Author's Note: I love you people! I. Love. You. PEOPLE! :D You guys who have been filling up my inbox with such nice words and alerting and following my stories like crazy, you're making my week! This is the best fandom ever :'D Enjoy this little fic, I'm sorry I can't remember more of how this scene went!

"He's a character." Peter laughed nervously. "That's my uncle. He's a pathological liar, he-he must have mistaken you for someone else."

"Aw, man, that means you don't have me on your computer?" Gwen asked with mock disappointment.

"Well, I do, I mean, you're on the debate team, and I took a picture of the debate team. He must have seen me touching stuff up." Peter said awkwardly.

Gwen raised her eyebrows. "You were touching stuff up?"

It took Peter a second to get the joke. "I'm not even going to answer that." They both laughed.

"Did you get expelled?" Gwen asked.

"No, no I didn't get expelled. I got community service."

Gwen nodded, biting her lip. She started to walk away.

Peter glanced over his shoulder to make sure his uncle was gone. "Um, so, ah, you wanna, ah.. I dunno." Words, Parker. Speak. It's not that hard! He mentally shouted at himself. "Um..." He shook his head. I don't know. We could, ah, we could... O-or, y'know, we could do something else..." Peter made pointless gestures with his hands, surely making him look like even more of an idiot in front of Gwen.

Gwen nodded. "Yeah."


"Either one."

Peter stared at her for a moment. "Really?"

"Yeah." Gwen grinned at him.

"Alright, good. Sounds good."


There was a few moments of excruciatingly awkward silence. "But, not right now..."

"Oh, no, I can't right now, busy."

"So busy. Like, I've got so much to do. So much."

A little more silence.

Gwen bit her lip. "So, I'll catch up with you later?"

"Yeah, yeah! Later." Peter replied with another nod.

Gwen twirled. "Gotta get to class."

They both laughed, and neither said anything else, not wanting to increase the awkward factor. After Gwen had disappeared down the hall, Peter still stood there grinning like the idiot he was. He bounced up and down slightly, then turned around, fairly skipping to his next class.

(Another) Author's Note: I cannot get over the way Andrew skipped! *dies*Thanks to you all who review and favorite this! You'll see more of me soon :D Edit: I found a cip of part of this scene on youtube! So while it's a little more accurate now, it's still not exact. Thanks for the support!
