How Did We Get Here

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Part III.

There Is Something I See In You


"I am myself. I'm just showing you what I want."

Yosuke tried to lean his body against the tall figure in front of him.

"Believe me; I've gotten a clear understanding of what it is you want."


"Then why don't you give it to me? If you don't then I'll just go find someone else who will."

Sensing that he wasn't going to be getting what it was that he desired from the man in front of him, Yosuke started shifting gears and began to pull his grasp away from the hand that was holding onto him almost direly.

Yu suddenly felt very worried and only increased the amount of strength he was applying to that wrist.

"Let. Me. Go."

The underlying tone was full of nothing but anger, and the lifeless look peered up at him as his body remained turned to try and leave.

"You're not leaving like this."

The possessed young man smirked before moving his free hand to grab at his crotch again. The unexpected touch made his grip loosen allowing Yosuke enough time to slip away and start heading towards the door.

Feeling very annoyed with all of this, Yu raced after him, effortlessly pushing the other back against the living room wall.


Grey eyes flashed with a mix of irritation and refusal to let go.

"I thought you didn't want me. Suddenly changing your mind?" The voice began to delve back into that tone meant to tempt its listener.

Yu grimaced. He wasn't sure what had made him suddenly teeter over the edge of being calm. It was probably the instant that he had imagined his friend with someone else.

Now he understood how the other had felt.

"Does it matter?"

"You know it does because then I get to fuc-"


The last bits of that sentence were never finished.

Yosuke's figure suddenly went completely limp for a second.

Yu still held him against the wall, swallowing anxiously as he wasn't sure just how things were going to develop now.

That was when life began to reveal itself in the auburn-haired man again. Those brown eyes slowly raised themselves to show a sense of normalcy.

"Are you, you?"

"Am I me..?"

Yosuke looked really confused for a moment.

"I mean, never mind."

Realizing he was being held up against the wall, Yosuke started questioning his friend. The last thing he remembered was talking in the kitchen.

"Is something wrong? Did we get into a fight or something?"

The sudden sense of not remembering how he had ended up over here started running through Yosuke's mind.

"Did I pass out again or something?"

"Yeah something like that."

Although the possession seemed to be over, Yu still hadn't moved an inch from his position. His hands were still holding onto those shoulders to keep them pushed into the wall just as he stared at the slightly shorter man.

"Do you remember anything?"

"Well if I pass out, how would I remember anything?"


Yu was silent for a moment. That worried Yosuke to bits.

"Did something else happen?"

"I don't know how to begin explaining this."

"Explain it to where I can understand."

Yosuke was well to put it bluntly, an idiot. He didn't take overly descriptive or confusing things very well.

"That shadow last night had produced something near you right before you passed out the first time."

"Okay and..?"

"You've been possessed."

"Like…my head spinning possessed?"

Yosuke recalled the Exorcist. He suddenly got a cold shiver down his spine.

"No more along the lines of, you were doing things when you were supposedly unconscious."


"The effects of a succubus are that you act out your deepest desires."

That line triggered an instant tension in the room. Silence was inserted into the conversation as Yosuke immediately had his thoughts reeling.

He knew.

Just looking at those grey eyes, he could tell that he had done or said something to give himself away.

All this time, he had done so well to hide everything he had felt for his best friend. All the pent up feelings were so difficult to restrain, but he had been doing it by some miracle.

To know that it had been revealed like this, it just wasn't fair.

"Sorry if I did anything."

There was nothing else he could say.

He imagined it must have been hell, having to sit there for this long constantly worrying that your best friend might make a move on you. And Yosuke didn't need an explanation on that, he knew what type of creatures succubus' were from mythology, and he could assume just what he probably had tried when he was possessed.

"It's fine. I just want to make sure that it's all out of your system."

Yu tilted his head to the side a bit, carefully watching his friend and his mannerisms.

"Chie said it should've only lasted 24 hours, and it's been past that now."

"Well I feel fine."

Yosuke did his best to fake a smile as he could feel the grip on his shoulders slowly loosening.

"Let's hope so."

Removing himself from holding the other man against the wall, Yu turned his attention back to the food in the kitchen.

"Dinner should be ready now."

Suddenly not feeling hungry at all, Yosuke kept his fake smile in place as he tried to seem eager.

"Great, I'm starving man."

All he could do was fake everything.

The friendship was real.

The bond was real.

The feelings were real.

But he had to fake it all so he didn't completely break down in front of his best friend.

Yu had taken to finishing preparing the soup giving him a few solitary moments to calm down.

It was clear that both the possessed side of the young man nearby and the current one were both feeling something towards him. He already knew how his friend bottled up his emotions. This wasn't something that could be put off for very long.

They would have to deal with it soon. With the lives they led, any day could be their end.

The succubus was proving to be the perfect example of that.