Chapter One

Narrator POV

It started out as your average day. Okay, your average day if you're Allen. So yeah. An average day for Allen. I dare you to say that three times really fast without stopping. Allen did. He failed. So his ,Allen, average day was waking up, eating an insane amount of food, arguing with Kanda, playing poker with Tyki, plotting with Road and Neah, and joking around with Lavi. But then Allen's average day turned not so average. In other words he got a visitor. Now, you have to understand that the six survivors of the Holy War never, ever, EVER got visitors. EVER. Hell, the only friends they had were either dead, in prison, a meanie, or the headmaster of a school named after a pig and a facial annoyance. So, naturally, they went investigate. Whom did they find? Dumbledore, that's whom. In other words the headmaster of a school named after a pig and a facial annoyance.

"...Someone actually visited us. I think...the end of the world is coming." Lavi spoke in shock. Kanda promptly whacked him on the head. Ouch. That's gonna leave a bruise.

"So...why did you decide to bless us with your presence? You usually send Faux. Must be important. For you to actually show up, that is." Tyki stated pleasantly. You could hear the venom in his voice. Bitter much?

"I want you to teach at Hogwarts." Oh, okay. Wait, WHAT?!

"You want us to what?" Asked a skeptical Kanda. Can you blame him? "I want you and the rest of survivors of the Holy War to come teach at Hogwarts." Responded a cheerful Dumbledore. Like it was every day he came and proposed a teaching positioned to the very six people who are the last beings on earth, you want teaching your children. "Why?" Asked the ever curious Lavi. But then who wouldn't be curious?

"Because you all are experienced fighters that I believe will sufficiently protect my school from Voldemort. I believe I've already sent you a letter explaining everything, yes?" They nodded. "Besides the Ministry can't interfere with your coming to Hogwarts simply because who you are. And Voldemort is back whether Fudge believes so or not. You have already agreed to help me, so come and teach. Please." Dumbledore explained. He knew the risks. The survivors weren't exactly what you would call sane. And even though they had control over their blood lust there was a chance that it could get out of control. So the survivors knew he, without a doubt, was completely serious. Oh, shit.

"If we agree...what would we be teaching exactly?" Allen spoke cautiously.

"One class that taught both the history of the Holy War and Muggle Defense."

"…Well… I don't see any harm in it. Besides the kids' mental state when we're done teaching. What about you guys?" questioned Allen. Rather blunt isn't he? He looked at the only other survivors who were Neah (A.N. He's separated from Allen in this fic.), Tyki, Kanda, Road, and lastly, all seem to communicate with each other silently.

"We're okay with it. On one condition. We get to torment the brats and the teachers to our hearts content." Neah spoke for all of them. "I agree to your terms. Just don't go over board. And I was all so wondering if you would join the Order of Phoenix?"

"No, we don't want to be personally involved. We're only going to Hogwarts because you are one of our only friends. Period. Its pretty sad." Lavi admitted.

"Yeah. So we'll come when school starts. Agreed?" Allen asked.


And so the deal was sealed. Hogwarts was going to have a very interesting year. Especially a certain dark haired fifth year.

So, what do y'all think? This is the rewritten version and I must say I am proud. I decided to put Road in here 'cause she's awesome. Also, only one person said if they wanted a fivesome or not. And no one has entered the poll. I don't mean to whine but, you might not like outcome if you don't vote. Well, I don't own anything.
