It was with great trepidation and excitement that the students would move out to attend their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. And already, rumors were spreading wildly among the student body as to what exactly, their professor could accomplish.

Professor Momochi could walk on water.

Professor Momochi was shell-shocked war veteran, running away from his old life.

Professor Momochi once took down a dragon with only a toothpick.

And so on. Harry had already encountered the Weasley twins on their opinion of Professor Momochi, both of whom swore that they managed to sneak into his room and discovered some pink, robe thing. Obviously, this meant Professor Momochi and his companion stayed in the same room together. The unfortunate implications of this would have to wait though as Slytherins and Gryffindors alike walked out of the classroom where they normally would have had their class.

"Whats going on?"

Ron shrugged, looking over the heads of the rest as he peeked into the room.

"Message on the board says we're meeting by the lake. Looks like a practical lesson today."

Hermione sniffed with mild distaste at that, which Ron and Harry knew for good reason. There wasn't a single book in the list that came with the normal, school supply listing. At least for Defense Against the Dark Arts. To Hermione's mind, this was poor indication of the future as everyone knew books were for when you had to refresh your mind. But it appears her worst fears were realized which she'd say aloud.

"As expected, no doubt we'll be given knives and forced to stab one another like barbarians."

"I wouldn't mind that. Might clean out a few undesirables in this school."

As one, the trio glared at their rival and school enemy of five years onward now. Draco Malfoy, who with his usual cronies smirked at the glares as he taunted.

"What? Its practically doing everyone a favor, getting rid of the filthy mudbloods in this school."

"You watch your mouth!"

Ron bellowed, and Harry was quick to step forward as well when-

"Six little piggys."

It was a chilling voice, spoken in stereo. And out of literally nowhere, the masked men with the chain from before would get in between the two divides...Slytherin and Gryffindor as a sharp wave of killing intent flooded the hallway. Harry would be shocked...What were they? Everything Hermione had ever told him about these types would come flooding back, though he managed to look at least one in the eye. A fact that surprised him apparently, before he chuckled and spoke.

"Master Zabuza is waiting. We've been given authority to deduct points, but my brother and I find physical pain to be so, much more sharper...Don't you think?"

At the less then subtle hint, the students would rush out for the grounds. The last that Harry would see of the two on the other hand, would be them staring straight at him before both vanished in a puff of smoke.

Outside, it appeared to be weather for this part of the world. A fog was coming in, thick and heavy as the students wandered around, waiting absently. Nobody seemed to be there and it only increased Hermione's resentment as she muttered low under her breath.

"This is stupid. I could be studying for other, more important classes then-"

"Has anyone seen Avery?"

Curious, Harry glanced in the direction of the Slytherins as the one who spoke added. "He stepped out for a moment and vanished. Has anyone seen him?"

"Fred! Freeed! Stop hiding, this jokes gone far enough."

It wasn't just the Slytherins...Now that attention had been called, it was then discovered that there were far less students then before. Almost as though they were being-


Harry gasped and acting on instinct, took out his wand as he muttered "Lumos" . That done, he ran into the fog towards the scream. Followed by Ron and Hermione as did a good portion of the others.

"I heard it coming from over here!"

"Should we tell the Headmaster?"

"Which way is the Headmaster?! I can't see a thing in this fog!"

"Are you daft?! Are you all witches or wizards or- AHHHH!"

Now the panic began to spread wildly. Students ran every which way, struggling to find a way out of the fog. Harry on the other hand, would snap out to his friends and whoever else could be grabbed.

"Back to back! Wands out!"

And as they did so, Hermione would flinch as now and then, they heard a scream that was cut off.

"Where's professor Momochi?! If this is an attack, he should-"


Harry was wrong. That killing intent from the brothers was weak in comparison to this now...Like putting a kitten next to a full grown lion. It washed over them all, invoking all sorts of primal instincts...All related to panic. But swallowing down his fear, he raised his wand and spoke.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The stag that leaped out from his Wand rode into the mist, prompting a startled noise before it all cleared up to reveal the following...Out of a class of perhaps thirty students, only nine were left standing. Draco Malfoy surprisingly being one of them, as were Harry and those who banded with him as everyone else around them...Looked to be unconscious. Piled up on the side conscientiously as Professor Momochi, looming large over the survivors...Smiled.

It was not the sort to inspire confidence as he spoke.

"Congrats on surviving day one brats. Ten points to each house member still standing...And ten points from each house, for every one of you who failed and panicked."

With a sinking feeling, Harry realized it was going to be a long school year...

Editors Note: Yes, I'm semi-back. Real life has a tendency to keep you from what you love. Still, have this one on me.