Authors note- Okay this is my first fanfic ever! This is a Hawkeye/OC story, but im not sure what POV to use so heres the first chapter from my OC's point of view. Please review and tell me if this is a good POV or should it be from Clint's or whatever. Also im using history from the comics for Clint since he does not get alot of screen time! Thats another reason I am not using his might be really good or pitiful so my hopes are up! Now with legal terms I do not own anything that has to do with Avengers or Hawkeye or Marvel or anything.

I was was walking through the streets carrying my groceries in hand. I have been staying in my small 2 bedroom apartment and working at a small diner for some jerk. I had skipped work today because I didn't need the money or the attitude. I walked up the stairs to my apartment and slid silently into the small living room. The building it self was a old fire house and was remodeled to be a living space, with bedrooms upstairs and a garage downstairs. I put the bags on the counter and saw my phone had a message on it so I checked it.

" You have 1 new message. Hey Cas it me Leo calling to tell you you're fired. yeah turns out I don't need your bullshit of not coming in, and rude attitude. End of message to repeat.." I pressed the delete button and started to put my stuff in the fridge. I cannot believe out of all my years I let that man boss me around for the 2 weeks I worked there. I pulled out some left over salad and water and sat at the couch and ate my dinner in silence. I had never been much of a cook so most of my dinners were of salad and other easy food. I put the dishes in the sink and started for the bathroom, once there I had peeled my street clothes off and stared into my reflection. I was average in looks with my medium black hair, electric blue eyes, small frame and birthmark that ran from my stomach, wrapped around my waist and over my shoulder in a big splotch. After a quick shower I got dressed in some shorts and a T-shirt and went up to the roof. New York is not as pretty as the forest or woods, but it is a sight to look at. I don't know how long I was out there but I finally went back down stairs and sprawled into my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I slept in remembering I had gotten fired from my previous job. Living a normal life was becoming more of a burden then a gift. I got on my motorcycle and drove around for a bit, ever since the big alien invasion the roads have been killer when it comes to traffic. The alien invasion was the only excitement I had in a really long time so I was kind of sad to see it leave. I pulled up into what looked like a old boxing gym. I stepped inside the door and saw no one. " Hello is anybody here?"

"Im in the back miss." I walked back and saw a taller man with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He was standing by a punching bag.

"I was wondering if I could join you." I walked towards him and extended my hand.

" My name is Castalia, but you can call me Cas everyone does." He took my hand and shook it. I could tell from his body this man was a leader and a great fighter, but was not right, he was out if place. I felt drawn to him because like me he wasn't from this time. When he stopped shaking my hand he spoke.

" Well ma'am people don't really come in here' but if you insist." He turned away and got a towel and started to wipe his sweat away. I started to look at the punching bag and then nailed it with my fist. I first started to punch the bag then kicked it a couple of times.

" You are pretty good miss." The man said to me when I finished my punishment on the bag.

"Well I try my best. My real skill is in ranged weapons." I shot him a friendly smile and he let out a little chuckle."What is so funny?"

"You are not like most of the people I have met recently... I am so sorry ma'am you told me your name and I didn't tell you mine. It's Steve Rodgers."

" Your name sounds familiar, have I met you before?"

" No ma'am, but I am what you call a celebrity since the invasion." He replied sheepishly. I should have known thats why he seemed out of place, who else would be so mannerly like this.

" Well it's nice to meet you Captain. I am sorry I didn't recognize you at first I don't watch much T.V."

" No need ma'am I am kind of glad someone else treated me like another normal person."He smiled and I smiled back.

"Well it was nice meeting you captain but I must be leaving now." I waved him goodbye and started to walk away when I heard his voice once again.

" Come by sometime Cas." I nodded and got back on my motorcycle and drove off.

" Here is your new case Agent Barton." Fury tossed him the case file and Clint looked it over.

" I don't get to go anywhere?" Clint asked sarcastically. Fury shot him a angry look and dismissed him. " So who is my mark this time?" He flipped through the file and looked over a crime boss that was stealing from Stark Industries and SHIELD. He smiled to himself "This is going to be a piece of cake"

I was sitting on a dark roof of a building while some group of thugs were trying to steal some kind of technology. They moved in to the city after the invasion and used its chaos to steal without consequence. It was'nt like a real hunt but it was close enough. I grabbed my bow and arched back ready to fire. For a brief moment I prayed to Artemis so I would'nt miss and let the arrows fly all hitting their target. I saw all of the men drop to the ground and I quickly dispatched the rest of the men. I was silent as I walked away from the scene, years upon years of practice made me a master of silence. I was a expert in ranged weapons and archery by training under Artemis. After my family was killed in front of me over 1300 years ago, Artemis came to me and asked me to join the hunt and I did. All I had to do was turn my back to men and follow Artemis, in turn she gave me immortality in the form of never growing old or becoming sick. As time passed I became her second in command and good friend, but I watched the world change around me and soon no one needed hunters so now I was just a thing of the past. I put my bow on my back and started to head home when I noticed a glint of a sniper rifle on the neighboring roof. I jumped off the building and headed home knowing someone was watching me.

Authors note- so there my story please comment and tell me if this story is worth continuing.