This is what was classed as an EMERGENCY. Why? Simple. Allen had to pee. Reeeaally bad. The problem? Neah was lying in front of him on the comfy, plush bed, it being, well, night time and all. Behind Neah was Heaven. Namely, the bathroom. But to get to the Promised Land Allen would have to somehow get out of Road's hold and around light-sleeper-extreme Neah. Quite the feat indeed. Why oh why did he have to go in the middle of the night? It was such a relaxing sleep to... Allen pouted sullenly. But he knew that wouldn't help any, so he got to trying to wriggle out of Road's hold. Finally, after some slight wiggling and prying he was free. Now to get over Neah... Oh screw that. He had to GO.

Neah was awakened to a foot in the face. Not the most relaxing thing to wake up to. "Oh... My cute and adorable nephew is so cruel to me..."

It was a day of blue skies and fair weather. Birds chirped with a fervor of sexually frustrated lovers. The clouds were all gone as if being chased by a pregnant woman. The wind seemed to whisper the newest gossips to the trees, who shook their leaves in shock of the scandalous revelations. Edgar Allen Poe married his first cousin? No way! All in all it seemed a fairly peaceful morning. And then the students were introduced to their new teachers.

"Innocence destroys akuma and exorcists wield innocence. Any questions on Akuma, Innocence and exorcists?" Neah looked at the fifth years with a look that said 'it's-alright-if-you-ask-a-really-dumb-question-I- won't-mind-too-much-you-baboons'.

Hermione raised her hand. "Brunette who is constantly taking notes. Speak."

"Where do exorcists come from?"

"They came from all around although they are all from an organization called the Black Order. The Black Order was a religious order that was extremely corrupted. Make no mistake. These may have been Men of God but that does not stop one from being selfish, greedy and ruthless. The Order treated it's exorcists as hunting dogs, to do with as they saw fit. The Order fought against a family that was not much different save the fact they were family. That family was called Noah. There were originally 13 Noah. Then came along two new Noah, the Fourteenth and the Fifteenth. The Musician and the Clown." Neah went quiet for a moment staring at his deliciously shocked students. His students were that of all four houses, all fifth years and all hanging on to his every word.

Neah gave a swift glance around the room to check to see how his little family was doing. To his right on the far side of the gigantic room(which had to be large enough to accommodate all the students and still be big enough for some demonstrations) the ever-so-sexy-but-in-need-of-anger-mangement Kanda leaned against the wall while Lavi the God of Hammers and Hotness attempted to sneakily braid the samurai's hair. To the left of those two it seemed the elegant-but-rugged Tyki who-spent-two-hours-the-bathroom-getting-ready and Road the no-longer-in-doll-form and current-sweet-smuggler-along-with-Allen were in a contest to see who could hold their breath the longest. Allen his cuter-than-a-Ultimate-Uke-in-a-maid-dress was grinning while innocently shuffled his cards, giving Neah the feeling the loser had to play poker with Allen. The poor souls.

Well. Back to class.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat in complete silence as they stared out across Black Lake. Many others were out and about, and the Golden Trio could hear the far off yells and laughter that signaled Fred and George were at it again. Oh dear...

"Bloody Hell, what was that?" Ron rumbled.

"Well, Ronald I believe that was our first class. But what I want to know is are they exorcists? Neah has enough animosity to be one*." Hermione pondered aloud as gazed across the water.

"I don't know 'Mione. He seemed to like the Noah family." Harry groaned as he let his head fall back.

"... ! #$%^&*.

"Ronald, watch your mouth." Hermione sighed tiredly. And then it hit her. "I'm going to the library." And she left.

"She always does that. Doesn't bother to wait for us, does she?" Ron grumbled, glowering at the spot the resident smarty-robes had just left.

"What'd you expect, mate?" Harry questioned.

Neah stared at the bruise that was slowly forming. ! #$%^&* it. Allen sure knew how to kick. Or stomp. But it was okay. Neah, being the lovely uncle he was, had forgiven his impatient nephew. After Allen had kissed his cheek of course.

Delores Umbridge glanced nervously, along with the rest of the staff, at the human vacuum that was the Destroyer of Time. She shuddered in disgust. Taking a quick glance at the survivors she quickly took note of several details.

a) That white haired monstrosity ate an alarming amount, the troll.

b) The one with black hair and no beauty mark seemed to have acquired a nasty bruise. Internal conflict, perhaps?

c)They all seemed fond of each other, like a pack of vicious and disgusting wolves. Maybe vultures?

d)They were more disgusting then half-breeds.

e) She knew she, Dolores, was absolutely going to get rid of them. No matter what.

From that moment on Dolores Umbridge started to plan on how to get rid of the last survivors of the Holy War.

Kanda immediately tensed but in such away, that if you had not known him well, you'd have never noticed. Or you just weren't the previous Bookman's apprentice as a certain annoying usagi was.

"What's the matter Yuu-chan?" Lavi spoke with brightly with false cheer. "Che. It's too stuffy." There is too many people here. I can't tell where the threat is from.

"Would it help if you went across the room? Maybe outside?" Is it close? Or far?

"That wouldn't help. I'll eat my soba before leaving baka usagi." Close. I can't tell who or where.

"Why not have some chips? Before Moyashi takes it all." Should we tell the others now or later?

"Che. Who'd want to eat that, Usagi?" Later.

And so the conversation ended.

Neah and Road brainstormed about the two possible threats. The one at dinner and the time screw up. Neediless to say, but I shall say anyway, the two had some very interesting ideas on catching and...getting information from them. The Fun neVer enDs!