Silver whirled around and pinched Gold's vociferous cheek with the hand that was not occupied with his lover's. "Shut up, you twit!" He snapped. "The taxi won't come if you bark at it! I know you've never been in a city as large as Saffron before and you have the patience of a Spoink, but calm the hell down!"
The molten, flaxen eyes of Gold affixed on his taller and thinner boyfriend with amusement. "Hey, I live in Johto," he scoffed, a jolly smile upon the width of his tan, round face. "I was born not that far away from Goldenrod City. There are taxis everywhere. I know how to hail one, so chill out, baby."
Twitching, the redhead flicked Gold's nose for good measure. "I wanted to take a trip with you to my home town," Silver grumbled, "not listen to you bitch at cabs the entire time."
"You're out of luck. I always bitch, regardless of location."
"Yeah, I know."
Silence. The pair stood beneath the awning that sheltered the cab station outside the entrance to the Magnet Train, traveler from Kanto and Johto bustling back and forth with luggage and bawling children and hamburgers, eating rapidly on their rushed way. The skies over Saffron City were beginning to bleed grey with churning storm clouds, the overhead blanket already sprinkling droplets of rain down upon the tarmac. Their luggage was in a duffel bag by Silver's feet—being men, they carried light, as they only needed clothing and enough money to for the occasional meal.
They were here, where there was everything—they only required each other.
"Is it tough?" Gold asked him, shaking Silver from his mild reverie. "Coming back to Kanto, I mean. I know you didn't exactly have a… loving childhood."
"Not particularly, no," Silver said, and this surprised him. Every other time that he'd been forced to return to the Kanto region, Saffron City specifically, a dreadful weight sat solidly in his heart and refused for him to enjoy his surroundings. When he was here alone, he thought of his abusive, distant father and his fragile mother, crumbling under the absence of love that her former husband denied her. He even neglected to walk by his old home—now, of course, it was inhabited by a new family, but ten years ago, he had lived there before his mother passed away.
But today, there was no burden. He felt utterly free.
Leaning down, Silver brushed a locket of his boyfriend's dark hair out of his eyes and kissed him on the temple. "I think, in part," he whispered. "It's because of you.
Gold looked confused. "Us not getting a taxi?" He inquired.
With an uplifted smile, Silver shook his head and squeezed Gold's hand once.