I knocked on the door, and put my hands in my pockets, playing with my wand. The door opened to reveal a woman in her late forties, with slick light brown hair and brown eyes. She looked a lot like Hermione, except for the hair.

"Hi, I'm Cedric" I said nervously.

Her face broke into a grin and she stepped aside.

"Of course!" she said happily. "How are you, Cedric?"

"Very well, thank you, Mrs. Granger" I said stepping inside, and after closing the door she wrapped her hands around my arm, guiding me forward.

"Please, call me Jean. Hermione has told me all about you, it is very nice to meet you" she said.

"You too" I muttered.

"Hermione! Cedric is here!" she called as we passed the stairs and guided me through the threshold, to the living room. "This is Richard, my husband"

The man stood up from the armchair, putting the newspaper aside and walked to me with a hand extended. His hair was a darker brown than his wife's and curly, but his eyes were dark blue.

"It is nice to meet you, Cedric" he said.

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Granger" I said.

Footsteps were heard, and Hermione rushed down the stairs, rushing to me and hugging me tightly. I smiled into her hair as she tightened her arms around me and lowered my lips to her ear.

"I reinforced the wards around the house" I whispered.

"Thanks" she whispered back.

She pulled back and pecked me in the lips, blushing as she turned to her parents.

"Dinner is almost ready" Mrs. Granger said. "Why don't you show Cedric the house, honey?"

Hermione nodded and taking my hand she dragged me upstairs. It was a quick tour actually, she threw my backpack on the guest room and took me to hers. It was like I expected. Not girly, with photographs on the walls – both magically moving and common – bookcases, a shelf with school awards and a desk filled with books and parchment. She sat on the edge of her bed, as I looked around, and smiled shyly.

"It's quite common" she said.

"It's quite nice" I smiled at her and sat beside her.

She watched as I laid back on the bed, with my arms behind my head.

"How is your mum?" she asked softly.

"Well… Aunt Mary is very good in distracting her. I informed her of what happened, and she promised to be careful" I muttered.

"Any other news? I only talked to Harry"

"Sirius was not very happy that Harry had to stay with the Dursley until his birthday and is quite negativistic, he has prepared his will, leaving all of the Black's properties to Harry" I smiled. "He had to put the screaming paintings of his ancestors away, they were protesting quite a lot"

"Of course" she rolled her eyes.

"Well, no one thinks Grimauld Place is safe anymore. Not with Snape's betrayal. There were Death Eaters lurking around the place. Lupin suggested Sirius to leave the house, even offered his guest room, but Sirius doesn't want to impose on Remus and Tonks… You know, honeymoon phase and all"

"They really did elope?" she asked.


"And Valerie? How is she?"

"I think she's okay" I frowned. "Her parents told her to leave her job and leave the country with them, but she refused"

"They are going to be hunted down, aren't they?" she asked softly with a frown.

"Well, Voldemort won't be very forgiving with the old allies that have left. Valerie is concerned that her parents might change their mind and ask for Voldemort's forgiveness by joining him"

"It must be awful"

"She wants to join the Order" I shrugged. "Let's talk something else… How was your summer until now?"

"Boring and stressful" she said, lying beside me. "I missed you, I worried about Harry, and I'm worried about my parents"

"Did anything… strange happen around here?" I asked.

"No… But I'm completely paranoid. Last week my neighbor got home late after going to a bar, and I watched as he walked to his home, wand in hand, thinking it was someone coming here" she whispered.

"Harry's birthday is coming soon"

"I know"

"Are you sure about what you told me? What you were planning?" I asked.

"It's the only way for them to be safe" she mumbled.

"Hermione said you work at the Ministry" Mrs. Weasley said as we ate.

"He's an Auror" Hermione said smiling proudly.

"You'll have to forgive us" her mum said embarrassedly. "But… what is an Auror?"

"We're officers of the Department of Law Enforcement. We investigate crimes related to the Dark Arts and detain dark wizards and witches"

"Basically, you're like a police officer?" Mr. Granger asked.

"Ahn, yes, you can say that"

"Cedric got the job right after his NEWTs, he didn't even have to go through the training" Hermione said. "He's the youngest Auror on the history of the Department"

"And I gather that you are like the Weasleys" Mr. Granger said while cutting into his steak. "Born and raised in the magical world"

"Yes, my family is one of the few pure-blood families of Great Britain"

And just like that, everyone fell silent. My eyes snapped to Hermione, sitting across from me.

"N-Not that it matters, really. The Malfoys are four or five times removed cousins, but we don't have any kind of relationship, mostly because of their views… I-I don't care about this kind of stuff, I swear"

She gave me a small smile and I began to relax.

"It is alright, dear" Mrs. Granger said smiling comfortingly.

"So, you two are not going to see each other until Hermione finishes her last school year?" Mr. Granger asked.

"Cedric will be in Hogsmeade when I'm allowed to go there, so, we'll see each other" Hermione muttered, forcing a smile.

I leaned against the wall, pulling the curtains back a bit as I stared out onto the street. It was almost completely dark, the lights from the house across the street helping a bit. I was gently tapping my wand to the rhythm of This Is The Night by The Weird Sisters, when a gentle touch on my shoulder made me turn around abruptly. Hermione stepped back with my sudden movement and smiled. I relaxed, putting my wand in my pants' pocket, and pulled her close.

"Weird Sisters?" she asked amusedly.

"Yes, do you like it?" I asked.

"Can't say I do, but Ginny listens to it quite a lot, so it might get to me" she looked around my arm at the window. "What were you doing?"

"Just thinking"

"You seem worried" she said cupping my cheek.

"Sirius went to check on Harry, on his dog form, and noticed two men in the playground of a park nearby the Dursley's" I said and she frowned worriedly. "They were dressed as Death Eaters, but were just talking… Harry will tell the Dursleys what's going on and suggest them to leave"

"Yeah, that was a good idea, I thought of suggesting it, but… It's his family" she shrugged with a sigh.

I turned my face, laying a kiss on her palm before leaning down.

"I hate to see you so worried and stressed" I whispered.

She gave me a small smile, and got on her tiptoes, erasing the small distance between us, and kissing me softly. I leaned against the wall as she stood between my parted legs, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly, and pressing her body to mine. She tasted of toothpaste, but sweeter, and I tangled my fingers in her hair. I pulled back an inch, leaning forehead against hers and but didn't open my eyes.

"I think that your parents wanted me on the guest room on the other side of the floor because of this" I said amusedly.

"Daddy's a heavy sleeper, and mum loves you" she shrugged smiling against my lips. "I know we have spent more time apart then this, but I really, really missed you"

I kissed her softly, tilting her head to the side to deepen the kiss. She moaned quietly, and let her hands fall from my neck to my chest, fisting my shirt. She tugged on the fabric, pulling back a bit and I let her pull me. She led me to the bed, and with a shy smile, she sat on the edge. I smiled, leaning over her and kissing her once more as she scooted over and hovered over her. She slipped her hands under my shirt, caressing my skin and leaving a burning trail. I groaned at the feathery touch, enough to ignite fire, but not enough to quench it. Her right leg bent under me, but as I was straddling her, she basically kneed me on my sensitive spot. I groaned, pulling back and rolled off her.

"Oh, god, sorry" she said nervously, biting her lip as she looked down at me.

I chuckled and she smiled embarrassedly. She leaned over me and kissed me softly, laying a hand on my chest. I covered her hand with mine, and pressed down as I felt her try to slip it down.

"Hermione" I muttered against her lips, shaking my head lightly.

"Shh, you have to stay quiet" she whispered and covered my lips with hers once more.

She slipped her hand from mine, sliding it down my chest and stomach, and as I tensed, she slipped her hand under the fabric, playing with the trail of hair on my lower stomach. I hissed, and bit into her lower lip, bringing a moan out of her as she pressed her body against my side. Slowly, her fingers trailed the waistband of my sleeping pants. My whole body was tense with anticipation, and just as I started to relax under the kiss, she slipped her hand inside. She stopped kissing me, and pulled back a bit, her cheeks bright red.

"No underwear?" she whispered.

I smiled as she bit her lip, slowly wrapping her fingers around my shaft. She looked down and back up, her cheeks even redder and I kissed her passionately, enchanted by her. She whimpered into my mouth and hesitantly moved her hand up and down. With one hand tangled in her locks once again, I let my other join hers, guiding her, picking up pace or I would have gone mad with her slow and gentle ministrations. As in everything, she was quite smart, and a fast-learner. My hand left hers, and I gripped the sheets tightly as I pulled back from the kiss, biting my lip to keep quiet.

She paused for a moment, and tightening her hold on me she gave a gentle twist, and I moaned.

"Holy fuck, Hermione"

She grinned, a mixture of happiness, excitement and wickedness, but her cheeks were still deep red. She was angelic. She leaned over and I came undone as I felt her trail her tongue along my jaw.

It took me a couple minutes to catch my breath, and I opened my eyes to find her beaming at me.

"You're quite proud of yourself, aren't you?" I chuckled.

"Yes" she said quietly, biting her lip shyly.

I pulled her to me, kissing her softly. With a sigh, I pulled back, and standing up, I pulled her with me, guiding her to the bathroom. She quickly left the bathroom so I could shower, but when I walked out, I had a surprise. She was on the bed, under the covers, looking quite comfortable.

"I thought you left" I said smiling.


"Well, as much as I would like you to stay your parents…"

I trailed off as I noticed the perfectly folded PJ's on the ottoman, the printed fabric calling my attention for it had been on her skin just ten minutes ago.


She sat up, holding the sheets up to her chest, and was blushing again.

"Good… God…" I muttered, wincing. "You have got to stop blushing"

She only blushed redder as she smiled. I walked to the bed, and got under the sheets, with a towel still wrapped around my hips. She moved closer and kissed me softly as she snuggled against me.

"We shouldn't… we can't…" I mumbled.

"Can I just stay here tonight?" she asked quietly, resting her chin on top of her hand that was lying on my chest.

I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close, and nodded, thankful as I felt the material of her underwear. Soon she was breathing steadily and deeply, and it lulled me to sleep.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked quietly.

I opened my eyes and returned the smile she was giving me.

"Since I heard my mum walk to my room and hesitate at your door" she smirked. "She left, and entertained dad with breakfast before they had to go to work"

"And you expect me to look at your mother in the eyes ever again?" I asked, feeling my cheeks warm up.

"It won't be for very long" she said, her smile faltering.

"Are you really sure about…"

"Yes. I have to do it, to keep them safe"

"Once it is all over, we can find them and restore their memories"

She nodded, burying her face in my chest. My arms tightened around her as I felt two fat tears on my skin, and kissed the top of her hair.

"I swore to protect you, Hermione. I'll do anything I can to keep them safe for you" I whispered.

"I hate thinking that… it will be so easy to make them forget me" she whispered brokenly. "I'll be nothing, not even a memory to them, and only God knows for how long…"

"It's magic, love, they would never ever forget you willingly" I said softly. "You're so precious, so special, no one could forget you"

She didn't say anything, and after a long time of silence, she shifted so she was completely on top of me, and resting her chin against my sternum she gave me a small smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, my left leg entwining with hers and her small hands slipped around my neck as our lips touched. Her tongue brushed against my lower lip, Hermione deepening the kiss herself, and I let my hands fall to her bum, pulling her body tighter against mine. She hummed against my lips and pulled back.

"Your towel?" she whispered against my lips.

"Your little rubbing instincts while sleeping got rid of it apparently" I murmured.

She bit her lip, her cheeks turning pink in that way that drove me mad. I was about to take my hands off her, and tell her to get off me and out of the bed, before I went completely mad, when she slowly rubbed herself against me, eliciting a hiss from me. My mouth went dry as her teeth bit harder into her lip, her cheeks reddening, her eyes turning dark as she stilled, pressing against me. With all control I had, I slowly put my hands on her hips and tried not to ravish her.

"Cedric" she breathed.

"Bloody hell" I muttered, closing my eyes. "I can feel how wet your underwear is"

She buried her head on the crook of my neck, and judging by the warmth of her face, I guessed she was embarrassed.

"I… Really want you" she whispered hesitantly.

I opened my eyes, but she didn't take her face from its hiding spot on my flesh. I gently cupped her face, and forced her to look at me. My thumb brushed her warm cheek and I kissed her softly. Her hands tightened on my shoulders for a moment before she relaxed.

"I want you too" I whispered against her lips. "So much… But…"

She cut me off, pressing her lips against mine.

"Hermione, no" I protested weakly, trying to stop her.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to hurt you"

She smiled at me, and cupped my cheek.

"It's inevitable… I want you to… I want it to be you"

I stared at her.

"Cedric?" she asked nervously when I didn't answer.

I rolled us over, and cupped her face with both hands, looking down at her. She rested her hands on my waist and even tried to pull me down so our bodies were pressed together, but I resisted it.

"I want you, so badly" I whispered. "But I don't want to hurt you, ever. And I don't think I have enough control not to right now. I want it to be perfect, I want you to feel perfect, because I want to be your first and only… forever. I want to do this right, for you. You're not anyone, you're Hermione… I love you, you're the love of my life. I can't imagine loving anyone as much as I love you and I can't think of being apart from you. So, I want to do this right. And I know it might be confusing, because we've been fooling around quite a lot… I don't understand what I'm saying or thinking, but I just know… you deserve better, you deserve the world, Hermione. And I wish I could give it to you, but I'll try my best…"

She kissed me passionately, her hands slipping to my back so she had her arms wrapped around me, clinging to me.

"I love you too" she whispered urgently. "I've been waiting to say it for so long…"

"I really wanted to say it on a more romantic, memorable occasion…"

"This is perfect" she whispered smiling. "Because it's you, and you're perfect… You make me feel perfect, every time you look at me, every time you kiss me… And nothing is more right than when we're together. You're my Prince Charming and I feel like I'm in a fairytale, even if we have a war looming over us, because you make me so happy…"

"I'm your what?" I asked confusedly.

She chuckled and shook her head, pulling me to a kiss. I groaned as she arched, pressing her body against mine, wrapping a leg around mine, rubbing her warm core against me.

"Make love to me, Cedric…"


"I trust you with all I am… I love you… forever"

I kissed her passionately, lowering my body so our bodies were flush against each other, her curves fitting perfectly against me.

"Forever" I whispered.

She smiled as if I had just given him the best gift in the world, and it made my heart's wild pounding falter in my chest. I smiled back, and kissed her once again.

The problem with making love to Hermione was that it was addictive. And her mother kept her eye on us, so, Hermione's time in my bedroom was cut short and since the Grangers took as much time off as they could to be with Hermione on summers, we were never alone. It was pure torture.

We were having breakfast when an owl tapped on the window. The Grangers, still not used to it took quite the scare, and I found it amusing. Hermione went to the window, and let the beautiful northern hawk-owl. It flew to the table, landing in front of me and hooted while extending its leg to me. I smiled, caressing its dark brown with white spotting plumage and it leaned its head into my touch.

"Long trip?" I asked it amusedly.

It blinked at me, and I untied the letter from its leg, offering it some toast. The owl eagerly ate the piece I gave, and when I offered more, it pecked my finger. I hissed and watched as she attacked the fruits Mrs. Granger had put on my plate while I sucked on the cut on my finger. Hermione chuckled and put a bowl with water on the table for the owl. I unrolled the small parchment and frowned.

"What is it?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Probably Sirius considering the funny wording" I shrugged. "You Know Who waits for you, you know where, you know when, since you know the other who is floo-less" I chuckled.

"You Know Who?" she scowled. "Very funny" she deadpanned.

The owl chose that moment to fly out, startling Mrs. Granger who was coming to the table with a plate of eggs and bacon.

"I guess they don't want an answer" I sighed.

"Is it from work?" Mr. Granger asked curiously.

"Ahn… no, dad, that's Harry's godfather" Hermione explained. "He's friends with Cedric"

"Since your house is not connected to the floo network, he had to use an owl, I'm sure Moody wasn't very happy" I said.

"Moody? Floo… network?" Mrs. Granger asked confusedly.

Hermione seemed grateful for my patience to explain everything to her parents. Well, I told Moody was the nickname of another friend that had fear of birds.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked immediately after opening the door for me.

I walked in and closed the door after me. I could hear her parents talking in the living room.

"We'll get Harry from Privet Drive on July 27th" I said quietly.

"So… everything is okay? Everyone is safe?" she asked nervously.

"Yes… Well, Bill had a nasty encounter with Greyback when he was leaving Gringotts, but he's fine now"

"Oh… July 27th?" she mumbled.


"I have to get ready" she said, tugging at her clothes. "Pack and… Have anything we might need…"


"And I have to start working on sending my parents to Australia…"

"Hermione" I repeated gently, holding her by the shoulders and she looked up at me. "It will be okay. I'm here to help you, I brought you some things you might need, and we'll leave here to go to Privet Drive together. I'm not leaving you, I'll help you, alright?"

She hugged me tightly thanking me.

"Why so many?" Hermione asked nervously, looking at the bottles of dittany I gave her.

"You never know" I shrugged.

She nodded and put it in her beaded little bag, turning to her dresser and pulling some clothes out. I took the pictures from the frames she had on a bookcase, and smiled at a small Hermione, on King's Cross with her trunk with her, ready for her first year at Hogwarts. I gave her the photos, and she quickly put them inside a book and put it on her bag. I finished packing my things, and took my wand from my pocket, pointing it to the backpack.


The backpack shrunk until it fit on my hand, and I put it on my pocket. I looked at Hermione and she was looking around longingly, with watery eyes. I stayed silent as she recorded all details to her memory.

"Hermione, dear, tea is ready!" Mrs. Granger called from the ground floor.

"Coming, mum!" Hermione called back, shakily.

She swallowed hard, blinked a few times and took my hand as we walked down the stairs. Her parents were watching TV, sipping their afternoon tea while discussing a shopping trip before Hermione left for school. Hermione held her wand shakily, pointing at their back, and bit her lip as two fat tears rolled down her cheeks. Her hand shook too much, and I gently held her wrist, pulling her hand down. She looked up at me and I felt my heart twist at the sadness in those beautiful brown eyes. I kissed her forehead, pulled my wand and pointed at the couple.

"Obliviate" I whispered.

They stopped talking and froze. The tip of my wand glowed lightly, and slowly Hermione's image on pictures started to fade. When I was done, we silently walked out of the house. Hermione didn't say anything, and quickly stopped crying, but her hold on my hand remained tight.

Moody pounded on the door and I glanced around to make sure that it wasn't loud enough to alert neighbors, even though a couple of dogs started to bark. Harry opened the door slowly, with his wand raised and lowered when he saw us. Hermione pushed her way through Remus and Moody and jumped on Harry in a hug. Alastor pushed both aside, complaining about being killed for a girl's emotional greetings. We all stood in the living room, Hagrid almost having to bend so his head wouldn't hit the ceiling. Harry greeted Sirius warmly, and assured Sirius he was fine when Sirius started to fuss over him.

"Stop fussing over him, mummy" I teased.

He turned, probably to make a rude gesture or retort, but Fleur sent him a warning glance, and he rolled his eyes for being stopped of cursing because ladies were present. Harry chuckled and greeted Fleur and Bill.

"Wasn't always this handsome" Bill joked as Harry frowned at the new scars on Bill's face.

"Dead ugly" Fred teased.

"Owe it all to a werewolf by the name of Greyback. Hope to repay him the favor one day" Bill said.

"Get in line" I grumbled, glancing at Valerie, who stood in a corner, her jaw clenched.

"You are still beautiful to me, William" Fleur said with heavy accent and kissed his cheek, which made him smile like a fool.

"Just remember, Fleur, once you're married: Bill likes his steaks on the raw side now" Remus joked.

"My husband, the joker" Tonks said amusedly, rolling her eyes and took Remus' hand. "By the way, we have some great news… Remus and I-"

"Alright, alright" Moody said interrupting Tonks who shot him a glare. "You all will have time for a cozy catch up later! We've got to get the hell out of here and soon! Potter, you're still under age, which means that you still have the Trace on you"

"What's the Trace?" Harry asked frowning.

"If you sneeze the Ministry will know who wipes your nose. The point is, we have to use means of transport that can't be detected. Brooms, thestrals, the like…" Moody said and I felt Hermione's hand slipping from mine as she moved forward, but I kept my eyes on the window, looking out at the street with Remus. "We'll go in pairs, that way if someone is out there waiting for us, and I reckon they will be… They won't know which Harry Potter is the real one"

"The real one?" Harry asked.

I turned and saw Moody pulling a flask from his robes, with a smile.

"I believe you're familiar with this particular brew" he said amusedly.

"No, absolutely not" Harry said firmly, shaking his head.

"Told you he would take it well" Sirius said amusedly.

"No!" Harry said scowling at him. "You think I will let everyone risks their lives for me?"

"Never done that before, have we?" Ron asked.

"No, no" Harry said urgently, deeply upset with the idea. "This is different! Taking that? Becoming me? No!"

"Well, none of us really fancy it, mate" George said.

"Yeah, imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as scrawny, specky gits forever" Fred said in mock horror.

"Everyone here is of age, Potter" Valerie said. "And we all agreed to take the risks"

"Technically, I've been coerced" Mundungus complained and then with a smile, extended his hand to Harry with a small bow. "Mundungus Fletcher, Mr. Potter. I've always been a huge admirer"

"Nip it, Mundungus!" Moody barked at the same time as Sirius hit him in the head and Remus pulled him away from Harry with a disdainful sneer. "Granger, as discussed"

Hermione who had been standing behind Harry, reached out before he could turn to look at her, and grabbing a tuft of his hair, she yanked hard.

"Blimey, Hermione!" Harry complained, rubbing the spot on his head.

Hermione walked to Moody and put Harry's hair in the flask, watching as a light smoke came up. She walked back to my side, and watched as Moody smiled, shaking the flask a bit and offered it to the twins.

"For those of you who haven't taken polyjuice potion before, fair warning, it tastes like goblin's piss" Moody said.

"Have a lot of experience with that, do you, Mad-Eye?" George teased.

Moody's eye rotated as he glared at him and I covered my mouth to hold back a chuckle as George's smile faltered.

"Just trying to defuse the tension" George muttered.

He took a sip from the flask and winced at the taste, gagging after swallowing it. Fred replayed his twin's reaction to the potion before passing it to Fleur.

"It does taste like piss… At least I can be sure I'll be human" Hermione grumbled as Fleur passed her the flask.

Ron chuckled and I cocked an eyebrow at her curiously. She muttered something along the lines of 'long story', and gulped the potion, thrusting the flask to Ron as she shuddered. I watched as her features started to bubble like hot wax, her jaw becoming more sharp and the skin rougher as a hint of a stubble appeared. She blinked at me and I scowled.

"You look…" Hideous.

"Hey" Harry scowled at me.

"Never mind" I muttered.

"Wow… We're identical" Fred and George exclaimed looking at one another with grins.

"Not yet, you aren't" Sirius said, pulling on the ties of the sacks Hagrid brought and tossed identical shirts and jeans to the twins, turning to Hermione and tossing her the same.

"Don't have something a bit more sporty, do you?" George asked frowning at the shirt.

"Yes, don't fancy this color at all" Fred added.

"Fancy this: You're not you, so shut up and strip" Moody said. "You'll need to change too, Potter"

"I should take a picture of Fleur, Valerie and Hermione, shouldn't I?" I asked Remus jokingly, smirking at Harry, who watched as Hermione pulled her bracelet and necklace off.

"Very funny, Cedric" Harry deadpanned, blushing as he took off his jacket.

"Don't be shy, darling" Valerie said and I laughed as she looked down at her body, or Harry's. "Quidditch didn't help you filling up, hm, Potter?"

"Leave him alone, Valerie" Sirius said but he was chuckling.

"Bill, look away, I'm hideous" Fleur whimpered as she took off her bra and passed it to Bill.

"Damn, we really should have recorded it" Tonks said to me as we laughed.

"I knew Ginny was lying about that tattoo" Ron muttered as he pulled on the shirt.

"What about Ginny?" Fred, George, Bill and Mr. Weasley asked together, frowning.

Harry, which I only recognized because he was the only one with glasses, blushed and pulled the shirt over his head, hiding his red cheeks for a moment.

"Poor Harry, will have the wrath of six older brothers" Sirius commented jokingly.

"Imagine all the jokes and pranks he'll have to endure from the twins" I said.

"Nothing as bad as what James and Sirius did when a boy came close to Lily, I'm sure" Remus commented with a chuckle.

Sirius smiled wistfully while we watched the eight Harrys finish getting ready. One of them stumbled to me, and I assumed it was Hermione, considering it took my hand and leaned into me as she blinked at her surroundings.

"Harry, your eyesight really is awful" she said frowning.

"Blind?" I asked amusedly as I pulled glasses from a smaller bag and handed her one.

She nodded and put the glasses on, relaxing a bit as she looked up at me.

"Much better" she said softly.

"I would imagine you are giving me one of those cute, heart-melting smiles that make me smile back like a love sick fool, but… All I can see is Harry smiling at me like… and it kind of makes me sick" I said scowling.

"I'm with you on that" Bill muttered but took Fleur's hand tightly in his.

"Right then, we'll be pairing off" Moody said, "Each Potter will have a protector. As for you, Harry…"

"Yes?" every one of them answered.

"The real Harry! Where the devil are you?" Moody grunted looking around.

"Here" Harry said raising his hand a bit as he fixed his jacket.

"You'll ride with Hagrid" Sirius told him. "I would take you myself, but it would be too obvious"

"Brought yeh here sixteen years ago, when you were barely bigger than a Bowtruckle. Seems only righ' I should be the one ter take yeh away" Hagrid said smiling down at Harry.

"See you later" Tonks told Remus softly and gave him a quick kiss.

"Be careful" he told her frowning.

She grinned, and skipped to Ron's side. I looked down at Hermione.

"It would be too obvious for me to take you" I said to her with a frown. "Moody says we shouldn't, but I couldn't care less, if you want…"

"Cedric, it's fine, really" she said with a smile.

"I'll take you, if you don't mind, milady" Sirius said smiling at her.

"Of course not" she said linking her arm through his offered one.

I scowled. First, she would be riding on a broom with Sirius Black, the charming, promiscuous Marauder. Second, she wouldn't be close for me to make sure she was safe. Third, we could all be in great danger and I couldn't even kiss her, because she looked like Harry.

"Be safe" I told them.

She nodded and they went with Harry to get his Firebolt.

"Valerie?" I asked, looking at the remaining Harrys in the room.

"Here" she grumbled walking to me and pushing the glass up her nose. "The kid needs eye surgery"

I chuckled and we walked out of the house, and mounted our brooms, standing side by side, waiting for the last integrants of the group to get ready and for Moody's okay to fly off.

"You seem nervous" I commented, watching her shift on her broom.

"I just keep imagining Draco showing up tonight, and I don't want to think of everything that might happen if he does" she muttered.

"You really care for him, don't you?" I frowned.

"He's like family… I know you lot hate him, for all he did this last year, but… I understand"

"Your parents were Death Eaters and you didn't…"

"It's not that, Cedric" she said and looked around, making sure no one had been listening. "I talked to him"

"You what?!" I snapped.

"Just listen, okay?" she said pleadingly. "He's scared, really scared, for his life, his sanity… But Lucius won't give up, even though, after Azkaban, he's a ghost of the man he was. And Narcissa, she knows better, she sees how wrong You Know Who and his plans are, but she won't leave her husband. And Draco can't leave his mother. She's the only family that matters to him, he fears for her safety"

"Look, Valerie, this doesn't change what he did. His reasons for doing are not enough to grant him forgiveness. If he really had no choice, he could have been a double agent…"

"Easy for you to say, you're an natural Occlumens, Cedric!" she hissed. "He was just a boy!"

I sighed and looked around, noticing everyone was ready to go.

"I'll talk to Sirius about it, it's his cousin, after all" I muttered. "But I don't like it"

"Thank you" she whispered.

"Good luck, everyone" Moody said from his broom. "On the count of three. One, two…"

Hagrid's motorbike – Sirius' old bike – roared as we all kicked off the ground and into the dark skies above Little Whinging and muggle London. Although we kept close enough so I could see the other pairs, it wasn't very close together in case we were attacked. And it didn't take long. Suddenly, from one of the dark clouds, three Death Eaters appeared, the smoke of their forms as they chased us lost in the darkness. A light red flash passed in front of me, barely missing my head and Valerie dodged it, but it hit the back of her broom. She squeaked as she spun violently and fell. She screamed as she fell, arms outstretched for the broom that was also falling, but too far for her to touch it. I nose-dived, dodging curses and hexes thrown at me, and noticed Rodolphus Lestrange coming after me, one of his curses brushing against my arm, burning the fabric of my jacket and skin. I hissed and pointed my wand at him over my shoulder.

"Confringo!" I snapped.

With a burst of flame and a pained cry, he started to fall and then disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke.

"Carpe Retractum" I said, pointing my wand at Valerie.

A rope was produced from my wand and wrapped itself tightly to her flaying arms, and pulled her to me. I grabbed her by the arm and settled her on my broom, blocking a curse. She clung tightly to me, taking a couple minutes to catch her breath before joining me in deflecting spells and counter-attacking. It seemed like an eternity before the Death Eaters retreated, but it was worrisome that they had given up. I landed in front of Grimauld Place, the safe-house Moody had assigned me too and looked around the dark street.

"Where are we going?" Valerie whispered. "Moody doesn't tell me anything!" she grumbled.

"The Order's headquarters… At least it was, I'm not sure if it's a good idea for us to go in" I muttered.

"Why?" she frowned.

"The house was safe because, besides Orion Black's security measures, Dumbledore had put protection… But with Dumbledore's death, it weakened. Tonks pointed out that even though it is unplottable, Bellatrix and Narcissa, as former Blacks, might be able to find it"

"And if we're being watched, they will find it for sure" Valerie sighed.

"Come on" I said, going into the small park across from the house.

She followed me silently, both of us with our wands in hands as we crossed the park and I looked around, trying to see if we had passed the no-disapparition area. I grabbed Valerie's arm, and disapparated us to the outside of my old house. It looked exactly the same as it was while I grew up, exactly now there was strangers living in it, and I could see two kids running around the living room.

"Cedric?" Valerie asked softly.

"Let's go" I said, turning away.

She kept up with my quick strides across the hill and the cornfield and I saw a blue flash in front of us, just as the Burrow came into view. We rushed forward and saw Remus greeting Tonks and Ron rushing into the house. I had just stepped out of the cornfield, Remus turned to me with narrowed eyes, when another flash of blue appeared, Sirius and a Harry walking out of the cornfield. Remus and I raised our wands and Sirius smiled, lifting his hands in surrender.

"Now, come on, kitten, let's not do this. I just brought your girl, don't want to embarrass you in front of her" Sirius said teasingly.

"Shut up, you old dog" I rolled my eyes at him, lowering my wand.

"Hey, Moony, tone down on the suspicion. Don't think I'm capable of getting here?" Sirius said walking to Harry.

I pulled Hermione to me, just as she changed back and she wrapped her arms around my waist tightly. I pulled the glasses off her face, cupped it gently and looked her over.

"You're alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, Sirius was great" she said nodding.

"Who do you think taught James' the best chaser moves?" Sirius chuckled, clapping Harry on the back.

I kissed her softly, and she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. After a minute or so, I heard Harry grumbling and Tonks chuckling. I pulled back, and saw Hermione blushing. I chuckled, and held her close to me.

"What gave you away?" Sirius asked Harry, a deep frown showing how worried he was.

"Hedwig, I think. She was trying to protect me" Harry said.

The yard glowed blue, and Fred with Mr. Weasley and Fleur with Bill materialized. Mr. Weasley looked around.

"Are we the last?" he asked, and then looked at Remus. "Where's George?"

Remus, Harry and Tonks frown, the silence telling Mr. Weasley all he needed to know.

"Where is my son, Remus?" Mr. Weasley asked angrily.

"Inside" Remus said sadly. "He was injured"

Fred rushed inside the house, with his brother and father on his heels. Slowly, we followed them into the house. George was lying on the couch, with Mrs. Weasley wiping his face, and smoothing his hair. His clothes were stained in red, the blood flowing from the side of his head. Mrs. Weasley looked up at her husband, and let Fred stand by his brother's side.

"How do you feel, Georgie?" Fred asked softly as George stirred.


"Come again?" Fred frowned in confusion.

George opened his eyes, and lifting a blood-crusted hand he pointed to his blasted ear with the smallest smile I had ever seen him wear.

"Saint-like… You see, I'm holy" George said weakly. "Holey, Fred, geddit?"

Fred let out a sighed chuckle and shook his head, smiling at his twin.

"With the whole wide world of ear-related humor at your disposal, you go for 'I'm holey'? Pathetic"

"Reckon that I'm still better looking than you" George said, his smile widening and Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes at the twin's sense of humor but seemed relieved. "Better looking than Bill, that's for sure"

Bill's lips twitched, but his grim expression didn't disappear. Fleur had a sad frown and leaned into him.

"Mad-Eye is dead" Bill said and we all fell silent. "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated"

"I knew it" I grumbled.

"Mad-Eye reckoned You-Know-Who would expect the real Harry to be with the most skilled Auror" Sirius said. "He knew he would be in most danger"

"It doesn't explain how they knew we would be moving Harry tonight" Mr. Weasley said.

The room grew quiet once again, eyes shifting. Ron's eyes landed on Valerie twice and for longer than necessary and Valerie glowered at him.

"Have something on your mind, Weasley, just say it" she snapped.

"Let's all calm down, shall we?" Hermione mumbled.

"Well, you have admitted to have been pressured by your family" Ron said shrugging.

"So, my family are Death Eaters and that makes me one too?" Valerie said angrily. "I think Sirius, Tonks and I should leave then"

"Ron, Valerie is on our side, she sacrificed a lot to be" Hermione said gently. "I trust her"

"We trust her, Ron" Sirius said seriously.

"Sorry" Ron said blushing and sighed. "Really, I'm sorry"

"Fine" Valerie huffed. "But someone gave us in, and it wasn't me"

"Wha'? One of us? Tha's mad. I'd wager me life it wasn' none of you lot. An' if it was me I'd kno', wouldn' I?" Hagrid said, frowning deeply. "Talk in me sleep on occasion, I'll admit, but there's only Fang aroun' ter hear an' mostly it's gibberish an' besides I'd cut me tongue out 'fore 'd betray 'arry e'en in me dreams –"

His frown deepened and he blinked miserably, deep in thought about how he could have accidentally slipped out the secret. We all smiled and Hermione chuckled into my shoulder.

"Wha's so funny?" Hagrid asked scowling.

"I trust you with my life, Hagrid" Harry said with a smile. "I trust everyone in this room. Understood?"

"Understood" Remus smiled.

"'Ear, 'ear!" George said from the couch.

"Better" Fred said nodding approvingly as we all chuckle.

Since Mrs. Weasley was the tending and fussing over George, Fleur helped Hermione tend to my arm.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Yeah, but I think this arm is out of luck. It's always injured" I chuckled looking down at the lightly burned skin. "One more and I might have to give up on Quidditch"

"That's not funny" Hermione muttered.

Fleur smiled at us, and passed Hermione a potion.

"Hermione, why don't you go check on Harry, I'll be fine. You haven't seen him all summer" I told her.


"Ginny was planning on some small celebration for Harry's birthday" Fleur said.

Hermione frowned and nodded in defeat. She pecked me and rushed upstairs to find her friends. I smiled at Fleur and she gave me a small smile back, before dripping the potion over the burn. I hissed as it stung, clenching my fist tightly.

"Sorry" Fleur muttered.

"It's alright" I said and winced as she dripped a bit more. "Ahn… thanks, for inviting me to your wedding"

"You are not only the Weasleys' friend, Cedric" she said with heavy accent and grinned at me. "You're my friend too. After that damned tournament…"

"Yeah, that ended well" I muttered.

"I'm sorry for your father, William told me" she said softly, wrapping gauze around my arm. "I am thankful You-Know-Who's influence hasn't reached France and that my little sister is safe… I am quite worried about bringing her this week for the wedding, but I can't imagine marrying without her with me"

"You and the Weasleys make me resent being an only child" I chuckled. "To have that kind of bond…"

"I think you bonded quite well with Hermione" she smiled.

"Yes, she's great"

I stirred as something hit my leg and opened my eyes to see that Sirius was shifting around on his armchair, his boots hitting my knee on the coffee table. I groaned, gathered the mugs we left in the table and took them to the kitchen. As I washed them, I saw two figures approaching the house and tensed. I pulled my wand, ready for an attack, and scowled when I saw it was Harry and Ron.

"What the hell were you two doing out there?" I hissed as they walked in.

"Nothing" they said in unison, with innocent looks.

My eyes narrowed on the rucksack Ron was carrying, dressed in his sleeping attire, while Harry was on his day clothes. I sighed and rubbed my still sleepy eyes.

"I don't wanna know. Just, please, go back to sleep" I muttered. "I would hate to have people throttling me because of your nightly recklessness"

"Good morning" Hermione said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning" I grumbled.

"Tired?" she asked frowning.

"You could say that" I mumbled sitting next to her.

I leaned over and kissed her softly. She smiled against my lips and pecked me before standing up and preparing a plate.

"Good morning indeed" I smiled at her.

"I'll help Ginny with the cake and then we'll get ready together" she said setting the plate with Mrs. Weasley's delicious food in front of me.

"I can't believe Fleur and Bill are getting married" Hermione said smiling as she sat down next to me again.

"Why not?"

"Well, they obviously love each other very much, but… I was raised in the muggle world. Bill is older, but she's too young"

"You think?"

"She's your age!"

"Hm… I don't know…" I shrugged and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I could see myself marrying you"

"W-What?!" she gasped, brushing bright red.

I leaned back and sipped my mug of coffee.

"I love to make you flustered" I chuckled.

"Very funny, Diggory" she muttered scowling.

"You're lovely when you're red, love" I teased.

She glared at me, and pushed me away when I leaned in to kiss her.

"No, you're making fun of me" she said.

"Oh, come on, it was kinda funny" I said.

"It was not funny! I almost had an apoplectic fit"

"I resent that" I said grinning. "You could find a worse husband"

"Doubt it" Sirius said entering the kitchen with a grin. "Love's in the air? Sorry. Weddings are in the air?"

Hermione scowled at him and he laughed.

"Oh, you'll have some trouble with this one, Diggory" Sirius said leaning against the sink.

"Did you want anything or did you just came in to interrupt us?" Hermione asked.

"We need kitten here outside to help with the tent, marquee, or whatever it is Molly wants set up for tonight"

"I'll be right outside" I said frowning at him.

He grinned, satisfied he annoyed me and walked out.

"Why does Sirius call you kitten?" Hermione asked amusedly.

"Because the only time I was able to shift into my animagus form, it was a black jaguar" I said rolling my eyes.

"Your patronus is a lion, your animagus form is a jaguar… how did you not end up in Gryffindor?" she asked amusedly.

"Kitten!" I heard Remus and Sirius calling from outside.

"I'm gonna throttle them" I grumbled.

She laughed and stood up.

"I'm gonna find Ginny"

I grabbed her wrist before she could get away, and pulled her to me, crashing my lips against hers. She relaxed in my arms, kissing me back just as passionately, tangling her fingers in my hair. I pulled back and grinned at her, proud to find her breathless.

"Have an apoplectic fit for that" I said.

She rolled her eyes, but was smiling.

"Oh, have you stopped snogging the girl, Kitten?" Sirius teased when I approached the group.

"First, not only is the nickname humorless, it is really disturbing having you call me kitten…" I said scowling. "It's just… wrong"

"He has you there, Padfoot" Remus chuckled.

"Fine, so… pussycat is off too?" Sirius asked and chuckled at me glare. "Okay, I'll stop"

"Good" I said.

"I wonder how Valerie will react to your animagus form… A cat helping a werewolf, that must be a first" Remus mused.

"Well, if a stag helped a werewolf and didn't turn into a snack, I'm sure it will be fine" I said.

"Okay, I think this will work" Mr. Weasley said looking at the enormous circle of silk on the ground. "All together now"

We raised our wands, pointing it to the fabric.

"One. Two. Three!"

The silk rose in the air, creating the perfect wedding marquee, just like Fleur and Mr. Weasley had been discussing it. It was large enough to host all of the Weasley's guests – quite a gathering considering the distant cousins and all. With a strong morning breeze, the marquee trembled and then collapsed. We sighed and try again. This time it seems to set up fine, and we look it over.

"How's it look on your end boys?" Mr. Weasley called out.

"Here it's good!" Sirius called back.

"Ahn… Brilliant!" Fred called out.

I frowned at the hesitation and went to see. Fred and Ron's side was bent and mangled. I winced and Mr. Weasley arrived and looked in horror.

"Let's fix this before your mother sees it" he said urgently.

The silk started to snap, the cornfield and trees shivering with the sudden rush of wind. Suddenly, Rufus Scrimgeour appeared in the yard and walked in the direction of the house.

"Bloody hell, what is the Minister of Magic doing here?" I muttered, watching with a frown.

"Dunno" Fred said with a shrug, "But something tells me he didn't come to give away the bride"

"You look so beautiful" I whispered to Hermione, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to me.

"Well, thank you" she said, playing nervously with her dress. "Glad you think so, Ron's great-aunt, Muriel, doesn't agree. Met her upstairs when she was giving Fleur the tiara. She said 'Oh dear, is this the muggleborn?' and then 'Bad posture and skinny ankles'"

"Don't take it personally, she's rude to everyone" Ron muttered, blushing. "You do look nice"

"Viktor was looking for you" I said teasingly. "I talked to him a bit, he was happy to know you were here"

She blushed bright red and looked down, holding the lapels of my jacket gently. I chuckled and kissed her cheek. Ron walked away, mingling with the guests and we were alone. I looked down and saw the charmed necklace I gave her resting on her collarbone, looking like a ruby to match her dress, the golden 'H' contrasting perfectly for a Gryffindor.

"Don't ever take it off, okay?" I asked softly, touching the stone.

"Never" she smiled up at me.

I kissed her, and when we parted, Sirius came up, a bit too happy.

"Well, hello, lovebirds!" he greeted.

"Sirius" I said and took his glass of firewhiskey. "I don't think Mrs. Weasley will appreciate you getting drunk on her son's wedding"

"I'm on my best behavior!" he said innocently.

"You look very happy" Hermione noted, cocking an eyebrow at him.

"Well, it had become official! I'm gonna be the best godfather ever!" he said grinning.

"What did you do to Harry?" she asked amusedly.

"No, that was the first round. But as I try to be a good godfather to Harry, I can get it perfected for Remus Jr.!"

"Remus Jr. ?" I echoed.

"Tonks is pregnant!?" Hermione gasped.

"Well, let me guess that he has been announcing it to everyone" Remus said coming up to us and clapping Sirius' shoulder. "I should take the offered position for that. Tonks will strangle you"

"You cannot! Besides, who would be a better godfather than I am?" Sirius said frowning.

"I can think of a few names" Remus said teasingly.

"Congratulations, Remus" I said sincerely.

"Thank you, it was quite a surprise" Remus said blushing a bit.

"I wish you the best" Hermione said smiling. "Excuse me, let me find Tonks to congratulate her as well"

I watched as she approached Tonks, who was talking to Mrs. Weasley. Remus watched with affection, chuckling as Tonks' shot a glare in Sirius' direction at what Hermione whispered to her. She nodded to Hermione, a grin spreading across her face, her hair turning slightly lighter and slipped her hand to her belly. Mrs. Weasley asked something, and at Tonk's answer, hugged her excitedly, talking while gesturing a lot.

"So… Remus Jr.?" I asked amusedly.

"Most definitely not" Remus chuckled.

"It will be Sirius James" Sirius said smugly.

"Even worse" Remus laughed, rolling his eyes. "We don't even know if it's a boy… It has been… stressful"

"How come?" I frowned. "She seems very happy, you too"

"Well, I worry about my… condition passing on" he said with a meaningful look.

"And that's why I'll be the cool godfather, because you worry too much, Moony" Sirius said patting him in the back. "It will be fine, you'll see"

"What about you Sirius?" I asked amusedly as he eyed a obviously Veela guest. "Will you always be godfather around here?"

"Why is Hermione pregnant as well?" he teased.

"Good Lord, no!" I said scowling. "That's not funny"

"It's a bit" they said together with smirks.

"I'm not ready to settle down and have a family… I'm too young" Sirius said.

"You're reaching forty" I said teasingly.

"I'm in my thirties, thank you very much" he scowled at me. "Anyway, I want to hear my family's portraits complaining about the end of the House of Black a bit more before I think of settling down" he smirked. "Meanwhile, I think I just saw Fleur's cousin…"

"That's her aunt" Remus rolled his eyes.

"Really?! Doesn't look a day past twenty!"

I laughed as he walked in the direction of said Veela aunt.

Hermione laughed as I pulled her from Viktor, shooting him a not-sorry smile, as I spun her. She rested her hands on my shoulders as we danced.

"You're being silly" she giggled.

"Well, I have to keep an eye out! What if you change Triwizard champions again?!" I said teasingly. "Oh! Bill might be hurt if you still his new wife!"

"Plain silly" she said rolling her eyes.

"I love you" I said leaning in.

"Love you too" she whispered before touching her lips to mine.

It was the happiest I had seen her since we left her parents. Of course, surrounded by celebrating Weasleys could be quite contagious, and with Tonks' glares at Sirius for telling people about her pregnancy, laughter was guaranteed. And even though there were Aurors surrounding the marquee, everyone was having fun, and it was like… for that night we could put the problems aside and enjoy.

Hermione rested her head in my shoulder as we continued to dance and suddenly, I felt her tense. I frowned, pulling back to ask what was wrong and caught Harry standing up from a chair, his eyes fixated on something behind me. I turned around abruptly and saw a ball of silvery blue light come into the marquee. I pulled Hermione behind me as everyone stepped back, creating a perimeter around the bright ball of light as it transformed into a lynx. My hold on her hand tightened as I reckonized Kingsley's patronus, aware he was at the Ministry.

"The Ministry has fallen" Kingsley's voice brought out gasps. "The Minister of Magic is dead… They're coming…"

The Patronus vanished, and with it, chaos started. I turned to Hermione, pulling my wand and dragging her through the crowd. A scream announced the arrival of Death Eaters. A duel broke out as we rushed in the direction I had saw Harry, but I couldn't find him anymore in the scattering crowd.

"Ron!" Hermione called out, looking around. "Ron!"

"Harry!" I called when I caught a glimpse of him running away from us.

Pulling Hermione close to me as I blocked a spell, I rushed a bit more, and saw Sirius holding Harry and pushing him back, in my direction.

"No, Harry! Go! Go!" Sirius snapped at him.

"Ginny…" Harry started to protest.

"I got it!" Tonks snapped blocking a spell and rushing away.

I grabbed Harry by the back of his jacket, and turned to see Hermione holding Ron's hand. I nodded, and she closed her wide, frightened eyes and I felt the pulling sensation of side-along apparition. As I heard a horn blaring, my eyes snapped open and tugged Hermione and Harry back, consequently bringing Ron into the sidewalk as a double-decked bus rushed past us. The streets were full, most of it with druken pub crawlers.

"Where are we?" Ron asked, still shaky.

Hermione looked around and led us through the crowd, her hold in my hand so tight it was almost painful.

"Shaftesbury Avenue" she said glancing at me. "I was thinking about when we came with my parents before the attack, I couldn't think of anywhere else when…"

I looked over my shoulder, but didn't see anything suspicious. Hermione hurried along as I glared at a drunk man that bumped into her, and led us into an alley. She let go of my hand, her shaking hand digging into her small beaded bag.

"We need to change" she said.

The boys glanced at each other's dress robes and frowned while I pulled my jacket off. Hermione passes me one of my jeans and shirt, and frowned, giving me an apologizing look as she gave the boys clothes that I recognized as mine as well.

"Sorry, I can't find anything in here" she muttered.

"It's fine" I said loosening my tie.

"How the ruddy –" Ron muttered staring at the frown.

"Undetectable Extension Charm" I said.

"Brilliant" he said.

"Always the tone of surprise" Hermione chuckled and shook her bag as she looked inside of it. There was a loud echoing of heavy objects as if something had fallen. "That would be the books" she said with a wince.

I chuckled and we continued changing.

Harry led the way into the shabby, greasy, but most importantly empty all-night café. We slid into a booth, the boys sitting across from me and Hermione and she leaned into me, sighing heavily.

"Do you reckon everyone's alright at the wedding?" Harry asked frowning. "Maybe we should –"

"They were after you, mate. We'd just put everyone in danger going back" Ron said frowning.

"He's right, Harry. You have bigger things to focus now" I said.

"Cappuccino, please" Hermione said to the waitress.

"Ahn…" Ron frowned in confusion, clearly not knowing what was alright to ask in muggle establishments. "What she said"

"Same" Harry muttered.

"Black for me" I said.

"Wicked scar" the waitress said before turning around and walking to the back of the counter.

"So, where do we go from here? The Leaky Cauldron?" Ron asked.

"Too dangerous. If Voldemort's taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe anymore" Hermione said.

My grip on my wand tightened as the door squealed, two workmen entering. They glanced at us briefly on their way to the counter, and Hermione laid her hand on my arm to soothe me.

"The Order's headquarters" I whispered. "It's the safest place I can think of"

"My rucksack, with all my things" Harry said shaking his head. "I left it at the burrow…"

He trailed off as Hermione shook her head, her fingers tightening on her bag.

"You're joking" Harry said frowning.

"I had Hermione packing the essentials for days, just in case" I said.

By the way, Cedric…" Ron said shifting on his seat. "These jeans? Not my favorite. A bit too tight. Didn't think it was your style"

I glared at him, Harry smiling as Hermione chuckled. I was ready to retort about the difference of weight between me and Ron when Harry tensed.

"Down!" he snapped.

I pulled Hermione down with me, and the tile exploded on the wall behind where Ron's head had just been. A flash of green brushes over us, singing Hermione's hair.

"Stupefy!" Harry snapped, flicking his wand.

I lifted my head from behind the booth to see one of the Death Eaters crumpling with the jet of red light.

"Expulsio!" the other Death Eater roared.

The table behind Harry explodes and the spell ricochets, shattering a mirror, one of the shards cutting my cheek, then exploding the coffee machine, which sprayed hot liquid all over the Death Eater. He bellowed in pain, and I stood up, aiming my wand at him, but Hermione and Ron were faster, both stunning him. After clashing against the wall, he fell to the floor, spasming.

"Petrificus Totalus" I said flicking my wand.

He froze, his eyes wide as they flickered between us. The waiter steps out of the backroom, pulling her earphones as she stared at the mess then at our wands. Her gum bubbles and pops as she continues staring.

"Go!" Hermione snapped.

She stumbled back into the backroom, and I heard the back door slamming closed a few seconds later.

"Lock the door and get the lights" I said, looking at the people passing by the windows.

Hermione rushed forward, locking the door and pulled the blinds shut. Ron clicked a device that captured all the lights, and from what Hermione had told me, I guessed it was the deluminator Dumbledore had left him.

"Lumos" Hermione whispered, coming to my side.

"This one's name is Rowle" Harry said looking down at the unconscious Death Eater. "He was at the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore"

"That's Dolohov" I said nodding to the other.

Ron turned him around a bit with his foot, and Dolohov's eyes shifted in fear.

"So what do we do with you, uh?" Ron asked bitterly, pointing his wand at him. Kill us if it was turned around, wouldn't you?"

Hermione eyed him uneasily, and he turned his hard expression on her when he caught her look.

"Suppose it's him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?" Ron asked.

"It doesn't matter" I said with a sigh, rubbing my forehead. "First, if we kill them, we'll have to get rid of the body or deal with breaking the Statute of Secrecy…" I shook my head. "If we kill them, they will know we were here"

"It's better we wipe their memories" Harry said nodding in agreement.

"You're the boss" Ron sighed, stepping back. "Hermione? You're the best with spells"

"I'll do it" I muttered, knowing she hated the memory spells.

We walked to the Underground station closest to the café, looking around for any other surprises.

"How is it they knew we were there?" Harry asked scowling.

"Maybe you still have the Trace on you" Hermione said.

"Impossible" I said shaking my head. "The Trace breaks at seventeen, it's law"

Hermione stopped and we all turned around. I eyed her, worried if she was alright.

"What?" Ron asked.

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry" she said sadly and I sighed in relief and rolled my eyes. "Ginny and I… we'd prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding…"

"Hermione, I appreciate the thought, honestly" Harry said gently. "But given that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago…"

"Right" she said shaking her head and took my hand as we continued to walk. "Perspective"

We rushed down the stairs that led into the station and Hermione got the tickets. She extended one to me, but I shook my head, and she scowled.

"I have to go back" I said softly.

"No" she said shaking her head. "No, Cedric…"

"Hermione, I have to go, I have to help the Order. I know you three can take care of yourselves and four people wouldn't be discreet…"

"You promised" she said in a choked voice.

I cupped her face, leaning into her.

"Hermione, please… You can help Harry, he needs you… I'm of more use with the Order"

"What if…"

"We'll see each other soon, you just have to help him with the horcruxes"

"Cedric" Harry muttered.

I looked up at him and he frowned at me.

"You should come" he mumbled.

"I have nothing to add here, Harry… The fact that Dumbledore left you three something in his will, only proves that it is not my mission" I said. "I really can't help anymore. Go to Grimauld, I'm sure it will be safe there until you know how to continue"

"I have nothing to continue!" he protested. "I thought you, Sirius… The Order might help! The only clue I have is RAB and none of us were able to decipher it, and now you're telling me not to contact anyone"

"I think I can help you with that" I said smiling. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything, I was waiting for your birthday, so you wouldn't do anything reckless while underage… RAB. Before going to Hermione's home for the summer, I stayed at Grimauld for a bit… RAB it's Regulus Arcturus Black. He was a Death Eater… Sirius said he had worshipped You-Know-Who, and later changed his mind and was killed for trying to resign. Well, what if backed out because of something he discovered, or something he did?"

"He was killed because of the Horcrux" Ron said with wide eyes.

"That's what I think. I didn't tell Sirius, since you hadn't mentioned what Dumbledore asked you to do" I said. "Start at Grimauld, you might find something"

"Alright" Harry nodded. "Thank you"

He and Ron walked a few steps away and I turned back to Hermione, she was crying silently, her hand clutching the jacket I wore.

"Please, don't cry" I begged, wiping her tears.

"What if something happens… I'll stay with you" she sobbed.

"Hermione, he has the Ministry and you are the Muggleborn friend of Harry. You aren't safe here, you have to go. Harry needs you"

She bit her lip, closing her eyes and I kissed her softly, pulling her lip from her teeth. She embraced me tightly as she kissed me back and I had to pull away after a couple minutes, sensing my will to stay faltering. I cupped her face and looked into her brown eyes.

"I love you, so, so much, Hermione" I whispered. "I love you more than I can comprehend myself, you're everything to me. Everything. Be safe, alright, because it kills me that I won't be there to protect you. But I know you're the smartest witch of our generation and Harry and Ron…"

She kissed me softly and smiled sadly at me.

"I'll be safe as long as you are. Don't be reckless, please" she whispered. "I would dig you up just to kill you again myself if you get yourself killed"

I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Go, love" I whispered.

"I love you… forever" she whispered.

I breathed in her scent as she kissed my lips once more and held myself still, fighting not to go after her as she turned and rushed to Harry and Ron.