hi again. I know I didn't write as long of a chapter as I usually would, so I thought if I updated twice in one week, that'd make up for it. :) chpt. 2 llolm (like laugh out loud man) "here I baked you a pie." "Oh boy! what flavor?" "PIE FLAVOR" -asdfmovie2 (you tube)
I akwardly waved.
"uhhh.. hi?" I replied.
"whos this?" Sokka questioned. I restrained the urge to roll my eyes. I mean seriously? Aang just said it not even a minute ago.
"I just told you. Kenzie." Aang replied sounding confused.
so apparently Aang was on the same train of thought I was on. I saw Katara look over at me. I looked back at her and smiled slightly. she smiled back.
"what I mean is whats she doing here? shes obviously firenation!" Sokka exclaimed.
I wanted to defend my country, but I knew it would be a waste of breath. My country could've attacked their village for all I know.
Well, in history, we read that the Southern Raiders had captured every waterbender in the South Pole about sixty years ago. but they weren't alive back then. much less even thought of. I turned my gaze downward.
"she might be Fire Nation, but she saved me from Zhao earlier." Aang replied defending me.
"Zhao?" Katara yelled.
"yeah. I had to get those frogs for you to suck on, and while I was getting them, I was attacked by a band of archers, and taken back to Zhao. she found me in Zhaos base, and got me out. she risked her life to save me. shes not like the others." Aang replied. I smiled. I was truly touched.
"but shes still firena-" Sokka started but I cut him off like I had father just five days ago.
"look, I said I'd stay if I wasn't imposing. from you two bickering, I'd say thats just what I'm doing. I'll go. end of story." I said as I placed Momo on the ground as I stood up brushing dirt off of my backside before heading towards the opening.
"no wait! you don't have to go!" Katara exclaimed. I stopped in shock. I slowly turned around.
"you want me to stay?" I asked. she nodded her head yes as she sent a sharp glare at Sokkas' head. I shrugged, and resumed my spot over in the corner. I placed Momo back in my lap where he once again got comfortable.
"fine... welcome to the group." Sokka said. it sounded forced, but hey, I'll take what I can get. I smiled and nodded.
"thanks." I mumbled. looking around akwardly.
"now that you two are better, we should probably get moving before Zhao and his henchmen realize Aangs gone and come looking for us."
I explain. they all nodded, and started to pack everything up. I moved to help Katara, but she had already finished. I looked over at Sokka who was fumbling around with his own sleeping bag. I chuckled, and moved over to him.
"can I help?" I asked. he looked up and a light blush danced on his cheeks.
"I got it." he replied even though he was still having trouble.
"whats wrong?" I asked. he glanced up again and quickly looked down again.
"the strings broke." he replied. I nodded thoughtfully as I looked aroung at all of the junk laying on the ground. I spotted an old worn blanket. I walked over to it, and ripped the end of it off. I walked back over to Sokka, who was watching what I was doing.
"roll up your bag." I said. he looked at me confused for a moment before complying. he rolled it up then looked back at me.
"now what?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"here, hand it over." I replied. his eyebrows shot up in a defensive manner.
"what? N-"
"Just give it to me." he reluctantly handed it over. I wrapped my string around it, and tied it. I handed it back to Sokka.
"thanks.." Sokka said unsurely. I just smiled.
"your welcome." I said as I looked over at Katara and Aang who were fixing Appas saddle. I walked over to them, and watched what they were doing. well it was mostly Aang who was doing all the work by airbending the saddle onto Appas back. once the saddle was in place, Aang began to fix the reins. while Katara started to load everything into it.
"hey, Kenzie? could you hand me my sleeping bag, my water skin, our supplies bag, Aangs staff, and Sokkas sleeping bag?" Katara asked. I nodded.
"yeah, sure." I replied.
"I can get my own sleeping bag." Sokka retorted. I just shrugged my shoulders. I walked over and grabbed Kataras sleeping bag, and her water skin which were conviently right next to eachother. I jogged back over to Appa, and handed them up. I saw Aangs staff leaning up against a pillar, and handed that up to Katara. I then took off in search for the supplies bag. I couldn't find it anywhere.
"Kenzie! nevermind on that supplies bag. Sokka grabbed it." I heard Katara explain. I nodded, and walked over to Appa. I climbed up his tail, and sat back like Katara and Sokka as Aang led Appa out of the room. then Appa braced himself as if he was going to jump, so I instinctively held on and shut my eyes tight. I felt him take off, but we didn't go down. I cautiously peeked and saw that we were flying. so apparently everything in this group can fly. minus Katara, Sokka, and myself. I heard Sokka chuckle. I looked at him and saw he had a smile on his face.
"what?" I questioned. he chuckled a little louder.
"you. your face looked like you were scared half to death." Sokka explained. I blushed.
"so what was your family like?" Katara questioned. I turned my gaze to her.
"well... my Father was a colonel in the army, my Mother was from the Northern Water Tribe, and My younger brot-" I was cut off by Sokka.
"what? Northern Water Tribe?" he questioned.
"yeah." I replied.
"how?" Katara questioned. I shrugged.
"I don't know the whole story, but I know it has to do with the traditions of the tribe. you see, my Mother ran away when she was around sixteen. apparently she ran away to the Fire Nation where she met my father. thats all I know." I explained.
Katara nodded thoughtfully.
"you don't even look the slightest bit water tribe. how do we know that your telling the truth?" Sokka questioned suspiciously.
"your right I don't, but my younger brother Zen does. he has darker skin than me or my Father. as for telling the truth, you'll just have to believe me." I reasoned.
"how old's Zen?" Aang asked.
"three. he's in the benders stage. Fathers been praying for fire, while Mother prays for water." I explain.
"your moms a waterbender?" Katara asks. I nod.
"yes. shes a master." I replied. Katara beams.
"I'm a waterbender to!" Katara retorts. I smile.
"do you care if I watch you sometime? it's fascinating to watch the other elements." I say. Katara nods enthusiastically.
"sure" she replies. I smile... again.
"so what about your family?" I ask. Katara's face falls immediately.
"dad went off to fight in the war, and mom was killed by firebenders when we were younger." she explained as tears pooled in her eyes. I felt guilty.
"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked." I replied. she wipped her eyes and shook her head.
"no, no it's fine really, I just haven't talked about it in a while." she explained. I slowly nodded my head.
"theres a clear place and it's by a river to!" Aang exclaimed. I looked at him confused. he slowly quided Appa down, until we landed. I jumped down and streched. I then turned around, and called up to Katara to toss some things down. she trew over the sleeping bags, our supplies bag, and her water skin. I sat each one down. we started to set up camp. Sokka gathered sticks for a fire, while Katara fetched water. Aang and I set up camp. I placed the sleeping bags near the firepit Aang was building. Sokka came back a little later. Aang and I were already done. Aang had gotten into one of Sokkas weapons, and undid the string. he then began to weave it. he dropped the sticks into the pit as he looked at me.
"will you light it?" he asked.
"sure." I picked up one of the sticks, and lit the top of it, then set it back down. the rest caught shortly after. Katara came back a couple minutes after.
"he is taunting us!" I heard Sokka shout as he reached for a pole. he then turned to Aang.
"ugggh now you got it all tangled up!" Sokka exclaimed. I smirked.
"not tangled, woven." Aand corrected. I chuckled at Sokkas facial expression.
"now mabe instead of savng the world, you could go into the jewlery making buissiness" Sokka stated sarcastically as he went after the fish manually. Aang smiled innocently.
"I don't see why I can't do both." he said shrugging his shoulders. I chuckled. I saw Aang give the necklace to Katara. 'awww! he likes her!' I thought. I decided to let this drop for the moment.
"hey did you catch it yet?" I called out to Sokka.
"ha-ha. just wait I'll catch it!" he exclaimed.
"you will?" I asked. he shot me a playful glare.
"what do you think you can do better?" Sokka asked. I smirked.
"as a matter of fact, no. no I don't, but I'll try!" I called out as I made my way into the water. we both stood there for a moment completely still.
"where is it?" I whispered.
"I don't kno- THERE IT IS!" Sokka exclaimed pointing at towards it. I jumped, then I made my way over towards it. halfway there, Sokka dunked me. when I resurfaced, I saw Sokka about to grab it. I smirk. if he wants to play dirty, then we'll play dirty. I splashed water at him. then I ducked under the water. I swam until I could make out his pant leg. I smirked again as I tugged on his leg making him fall under, and letting the fish get away. I quickly tried to swim away, but Sokka caught me.
"where do you think your going?" Sokka asked as he started to tickle me. I laughed, and squirmed as I tried to break free.
"nowhere!" I yelled. he chuckled. he stopped tickling me, and dove on the fish. he poped up right beside me with the fish in his arms. we both looked up at the shore to see Aang gawking at Katara.
"smoochy smoochy! someones in love" Sokka called as he tried to kiss the fish, but it got the better of him, and slaped him in the face. I threw my head back laughing.
"stupid fish... what are you laughing at?" Sokka asked hysterical. I put on an innocent look.
"I wasn't laughing." I lied. Sokka scowled.
"thats it!" he exclaimed as he made his way over to me.
"what?" I asked. he just shook his head, and dunked me. when I came up, he was halfway to the shore.
"what is with you and dunking?" I called. he turned around, and stuck his tounge out at me. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to shore.
"hey! that mans in trouble!" Aang shouted. I picked up my pace as I ran over to see what was wrong. it was a man getting attacked by a platapus bear. but he had a smile on his face as he dodged its attackes angering it further.
"what are you doing?" I yelled. he glanced over.
"nice day isn't it?" he asked. I looked at him in confusion.
"stand still!" Katara yelled.
"run away in zigzags! he'll get confused!" Aang called out.
"NO PUNCH IT IN THE BILL!" Sokka exclaimed. the man just beamed.
"it's quite alright children." he replied. 'is he trying to get killed?' I thought.
the man kept this up until Aang stepped in. the bear growled at him, but Appa snuck up behind it, and roared. I chuckled as it layed an egg in fright. as it fled, Sokka ran over to the egg, and cradled it.
"you have to be more careful." Aang chided.
"I was quite alright. Aunt Wu said I'd have a safe travel and I did." he replied.
"Aunt who?" Aang asked.
"no, no. Aunt WU." the man replied putting extra emphasis on WU.
"and who is this Aunt Wu?" Sokka asked.
"she is the fourtune teller for our village just down the path." the man replied pointing in the direction.
"theres no such thing as a fourtune teller." Sokka reasoned. I just chuckled. the man just smiled, and made to leave.
"oh, wait! Aunt Wu said to give this to any travelers I met." the man said as he handed the package to Aang who frantically tore it open.
"it's an umbrella!" Aang exclaimed.
"what would we need an umbrella for? it's a perfectly good day." Sokka retorted. it then started to rain. I chuckled as Sokka tried to use the egg for cover. Katara and Aang were underneath the umbrella safe from the rain.
"Kenzie, you wanna come under?" Katara asked.
"no thanks, I'm good." I replied as I heated my skin to where the rain would just evaporate when it hit me.
"you can come under if you admit to magic." Katara told Sokka who scowled. I smirked when I saw his scowl.
"no! you know what? I can tell the future to! it will keep drizzling." Sokka retorted. it then stopped raining, and the sun came back out. 'oh, the irony.' I thought.
"not everyone has the gift Sokka." Aang replied. I chuckled. Sokka then dropped the egg... on his head. I once again threw my head back and laughed. Sokka came back up behind me, and started to tickle me again.
"stop! stop!" I begged as I tried to swat his hands away. he just chuckled.
"thats what you get for laughing at me." he replied. I scowled. he stopped, and we followed Katara and Aang towards the town. the whole town was just like the man. all smiles, and in some sort of fourtune induced daze. we all walked to Aunt Wus' house.
we were greeted by a small girl girl in a pink Kimono, and braids sticking straight out. we each sat on a mat. a young woman came out with a smile on her face. she whispered something to the girl, and she blushed. the woman left, leaving us with the girl.
"hi, I'm Meng." she said looking at Aang. I chuckled. 'ohhh snap! she likes him, but he likes Katara!' I thought.
"Aang." he replied comepletely oblivious. Meng frownedd before smiling again.
"you got some pretty big ears don't you?" she asked. I covered my mouth with my hand. if this was her idea of flirting, then she probably won't get a boyfriend anytime soon. Aang covered his ears with his hands.
"I guess" he replied.
"come on, don't be modest, their huge!" Sokka exclaimed with a grin. I couldn't hold my laughter in anylonger, so I covered it up by acting like I was coughing. Sokka soon joined me. but he stopped as soon as Meng asked Aang if he wanted any bean curd puffs.
"I'll take some." Sokka replied. but she just ignored him. Aunt Wu walked out a little after.
"alright, whos next?" she asked. we all looked at eachother then Katara stood up.
"I guess thats me." she replied. she followed Aunt Wu out.
"so what do you think their thinking about in there?" Aang asked.
"probably just dumb stuff like who shes going to marry, how many kids she'd have that kind of stuff." Sokka replied.
"here." Meng said as she brought out the curd puffs, accidentially tripping, and almost spilling them all over Aang. she blushed and pushed them into Aangs hands.
"enjoy!" she said quickly as she walked away. Aang handed them to Sokka, who began devouring them.
"I've gotta go to the bathroom." Aang replied. he got up and left. Sokka offered the bowl of puffs to me. I shrugged, and took one.
"these are pretty good." I said as I finished chewing. he nodded his head vigorously. then Aang walked back into the room looking proud.
"looks like someone had a good bathroom break." Sokka said sarcastically. I chuckled. Aang stopped dead in his tracks.
"uh.. yeah, when I was in there-"
"I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Sokka shouted covering his ears. I rolled my eyes. then Katara and Aunt Wu came back in.
"whos next?" she asked. Sokka stood up.
"might as well get this over with." he said with a sigh. Aunt Wu frowned at him.
"you don't need to. your future's written all over your face. your life will be full of misery. most of it self-inflicted." she replied. I again went into a 'coughing fit'. Sokka scowled at me.
"do you want me to tickle you?" he asked in a threatening tone. I stopped immeadiately.
"thats what I thought." he replied. now it was my turn to scowl. I saw Aang get up and follow Aunt Wu back.
"so what'd she tell you?" I asked Katara. she looked over, and beamed.
"she told me a couple neat things, but I don't want to give anything away." she replied. I nodded thoughtfully.
"this place is sooo boring!" Sokka exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.
"are YOU ticklish?" I asked. he shot up immediately.
"NO!" he replied too quickly. I smirked.
"your lying." I accused. but before I could get him, Aunt Wu and Aang came back out. she gave me the 'follow me' gesture. I silently followed her. we came to a room with a small fire, and two mats around the fire. she sat on one side, while sat on the other.
"pick a bone, and throw it into the fire. I can read your fourtune by reading the cracks in the bones." she explained. I chose a medium sized bone, and handed it to her. she threw it in, and stared at it for a moment, before looking up at me with a small smile.
"you will play a major role in this war, but I'm mostly getting your love life. your true love is someone you've already met.
you will have a very happy, and long life together." she said. I stared at her.
"is he a bender?" I asked.
"no." she replied.
"sooo.. how long is 'long' in your definition?" I asked purposely trying to confuse her.
"you said 'long life', and I wanted to know if your definition of long was the same definition of long that I use." I explained.
"about seventy years." she replied. I smiled.
"thanks!" I replied as I stood bowing. I walked myself out.
"hey guys!" I said as I walked out into the parlor. Sokka immediately shot up, and slipped his shoes on, and was out the door in a record time. I chuckled as Katara Aang and I did the same, but at a much slower pace. we saw Sokka arguing with some guy who was wearing red shoes.
"then of corse it's going to happen" Sokka exclaimed. the man just turned around, and left. I chuckled.
"these people are brainwashed!" he exclaimed. I layed a hand on his shoulder.
"it's ok, we're leaving soon anyway." I reminded him.
"soon isn't soon enough." he complained.
"what are all these people gathering around for?" I asked. Sokka shrugged.
"excuse me sir, but what is everyone standing around for?" I asked the nearest man. he turned around with a smile on his face.
"Aunt Wus going to read the clouds and tell us if the volcanoe will erupt. we used to go up and look at it for ourselves, but ever since Aunt Wu moved here, we don't have to." he explained as he turned back around. I walked back over to Sokka.
"these people are nuts." I whispered. Sokka sighed.
"finally someone sees the truth!" he replied. I chuckled.
I saw Meng talking to Aang, then Aang shoving her out of the way, while turning to Katara and telling her something, but she just blew him off. she was becoming way to interested in Aunt Wu.
"the Volcanoe will not erupt this year!" she announced. I giggled as I saw Katara follow Aunt Wu back to her house. I looked back over to Sokka who was talking to Aang.
"you came to the right place. to get a girls attention, you have to act as though you don't care." he explained. I walked over.
"no, no, no. thats only going to make her feel as though you really don't care, so she'll lose interest." I explained quickly.
Aang glared at Sokka.
"then what should I DO?" Aang asked. I looked around thoughtfully for a moment, before I saw a man giving some girl a beautiful flower.
"hold that thought." I said quickly. I rushed over to the happy couple.
"excuse me, but where'd you get that flower?" I asked. the man looked over and smiled.
"it's a panda lily. you can get them up on the ridge of the volcanoe." he replied. I nodded.
"thanks!" I called over my shoulder as I ran back over to Aang and Sokka who were looking at me like I was crazy.
"alright. we need to go up to the ridge of the volcanoe." I explained. they looked at eachother, then shrugged. we made our way half way up before Sokka began complaining.
"why did I have to come?" he asked I chuckled.
"we didn't force you to come." I retorted. I heard Aang up ahead chuckling.
"come on guys! we're almost there!" he exclaimed with excitement.
we reached the top, and Aang picked a flower, but soon dropped it. we each looked down into the rising lava.
"Aunt Wu was wrong."
yes, I do like to add suspence, sincerely, RockhopperMcMuffin