Me:I'm back! And only after one day! Its a freaking miracle!

Anzu:I have a feeling this one is going to...contain things...

Me:And you are right :D There WILL be a lemon


Me:But not for a while

Bakura:Damn it

Me:Hahaha anyway, As you may have noticed, Kaiba was not in the last story. I kind of forgot about him, which is sad becuase I do like him. Some of the time.

Kaiba:Some of the time?

Me:Yes. Now, I don't own Yugioh. I dont know where you would have gotten this idea, but I don't own it. Never have and never will. I don't own Elecktra, she has and ALWAYS will belong to Sorcess of the Nile. I just a permission to use her when I feel like it. I hope that didn't sound rude

Bakura:I think it did

Me:Shut your face. NO FLAMES! For those of you who don't know what a flame is, this is what it is: Your story sucks, stop writing, You really suck as a writer. I don't tolerate that. Its rude. I like constructive critiscm and good comments. And if you flame about the pairing, I will laugh at you and wonder why you read it. Oh and there will be no love triangle. I hate them and will never do them. Also it kind of sucked in the last story, so I'm planning on doing better ^-^

Valon:I think this is the longest disclaimer yet

Me:What are you doing here?

Valon:I don't know. Just felt like it. Oh, and if your bored, come check out Story of a kidnapped girl. If you love me, you will read it :)

Me:-_- Get lost Valon. Now get reading. Oh and if you haven't read a Thiefs love or a thiefs promise, I would highly recomend reading those first. This is the third story in the three part trilogy. It's two years after a Thiefs love, so everyone is in their senior year. If you were wondering, Hiro made senior class president.


A bald man ran down the street, glancing around the area for the thing that was attacking him. He couldn't explain what it was, but it had been trying to kill him. All he had been doing was walking down the street from the Industrial Illusions office and then he had been attacked. The attacker had torn a whole straight through his brief case, making papers of all sorts fly out. Needless to say, he had been scared shitless.


The man twisted his right knee and now he was laying on the sidewalk, writhering in pain. He heard footsteps come closer to him. He glanced up in fear as a stilletoe shoe came in contact with his face. He nearly vomited as he flet blood rush into his mouth. He heard the attacker chuckle. "And it looks like the hunter has caught her prey. Hehehehehe."

He looked up into the shadows, not being able to see her face. "Please...I'll do anything...what do you want?"

He heard her chuckle again. "I didn't expect you to get this far you know, its been quite the chase. But you never can tell when luck like yours will run out."

The man tried to back up. "Please...don't! I beg you!" He began to panic when he heard a shearing sound. He looked up at the moonlight to see the reflection of a scythe on the street. He began to panic. "W...who are you? why are you doing this?"

She gave him a vicious smile. "Why I'm doing this won't matter. You are just prey." The last thing the man saw was a scythe settling itself between his eyes, hooking itself into his brain. The girl smirked and pulled the scythe out of the mans body, watching emotionlessly as his body slumped to the ground, his eyes rolling back into his head.

She put the scythe back on her back. "It's too bad you had to end this way. Really, it's a pity," she began to walk away, pausing for a moment to look back at his body. "I'll let you in on a secret though, my name is Miyu."

"Whatcha readin Elecktra?"

Elecktra looked up to see Anzu peering down her shoulder to the newspaper article she was reading. Elecktra smiled and then it turned to a serious frown. "A man was murdered last night. They found his body this morning."

Anzu tilted her head. "That's sad. But why is this man so important?"

Elecktra looked at the article. "He was the manager of Industrial Illusions. But it's the way he was murdered that interests me."

"That's not sadistic." Anzu replied sarcastically. Elecktra rolled her eyes. "Something curved and sharp ran through his brain. More than likely a scythe."

Anzu raised her eyebrows. "A scythe?"

"Yup. It's odd though, most people would use a gun. But this...this is pretty much an old weapon."

Anzu took her seat. "Could it have been an assasain."

Elecktra shook her head. "I don't know. It might have been, but something tells me that something more is going on. That more people are going to get hurt."

Anzu sighed. "Well hopefully more people won't get hurt. And if he or she tries to hurt my friends, I'll kick their ass."

Elecktra snickered. "I'll join you on that one. I think Bakura is rubbing off on you."

Anzu shook her head. "No, I've just grown up. Two years ago, I was this meek girl who didn't know what she wanted. Now I know what I want. Speaking of what I want, where is Bakura?"

At that moment a boy with fluffy white hair walked into the room with a scowl on his face. His facial features didn't soften when he saw Anzu, but it turned up into a smirk. Putting down his school bag, he turned to her. "Don't I get a hug?" Anzu smiled and went over to hug him. She felt all safe when she inhaled his scent. It still smelled of cinnamon.

Elecktra yawned and pretended to look bored causing the albino to glare at her. Elecktra just shrugged at him and pretended to start reading the newspaper. Anzu gave a sigh. No matter what she did, Bakura and Elecktra never seemed to like one another. But that didn't mean she wouldn't keep trying. "Ok you two stop. I know you don't like each other, but could you please try?"

Elecktra shook her head. "I don't like him and never will. Also, I think you could do better than him."

Bakura glared at her. "What did you say?"

"You heard me."

Anzu rolled her eyes. "Enough! Elecktra, I'm not going to leave. I won't ever leave him. Sure I have made some stupid mistakes in the past, but I'm stronger now. I want him so why would I leave him?"

Yuugi joined the argument. "Anzu is right. Elecktra, don't try and break them apart because you know they won't leave each other. They're with each are every single minute of the day it seems."

Elecktra sighed and gave up. "Fine. But don't expect me to like him."

Anzu shrugged and left the argument. She turned to face Bakura, still in his arms. He smirked down at her. "So don't I get a kiss?"

She smirked and kissed his cheek. He frowned. "Is that it?"

She giggled. "It is if you don't ask nicely." Bakura growled at this and swooped her lips up for a kiss. Anzu melted in this. This was her favorite part about Bakura. He was rough and dangerous, yet in his own way, he loved her. Very passionatly she might add. She remembered all those times she teased him when he wanted something and usually it almost lead to sex until she stopped him and told him to wait.

He was usually annoyed by this, but when Anzu said no, she meant no. Also, she didn't want to end up pregnant. That would not look good on her last year of highschool. At that moment, a tall dark haired boy with a scowl on his face walked in. It was none other than Seto Kaiba. He sneered at them as he walked by. "Oh look, if it isn't the albino and the friendship preacher."

Anzu glared at him. "Shut up Kaiba. Don't call us that as if you're superior and we're inferior."

Kaiba shrugged. "Does it look like I care what I call you? No. Now leave me alone, I have important work to do."

"Like see how big his ego has gotten in the last 24 hours." Anzu muttered.

"I heard that."

"You were meant to." Elecktra butted in. Kaiba glared at her and then pulled out a book and started reading. Anzu shook her head at him. Some people would never change. But, she knew Kaiba was a good person deep down, so she shouldn't say something like that. At that moment, a teacher walked in with a fake pleasent smile on her face. "Good morning class."

"Good morning," they said as they took their seats.

"My name is Ms. Tokiha. I'm your substitute teacher while Mr. Okada is away."

A student raised their hand. "Where is he?"

Ms. Tokiha sighed. "I'm sure you all have heard of the murder last night, yes?" Everyone nodded their heads and Ms. Tokiha continued. "Well the person who died was Mr. Okada's brother, so he is away with his family. Any questions?"

Anzu raised her hand. "When will he be back? Is he okay?"

"He's a bit shaken up, but he is taking the rest of the year off, so I will be teaching you class for the last three months."(Btw its March) Everyone nodded, giving each other looks. It wasn't everyday that someone in your town was murdered. Ms. Tokiha smiled and opened a folder, reading the morning announcements. Anzu looked at Bakura and went felt her heart drop. Bakura wasn't there anymore, it was Ryou.

Me:Yes it's short, but at least this one has a plot...I think

Bakura:You think?

Me:Yes. I think. Now, I'm sure some of you are wondering what the begining was about. Well, I'm sorry, I can't tell you just yet. That's a secret ;)

Glossary of names:

Miyu:Beautiful moon(in japanesse anyway)

Me:Now I feel the need to thank people. I don't know why, but I do.

Sorcesse of the Nile: Thanks for all the reviewing you did and support! It was very much appreciated

NA6284: Thanks for taking your time to read this. I don't know if you read it till the end, but thanks for reading

Secretallheart13: Thanks for praising my writing. It meant a lot to me!

Cheshire: Thanks for the critiscm :) I'm glad you stuck with the story and rated it. I will try to work on romance in my other stories. And I do agree, Anzu was kind of wimpy in the last story. I will try to keep her better in character in this one