"And some aces up your sleeve
I had no idea that you're in deep
I dreamt about you nearly every night this week
How many secrets can you keep?"

Do I Wanna Know? | Arctic Moneys

Gwen didn't know what to do. She was so shaken up that it took her some time to she noticed that her eyes where open, but everything was black. She started to move her hands everyone, trying to get a feel her surroundings. All she could feel was the hardness of the chair underneath her. She realized she wasn't tied up, why? Shouldn't she be? Gwen started to get scared; she just wanted to get out of this place. To just go back to her mother, to her brothers. Gwen started to sob uncontrollably. There was silence all around her which was worse. The silence made her mind louder and the thoughts she had been pulling away for so long to come out into the open.

Time passed and Gwen was strong enough to get up, to walk around. She found the wall, she found the door. She thought that was way too easy. This whole thing was so easy, Gwen instantly thought about Peter. She opened the door and covered her eyes from the light. Everything seemed bright. She saw her father there, as well as Peter. "How? Is this some sick joke?" Gwen said in a strained whisper. Her father just looked her in the eye and smiled, the smile she hadn't seen since she was a little child. Gwen ran to him, but he kept backing away. She turned to Peter; he was just standing there, staring at both of them. Gwen started to get angry, why was he just standing there? Why wasn't he doing anything? "PETER DO SOMETHING!" Gwen yelled at him. Gwen felt something hard hit her in the head. She looked everywhere and fell to the ground. Something was off and she knew it.

When she woke up there was a guy holding her and yanking her through an alley. She started to panic and scream at the top of her lungs. She couldn't see the face of the man that was holding her; he just started to cover her mouth with his hand. Gwen tried to scream louder, to bite his hand. The man was too strong for her. What was she to do now? Next thing she knows something red and blue hits her, the man and she's dumped on the ground. Gwen shakes her self's offs and stands up quickly. Then she heard an all too familiar voice in her ear. "Run Gwen." The girl turns around to find spider man dangling from one of the stair cases in the alley way. The man in unconscious and Gwen can't seem to make her legs move. "I-I can't just leave, who is he?" Spider man takes his mask off and in his eyes she can see the strain he is feeling. "I'll go by your house later, alright?" Gwen nods and starts to run towards the city.

How does she get home? She doesn't really know. After Peter talked to her it's all a blur. Her mother sees how shaken up she is and offers her some tea. Gwen takes it and heads up to her room, the thought of trying to explain to her mother everything that's happened makes her sick to her stomach. Why put her mother through more than she already has been going through these past couple of months. Gwen just wants to relax and try to get her heart rate under control again. Slowly and steady, she undresses and puts on her little boy shorts and a light shirt. She sighs at how comfortable she is now; reading seems like the next best thing to do. An hour passes and she almost falls asleep when all of a sudden there is a like knocking on her window. Gwen gets up rapidly and almost screams. Guess her paranoia is still in place. When she sees it's Peter she relaxes and opens the window.

He's hair is a mess and there is blood on his chin and all over his suit. Gwen doesn't say a word when she lets him in. She remember what's she's wearing and her face turns a bright shade of crimson. Shake it off, Gwen; She tells herself. "Here, let me help you take ….that off your suit." She reaches into her closet and pulls out damp cloths. She makes him sit down and starts to work her way from his chin to his hands. There are no words exchanged at all. When she's near his lower stomach her eyes dart up to Peter. His eyes go wide when he realizes what's going on and takes the cloth from her hands. "Don't worry I got it." He finishes cleaning himself off and looks at her. "Gwen-" Before he want say anything she speaks. "Thank you for saving me again, but who was he?"

Sorry I left this as another cliffhanger!

It's been a long time since I updated this story, I lost so much inspiration to write.

Though when I saw that this chapter was half finishes , my OCD checked in and made me finish it.

I got some lovely review and comments about people wanting to me to keep going with it and you guys really made my day, thank you so much and keep those coming so I can really finish this story!