Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Warning: Cousincest.

Dominique is cruel, cold and dangerously beautiful.

He's utterly smitten.


He knows it's wrong. But when he's with her, it's them against the world.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.


"Jamie," she begins one day as she uses her homework to fan herself. The summer day is unusually hot and perspiration clings to her body like a second skin.

"Y'ah?" he mumbles around a mouthful of muffin. She gives him a disgusted look that tells him exactly what she thinks of his manners.

He shrugs, brushing crumbs off his shirt.

"Jamie," she begins again with an impatient sigh. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

He chokes and it takes a moment for him to be able to say, "What?"

She gives him a pointed look. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

He stares at her, shrugs, picks at the rest of his muffin. "Of course you are." His mouth feels dry and he finds himself not being able to look her in the eye.

She sighs again, not bothering to hide her obvious annoyance. "I don't mean that."

He finds it hard to swallow. "Well, then, yes. You're one of the most beautiful people I know," he says, the words trembling from his mouth and he flushes, cursing the fact he has no self-control.

She scoots closer, and touches his face with a finger. He shivers. "You really think so?" she purrs, her voice becoming silky.

"Yeah?" he manages, his muffin long since forgotten as he drops it to the ground. She leans close enough for her lips to brush against his if she desired so.

He moves in, and then.

She pulls back with a cold laugh and a "Sorry, Jamie, I don't swing that way."

He will never want anything more then for her to have finished that kiss.