I should've written this story once I had this idea a long, long, LONG time ago. I can't believe how much obvious this idea was in front of me. Damn. :P
Disclaimer: I don't own the Paper Mario series. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems do. I'm just a loyal fan, with Paper Mario: TTYD being one of my favorite games of all time.
A light drizzle fell upon Poshley Heights as a young Toad girl walked around the city, holding an umbrella in one hand and a bunch of fliers in her other hand. She stopped in front of a brick wall and put her fliers and umbrella down, fishing in her coat pocket for something.
"Agh...c'mon..." she muttered, forgetting about the drizzling rain that was now soaking the fliers. After a few seconds, she took out a roll of tape and picked up a flier, sighing in disappointment that it was a bit wet.
"I hope the ink won't trail," she thought, holding it against a wall and taping it to it. When she was done, she smiled at her handiwork and walked to find different locations to put up the fliers.
A few minutes after she left, the flier flew off the wall and sailed through the air before hitting an unsuspecting Bumpty in the face. "What's this?" he mumbled, taking out his magnifying glass from the bag he was holding and looking at the flier through it. "Luigi Fan Club...? Meeting's scheduled in Petalburg tomorrow at sunset? Hmm...this will be an amazing chance to meet the extraordinary Luigi! I'm there!"
"So...what's this about a 'Luigi Fan Club?'" Goombella asked her professor, a look of confusion on her face as she looked over the flier that he received from her.
Professor Frankly shook his head, setting a stack of books on his desk. "I don't know, Goombella. This flier hit me in the face as I was entering this building. It seems rather interesting, though."
"Yeah, it really does...I didn't know there were admirers of Luigi," Goombella wondered aloud. "A lot of people I met while Mario and Luigi were in Rougeport seemed to have a beef with him, and most of them were even WITH him, apparently. Something about a Waffle Kingdom..."
Frankly chuckled a bit. "Well, it must be nice that there are some folks out there that appreciate him, eh?" he replied, opening a book while straightening his glasses. "Interested in going?"
The young Goomba girl stroked her ponytail in thought. "Yeah, I'm gonna go. I was gonna visit Koops tomorrow, anyway," she decided, smiling a bit. "It's been a few months since we stopped the Shadow Queen, and I was gonna visit the others this week."
"Speaking of that quest to stop the Shadow Queen, I wonder how that Mario is doing..." her professor piped, reading his book.
Goombella sighed. "Me too...I'll try contacting him with the Mailbox SP you gave me soon," she answered, walking toward the door. "Are you going to that meeting tomorrow, Professor?"
The informed Goomba looked up from the book he was reading. "Well, I suppose I could. After all, I don't know much about the fellow," he told her, looking back down to his book. "Should be an interesting experience."
"Totally," Goombella agreed, opening the door and walking out of the building. "See you tomorrow, Professor!"
"Same to you, Goombella. Have a safe trip home! It looks like it's gonna rain a bit harder out," Frankly warned, looking out the window.
"I'll be fine!" the female Goomba assured him, beginning her walk home.
Short beginning, I know, but this was basically all that was on my mind. Things should get more lengthy later, I promise. ;)