower girl, her baby cousin Mikoto, had not dropped flower petals on the ground. Oh well, She guessed that she would find out later.

As she walked down the aisle, her heart beat sped up as she saw Bakura standing there, a pleasent look on his face. She was glad she had trained him to stop smirking on special occasions. Their eyes met and all Anzu wanted to do was just run up the aisle to where he was, but she had to be patient. The minute she arrived on the alter, she took Bakura's hand and turned towards the pastor.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of Anzu Mazaki and Bakura...Bakura." Ryou also had to lie by saying that in his family, the oldest boy was named Bakura. "Bakura, do you take Anzu to be your wife, to love and protect until the day you die? In sickness and in health, thill death do you part."

"I do." Bakura said, a hint of pride in his voice. The pastor then turned to Anzu. "And do you Anzu, take Bakura to be your husband, to love and protect till death do you part, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." Anzu answered her eyes begining to get tears in them, but she blinked them away. The pastor then took the rings and handed the smaller one to Bakura. "I Bakura Bakura,"

"I Bakura Bakura,"

"Take this ring as a token of our undying love. Will you accept me as your husband?"

"Take this ring as a token of our undying love. Will you accept me as your husband?" Bakura repeated, staring Anzu deep into her eyes as he placed the ring on her finger. Anzu smiled. "I do."

The pastor then turned to her. "I Anzu Mazaki,"

"I Anzu Mazaki,"

"Take this ring as an example of faith in our love. Will you accept me as your wife."

"Take this ring as an example of faith in our love. Will you accept me as your wife?" Anzu repeated as she placed the ring on his finger, tears falling down her face. Bakura gave her a gentle look and replied. "I do."

The pastor smiled. "Then by the powers vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss he bride."

Bakura smirked and lifted the veil above her head and leaned down to kiss her, his arms around her waist. Anzu kissed him back, placing her arms around his neck. The crowd of friends and family cheered and applauded. Anzu stopped kissing him and stared at him in the eyes. She knew in that moment their commitment was real.


"So she went down the aisle asking people at the end of the rows if they wanted a flower?" Anzu asked Mai as they sat at the head of the table. Mai nodded and leaned back laughing.

"Yes, it was adorable! Anzu, your cousin is adorable!" She scooped down and picked the little girl up, placing her on her lap. Bakura grunted as he placed an arm around Anzu. "It was a waste of flowers if you asked me."

"Oh Bakura, don't be such a grouch. You know it was adorable." Hiro said to his new brother-in-law. He poked Anzu in the shoulder. "Anzu, are you sure you're going to be happy with him? I mean, he is a grouch."

Anzu laughed. "I'm sure," she kissed Bakura, "He is grumpy, but hardly ever with me."

Ryou laughed as he placed an arm around Miho. "I'm glad he found his weakness in you." Everyone laughed while Bakura sulked and Elecktra stood up, raising her glass. "A toast, to the best bride and worst groom..." she stopped after Bakura glared at her, "I kid, I kid. To the best groom this night has ever seen. Let's wish them happiness and lots of sex down the road. Which equals lots of kids."

Miku clapped her hands once the toast was done. "Ohhhh I love the thought of grand children! I want at least 10!"

Anzu blushed while Arashi shook his head, a smile gracing his lips and he kissed her. Bakura seemed to pale at the thought of 10 children. Anzu took his hand and whispered in his ear. "Don't worry, I don't want 10 children."

Bakura's face relaxed. Anzu then whispered, "I want at least 15."

Bakura then fell gracefully out of his chair was Anzu began to laugh uncontrably, causing some people to give her stares and then laugh with her. Bakura then got up, a little pout aon his face. Anzu patted his arm. "Don't worry I was just kidding. Let's have at least 2 or 3."

Anzu then stood up and went onto the plat form. "Okay my bridal party! Time to toss the bouquet!"

Mai and Elecktra stood next to each other, a competative look on their faces. Anzu closed her eyes and tossed the bouquet and it flew...straight into Kaiba's arms. Kaiba looked shocked and then appalled at the thought of him getting married. Jounouchi jumped up and laughed. "You're next Kaiba!"

"Can it Katsuya!"

Bakura laughed and then looked at the time, it was nearly 11:00. They had been at the reception for six hours. He was getting tired and he knew Anzu was too. He looked at Anzu who yawned. "You ready to get going to our hotel?"

"Yeah." Anzu said as she stiffled another yawn. Bakura smiled and then led her to the limousene, everybody waving and blessing them as they sped off. When they reached the hotel, Bakura scooped Anzu up in his arms bridal style and smirked. Anzu raised an eyebrow, smiling. "What on earth are you doing?"

Bakura grinned and he kicked open their door. "Tonight is the first night you become my woman."


A year and a half later...on June 7 sometime 10:30 p.m

Bakura paced down the hallway of the hospital, his hands running through his hair. He really hated hospitals. He hadn't been to one since the time Anzu tried to kill herself. At least this time, it would be a happier reason.

"Bakura, your hair is going to grow whiter if you keep pacing like that." Elecktra said calmly as she looked through her magazine. She and Marik got married soon after Anzu and Bakura and had a daughter, a little girl named Amba, who was almost a year old. Marik looked up from holding Amba. "Calm down Bakura, she'll be fine. Her brother's helping her so it'll be okay.

Bakura wondered if she was okay with Hiro seeing her...,.like that. He shuddered at the thought of another man seeing her like that. That's why he wanted Hiro as their docter. He wouldn't look at her like that. He was engaged after all. Much to his relief, a nurse came down the hall with a clip board in her hand. She smiled pleasently at him and the others. "Mr. Bakura, your wife is ready for you."

Bakura ran to her. "Is she okay? Is the baby fine?"

The nurse smiled a cheerful smile. "The mother is doing wonderfully. And so is the..opps. I can't say anything."

Elecktra raised an eyebrow at her behaviour, but stood up and followed her husband and friend down the hall. When they got to Anzu's room, the nurse opened the door to reveal Anzu, sitting on the bed covered in sweat and holding two bundles in her arms. Bakura's and everyone elses eyes widened. Hiro came over to them after washing his hands. "Congrats brother. You're a dad."

Bakura went over to his wife, pulling up a chair. "Anzu...are they..."

Anzu smiled. "Yes, they're ours." Anzu had tears in her eyes, as she thought of the trip their class took in her freshmen year and the wish she made. "We have twins. A girl and a boy."

Elecktra smiled. "What are their names?"

Bakura looked at her, kissing her face. "You decided. I'm bad at picking names and you went through the trouble of bringing them onto this planet."

Anzu looked at the baby girl with pale whisps of white hair. "Our girl is the oldest. Her name is Isuzu, but we'll call her Rin unless she gets in trouble." Marik gave her a confused look, not always understanding japanese language. "Why Rin?"

Anzu sighed. "Suzu means bell and Rin resembles the sound a small bell makes. So, when you put it together, it makes the name Isuzu mean 'dependable bell.' I think the name fits her. She looks like she's going to be a very independent little girl."

Bakura smiled a rare smile. "I think so too."

Anzu continued. "And our son's name is...Akio." All of them went quiet for a moment. None of them went against her decision because the name had sentimental value to both Anzu and Hiro. Bakura placed an arm on her shoulder. "I like the names."

They both looked at the twins, neither of them knowing how very important these two would be later on.

Me:And...done! Yes sorceress, I've added Rin and Akio finally!


Me:Yeah, I couldn't resist putting the part where Kaiba caught the flowers and the part with the flower girl is a true story. I was at a wedding last may and the flower girl went around to the people at the end of rows and pulling out a petal asking, "Do you want one?" It was cute! XD My dad got a petal and he couldn't stop laughing about it later on.

Anyways, I'll be back soon with the start of the new series. This is the last installment of the theif trilogy, so it's nice to start something new. Although, it's kind of bittersweet at the same time. Well, see you all later!

Blood thirst angle is leaving the place...for now