One Mistake

Chapter 8

"Ughhh..." Lucy groaned. She slapped her hand across her face and shoved her face into her pillow. She couldn't believe that she attacked another person in the Top 8.

"Don't worry about it too much Lu-chan! Gray Fullbuster is one of the more nicer people in the group," Levy consoled. She was sitting on a chair beside a dressing table in the room. "Well, rather than nicer, it's more like calmer? Maybe..." She hesitated slightly. Everyone knew that the Top 8 were the most destructive people in school. Especially the Gray-Natsu combo. They were known to fight the most in the group, so she couldn't exactly say that Gray was 'calm'.

"Pfft. Yeah sure," Lucy said sarcastically. After a few moments of mumbling, Lucy lifted her face and got off the bed. "I want to go out." She said, walking over to her baggage of clothes.

Levy brightened with the new conversation. "Yeah, let's go! Where to?"

Lucy hummed softly to herself. "How about that book store we saw on our way here!"

"Yeah! Let's go!" Both of their eyes gleamed and they rushed to get prepared.

The two headed down the street. It was quiet as it was around 9 in the morning, yet it was slightly noisy, people slowly filling in the streets. It was a normal scene in a person's everyday life, but for Lucy it was quite a different experience. She scanned the town, eyes shining with every look she took. The cool breeze that brushed by refreshed Lucy's mind from the day's earlier confusion. Levy saw this and gave a small smile, understanding her amazement.

They continued to walk down the streets, talking to each other about the books they've read and other various stories about their life. After a couple of minutes, They had finally reached the book store off the corner of the street. It was a small, wooden store with an intricate sign full of swirls and an open book in the book

"We've arrived!" Levy said and the two opened the door. A bell that hung above the door rang with a ding and the cashier greeted them with a welcome. They nodded in return and rushed to the back of the store.

Lucy gazed over all the books until one book in particular stood out to her.

"Hey, I didn't know that Zekua Melon made a new book!" She squealed. Levy looked over her shoulder.

"Oh yeah! You have to read it, it's amazing!"

"All of his books are amazing!" Lucy smiled slightly and looked over the book again. "I'm going to buy it. Are you done?"

Levy nodded. "Yeah, I have most of these books already." They headed towards the counter, chatting softly to each other.

The bell rang again as they left the store. Unknown to them though, two men hiding behind a bookshelf watched silently as the two left.

"Hey that's..."

"Yeah, it is..."

"Should we tell the boss?"

"Yeah. That girl's finally out."

"So, what should we do now?" Lucy asked.

"You're not going to read the book right now?" The two were walking down the sidewalk just above the beach, enjoying the smell of the sea breeze.

Lucy nodded her head. "I am. I just feel like going somewhere other than my room to read. It's a bit stuffy in there."

Levy hummed softly and looked towards the beach. It was only 11 in the morning so there weren't many people out and the stalls throughout the beach were setting their shops up.

"Well, since we're at the beach, we might as well use it." Levy smiled. "Why don't we spend some time there."

"Sure! I want to try out the food here anyways. Today's the last day for some free time too so let's use it well!" Lucy agreed. "Let's go grab out stuff. I'll race you there!" They hurried back to the hotel, running as fast as they could.

"I win!" Lucy exclaimed, putting her fists up in the air. Both of them were panting heavily. "You know, it was kind of a bad idea to run before we go to the beach."

"Yeah. I kind of just wanna lay down on the bed." Levy leaned against the wall for a moment before getting up. "Well, I gotta get my swimsuit and all so I'll be right back." Lucy nodded and went to get her stuff too.

A while later, Levy came back with Cana both in their swimming suits along with Cana holding a bottle in her hand.

"I met Cana on my way back to your room. Is it okay if she hangs out with us?"

"Of course. It's nice to meet you Cana-san," Lucy bowed slightly, giving a small smile when she raised her head.

"Ehh, don't use that formal language with me. Just call me Cana. It's better that way." Cana said, slurring her words. It seemed like she was a little drunk.

Lucy tilted her head slightly, a shy smile on her face. "Yes- I mean yeah." Cana grinned in response.

"You sure are polite for someone who went against Natsu Dragneel." To this Lucy's face turned a bit dark. "Why is that?"

"I just don't like him. I mean, he sometimes bullies other students right? I don't see why I should show any respect or politeness to someone like him. I don't know what his reasons for fighting other students is, but I don't believe there is any good excuse to do so." Cana hummed at the explaination, slightly agreeing. But she gave a mysterious smile, as if knowing something she didn't, though it was missed by the two.

"Hm? You're not going to wear a swimming suit?" Levy asked.

"No. Well, I have my swimming suit in my bag just in case I change my mind, but at the moment I just want to read my book." Lucy swung her book in the air.

"Ehh, that's boring," Cana complained, taking a drink.

Lucy smiled. "Well sorry to disappoint you." She grabbed her bag and swung it on her shoulder.

"Aww... I don't want to go swimming alone... " Levy pouted. "Cana, are you going swimming?"

"What am I, a substitute for your friend?" Cana chuckled. "Yeah, I will. I have nothing else to do anyways, plus it'll be fun to drink in the sea. Wait a sec, I'm going to get my swimming suit." She waved her bottle in the air and swiftly left the room.

As she left, Lucy stared at the bottle she was carrying. "What was she drinking, apple cider?" Lucy questioned.

Levy nodded her head and said casually, "Nope. It was whiskey."

Lucy was taken aback. "What? Whiskey?! But we're underage!"

"Oh, no need to worry. She's 19."

Lucy tilted her head in confusion. "19? Then why is she in our class year?"

Levy smiled wryly. "Because she was in class, she was usually drinking and always had a hangover so she never came to school, much less did her homework. In the end she had to stay back a year."

Lucy's sweat dropped. "Ahh... I see..." I wonder if I should even be surprised by now... She thought.

"Okay I'm back," Cana called out. "Let's go have some fun!" She raised her hands up in the air. She grinned and stumbling as she backed into a wall.

Lucy leaned towards Levy, asking nervously, "Is she going to be okay?"

"It'll be fine," Levy brushed off as they saw Cana burp and laugh. Lucy looked at Levy again.

"Well maybe."

The three walked down the path to the beach, happily chatting with each other. Finding a unoccupied part of the beach with a few people playing beach volleyball a several yards away from them. Sticking their beach umbrella into the sand, they laid their blue towel under it. They put their stuff on the side of the towel and Lucy sat down with her book.

"You sure you're not going to go swimming?" Levy asked, holding a blue and white tube.

"It'll be fun," Cana grinned foolishly, still holding the whiskey bottle. Lucy nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'll be fine here." Lucy grinned. "I'm just going to sit here reading my book and relax." She opened the book to the front page. "Don't worry about me, have fun!"

"Well, if you say so..." Levy said doubtfully as the two headed down to the water, waving at Lucy.

She waved back and began reading her book. Under the shade of the umbrella and the waves crashing onto the shore, Lucy felt her muscles relax. After some chaos in the first few weeks, she finally had a day where she could just relax. It had been so chaotic with Natsu and Happy crashing into her room and annoying the heck out of her. She could barely have any relaxation in her room! Sighing happily, Lucy flipped a page in her room and leaned back onto the towel.

Lucy could hear the hitting of the beach ball and Levy and Cana splashing in the ocean. I wish that this could last forever Lucy thought, setting her book aside to close and eyes.

"I'll race you to the sea!"

Lucy immediately opened her eyes, recognizing the voice. I jinxed myself, I totally jinxed myself. She groaned, slapping her hand over her eyes. She rolled onto her stomach, her arms crossing above her head, hoping that it would hide her from the danger to her relaxation that was approaching her. As she did, she could hear the thumping of feet on the sand racing past her. She peeked out from under her arms and turned her head slightly to observe what was going on. Lucy saw Natsu and Gray running as fast as they could, leaving sand flying past them in their tracks. Both of them touched the water at the same time, skidding to a stop.

Panting, Natsu raised both his hands in the air and yelled "I win!" with bright eyes.

Gray, hearing this, twitched and glared at Natsu. "No, I got here first!"

Natsu twitched as well and said, "No, I got here first!"

"No I did!" They started to bicker fiercely, Lucy observing them with dull eyes. You got there at the same time, she thought, adjusting herself so her head could lean on her hand.

Natsu lifted his hand as they started to burn on fire. "Oh yeah? Why don't we settle it with this?" He smiled, veins popping out from his head.

"Sounds fine with me," Gray responded, ice forming between his hands.

Lucy watched them stare at each other, holding their positions. For a few moments, they just stayed like that, making Lucy think when they were going to move. Finally, they ran towards each other, yelling out, until a pair of hands reached out and punched both of them on the head. Natsu and Gray held their heads in pain. Natsu looked up angrily and yelled, "What the hell was that for-..." He suddenly stopped and stiffly smiled. "H-hey Erza..." He croaked out. With the name, Gray also froze into place and quickly looked up.

"You two... What are you guys doing?" Erza scowled threateningly holding a fist in the air."

"N-n-nothing!" Gray sputtered. Natsu and Gray put their arms around each other. "W-we were just, uh... playing around!"

"A-aye!" Natsu squeaked out, 2 stiff smiles on their faces.

Oh come on, there's no way that Scarlet is going to fall for that... Lucy thought to herself as Erza nodded. "Good. Friends should always be nice to each other." To this Lucy's eyes popped out. Ehhhhh?!

Erza turned around for a moment and Natsu and Gray started fighting again. Then again at another moment, Erza turned back and they were happily friends again.

Lucy stared at this in slight amusement and slight exasperation. Erza Scarlet is amazing though kind of gullible. I wish I could be like her, well without the gullible part. She thought whimsically. Then remembering that she was laying down for a reason, she quickly put her head back down, hoping Natsu didn't see her.

Though, unfortunately, Natsu turned his head and saw her.

"Hey, it's Lu!" Natsu grinned and yelled out. He pointed to Lucy and seeing this from the corner of her eye, Lucy groaned. She wished that she could just hit her head with the umbrella stick and just knock out. But she knew it was a stretch and so lifted her head and turned to Natsu with a blank face.

"It's Lucy..." She said, putting her head on her arms. Natsu ran up to her with a huge grin on his face. "Something you want Dragneel?" She hoped that this conversation wouldn't turn into something bad... Like every other time. But she knew deep inside that that was how it was going to turn out.

"Why aren't you swimming?" Natsu asked. Looking up at him now, Lucy could see the red swimming trunks he had on with his taunt shoulders and the muscles on his arm. He has a 6-pack. Lucy hummed in her mind as she answered his question.

"I don't feel like it."

Natsu cocked his head. "What? You can't go to the beach and not swim. Come on, I'll help you in." He slightly pulled her arm.

Here it is! Her mind screamed as she kept her arm to her chest. "I said I don't feel like it!" She glared at him guarding her arm away from him, but apparently, he didn't notice it.

"Aw, come on. I'll carry you in." He knelt down and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder.

Lucy was alarmed. "Wha- Hey, put me down!" She shouted, kicking and squalling. She threw her book onto the towel.

"Hey, stop moving so much -Ow! Hey that hurt!" Natsu grimaced as Lucy kept kicking in the stomach. No way was she going to stop, she didn't want to be manhandled like this!

"Let go of me!" Lucy shouted, struggling through his grip. After a while, Natsu finally relented and let go of Lucy onto the ground. Lucy sighed in relief, but she didn't know where Natsu had dropped her. Reaching butt first onto the floor, Lucy splashed into the salty ocean water that had just come from the previous wave. Frozen in shock, she sat there for a moment until another wave came washing over her, drenching her all over in sea water.

Natsu just laughed at her misery on the sidelines as Lucy got up quietly from the soaked sand. She was so glad that she left behind her book.

"L-lu-chan..." Levy said, nervously watching her as Cana amusingly looked over to Lucy while taking a drink.

"Hahaha, won't this be interesting," Cana grinned and took another shot.

Lucy stood up and walked over to the laughing Natsu who was holding his stomach from laughing too hard and stood in front of him. As he stopped laughing, Natsu just stared at her motionless body. After a while, he said, "Uh... Hello?" To this, Lucy immediately responded by grabbing his hair and throwing him into the ocean.

Silence enveloped the beach except for the occasional wave as everyone watched Natsu with his head stuck in the ground and Lucy panting with rage. This was all too soon broken when in the distance, Gray was laughing until his stomach hurt and fell onto the sand.

Natsu pulled himself out of the sand and with the help of the magically appearing Happy, he angrily brushed the sand off his face. Childishly, he grabbed a clump of sand and threw it at Lucy, hitting her directly in the face. Just as childish, Lucy picked up a ball of sand and threw it back at him.


Suddenly it was a sand war. Natsu and Lucy were throwing a frenzy of sand balls at each over both soaked to the skin and covered in sand. Happy was in the middle of it, screaming in fear as he dodged all the balls.

"Guys, please stop fight-" Erza started. As she was trying to calm the two, a sand ball flew over to her and covered her face with damp sand. Natsu and Lucy paused and slowly turned to her in fear. Erza started shaking and removed most of the sand from her face. Her hands twitched as veins popped from her head.

"You two..." Natsu and Lucy shrieked in fear. "Stop this nonsense fighting now!" In return for their 'attack', Erza grabbed two clumps of sand and aimed at them. As soon as they hit, Natsu and Lucy fell back from the intense strength of her throw.

Natsu immediately, got up and grinned. "Oh... It's a sand fight!" He grabbed some sand and threw it Gray, striking him in the face.

Gray responded quickly, grinning. "Fine with me!" He grunted as he threw some back at Natsu to which he dodged, hitting Lucy in the face.

"Watch your aim Fullbuster!" Lucy growled, but grinned and threw some sand at Levy. "Join in Levy!"

"I-I don't know Lu-CHA-" Levy started, but fell when she felt something hit the back of her head. Holding her head, she turned around and saw Cana grinning and picking up another sand ball. "Wait, Can-" Before she could say any more, Cana had already throw it, smacking Levy in the face. In a second, Levy swiped the sand off her face and grabbed some sand and threw it at Cana.

Unfortunately for Levy, she had dodged it. Before Levy could throw another, Cana grasped another sand ball and threw it at Erza. "Come on girl, don't just stand there!"

Erza huffed, but got a lump of sand and said, "Fine, but I won't hold back!" She threw it at Gray, in which he returned. Erza dodged it, hitting Levy in the progress. Levy threw a sand blob at Lucy, smacking her on the shoulder. Immediately, Lucy threw some at Natsu as he was throwing a sand ball at Cana. This continued until noon when the teachers came to break them up.

And so went on the day.

Hey guys! Been a while! Let's just get it straight and say I don't have a great excuse for not uploading since my last author's note. Basically, I was lazy. School was getting me exhausted everyday and all I wanted to do was just lay down, watch some videos and sleep. And that is just sophomore year high school. I am sooo not looking forward to senior or junior year.

But anyways, thanks you guys for sticking with me for all these years! Writer's block is a bitch. Don't care about censoring. For now. While revising my chapters, I added some stuff and I found that I had HORRIBLE grammar. It was just terrible. I couldn't look at it. I'm just wondering how you guys could handle it. The things I added aren't very important, just a few things to make the chapters long and which I say, this is the longest chapter I've written. Those chapters were short. This chapter is around 3,100 words without the A/N. I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but I hope you guys will be patient and wait for me!

That's all. Thanks for reading!